- Short description and the purpose of this PR is present above this paragraph
- Your name is present in the AUTHORS file (optional)
If you have any questions or problems, please give a comment in the PR.
Make sure you check/merge the PR using devtools/pr-tool
to have some simple automated checks run and a proper changelog record added.
- Is the PR title usable as CHANGELOG entry?
- Purpose of the PR is understood
- Commit descriptions are understandable and well formatted
- Required backport PRs have been created
- Correct milestone is set
- Source code changes are understandable
- Variable and function names are meaningful
- Code comments are correct (logically and spelling)
- Required documentation changes are present and part of the PR
- Decision taken that a test is required (if not, then remove this paragraph)
- The choice of the type of test (unit test or systemtest) is reasonable
- Testname matches exactly what is being tested
- On a fail, output of the test leads quickly to the origin of the fault