Speaker: Larry Garfield
Slides: http://www.garfieldtech.com/presentations/sfsf2012-drupal8/#1
- Powers 2% of sites
- Explosive growth
- Large community
- Thousands of extensions
- 11 years old
- Powered by PHP4
- Kernel of drupal
- HttpFoundation
- Routing
- EventDispatcher
- Steering as close to existing components as possible
- Extended HttpKernel
- Drupal drastically rewrote their loader to mimick symfony style and PHP5 standards.
- Drupal has ~1000 routes, most admin routes
- NestedMatcher is nearly complete
- Databse backed fit based algorithm
- Multi-stage matcher, filter based
- Configurable via DIC
- will support mimetype based matching
- tentative work on stand alone negotiation library
- Will be pushed upstream to Symfony CMF routing
- Drupal has a lot of globals
- Migrating to use injection container
- Currently used to check if global, else use DIC.
Drupal 7
- Like event dispatcher but uses function_exists() for registration
- Used for procedural AOP
- Faster than EventDispatcher
- No need to compile
- No class autoloading
- Hard to unit test
- Only one of each hook per module
Drupal 8
- Will have both EventDispatcher and Hooks
- EventDispatcher closer to the core, Hooks further out
- Refactor hook engine to not be completely global for testing
Drupal 9
- Just eventDispatcher?
Drupal 7
- PHP as tempalate language
- Array based rendering, defer rendering until the last possible moment
- Powerful preprocessing/filtering
- Extremely flexible
- No need to compile templates
- On ramp for front-end developers to become PHP developers
- "All template languages eventually evolve to become Turing Complete"
- Extremely opaque
- Unpredictable
- Front-end need to become PHP devs
Drupal 8
- More secure
- More front-end developer friendly
- Twig.js
- Not drupal-proprietary
- Extremely different model makes transition difficult
"Proudly Invented Elsewhere"
- YAML component for config
- Doctrine common annotations
- Partial composer usage
- Assetic (meh)
- Guzzle (HTTP requests)
- Imagine (image handling)
- PSR-0
- Gettext
- PhpStorage
- Archiver
- Graph
- Plugin
- Reflection
- Configuration management
- Mobile friendly administration
- HTML5 everywhere
- Improved multi-linqual support
- Responsive Mobile-First themes
- Revamped entity system
- Block driven, ESI friendly layout
- SF2: MIT
- Drupal: GPL
Drupal added:
- New Flash messaging API
- File Streaming -- 2.2
- Response::prepare() chaining
- Improve FlattenException
- UTF-8 encoding weirdness in JSON
- Allow routing matching on a full Request
- Make RouteCollection countable
- Imrpove route serialization
- TODO: missing item. Please fill?
Drupal isn't a framework, isn't a CMS-- it's a (symfony based) platform