Ago.js converts timestamps to human-readable time without relying on bloated libraries.
Examples: 1 minute ago
, 3 days ahead
, 3 weeks ago
, 5 months ahead
, just now
You can use the awesome jsDelivr CDN:
<script src="[email protected]/ago.min.js" integrity="sha256-xw0JUUdbuZQCVO+QScoxrlEsD4nZGCjMRh9PP8GLhcY=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you use HTML <time>
tags, all you need is
<time datetime="2014-09-10T18:34:13+00:00">2014-09-10T18:34:13+00:00</time>
Results look like this:
<time datetime="2014-09-10T18:34:13+00:00">2 months ago</time>
Ago() takes two optional arguments:
- nodes, an array of HTML nodes you want to use.
The default isdocument.querySelectorAll("time")
- options, see below
You can customize Ago.js by overriding the default options.
- interval: milliseconds-interval in which nodes should be updates
- units: Array of arrays with ["unit name", seconds]
- date: function(node) that returns a
for the given node - format: function(time, unit) that returns a string which will be used for a node's text
- plural: Object that contains all
with their plural as value
interval: 10000, // 10 secs
units: [
["minute", 60],
["hour", 3600],
["day", 86400],
["week", 604800],
["month", 2592000],
["year", 31536000]
date: function(node) {
// works on HTML <time> nodes
return new Date(node.getAttribute("datetime"));
format: function(time, unit) {
if (!unit) return "just now";
var tail = time < 0 ? " ahead" : " ago";
return Math.abs(time) + " " + unit + tail;
plural: {
minute: "minutes",
hour: "hours",
day: "days",
week: "weeks",
month: "months",
year: "years"
Last updated
<span class="ago", data-time="2014-11-16T21:08:39+00:00">
Ago(document.querySelectorAll(".ago"), {
date: function(node) {
return new Date(node.getAttribute("data-time"));
format: function(time, unit) {
time = Math.abs(time);
if (!unit) return "just now";
if (time === 1) time = (unit[0] == "h") ? "an" : "a";
var tail = time < 0 ? " ahead" : " ago";
return time + " " + unit + tail;
// German
units: [
["Minute", 60],
["Stunde", 3600],
["Tag", 86400],
["Woche", 604800],
["Monat", 2592000],
["Jahr", 31536000]
plural: {
Minute: "Minuten",
Stunde: "Stunden",
Tag: "Tagen",
Woche: "Wochen",
Monat: "Monaten",
Jahr: "Jahren"
format: function(time, unit) {
if (!unit) {
return "jetzt";
if (time < 0) {
var lead = "in ";
} else {
var lead = "vor ";
return lead + Math.abs(time) + " " + unit;
Example: in 22 Stunden
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