Beta for testing
Superclass for TxtCollection (from SOS wrapper) and HdrCollection (CS format). A Collection is primarily a dictionary of LUT objects referenced by their wavelength, with additional meta-data. The creation of the Collection is agnostic to the actual content of 'path', and gathers meta-data and binary values automatically.
none, all private
- sensor (str): name of sensor found from filename
- aerosol (str): name of aerosol type from filename
- bands (numpy.array): vector of wavelengths from filename
- prop (str): prop from filename
- luts (dict): dictionary of Lut objects referenced by their wavelength
import Luts.Collection as lt
Create a collection of Luts for 'refl':
venus_refl = lt.TxtCollection("tests/VENUS_zerodeuxSansAbsorption", var='refl')
Show available bands :
Slice the lut for 492nm along tau, alt, d_phi, th_v, th_s and plot the resulting r_toa = f(r_surf):
venus_refl.luts['492'].data.sel(tau='0.125', alt='0', d_phi='0.0', th_v='7.0', th_s='15.0').plot()
A LUT object contains primarily the lut values in (xarray), and additional meta-data
none, all private
- data (xarray): contains the lut values from binary file
- dims (str): label of lut dimension
- dims_len (list): size of dimensions
- coords (dict): xarray coordinates
- fmeta (str): name of meta-data file
- name (str): label name of the variable from lut
only through a Collection (recommended)