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ElectricEye Cloud Security Posture Management for AWS

This documentation is dedicated to using ElectricEye for evaluation of AWS Environments using CSPM and Attack Surface Monitoring capabilities.

Table of Contents

AWS IAM Permissions

ElectricEye separates the logic of the Auditors from that of retreiving credentials, looking up OUs and Accounts within your AWS Organization (if you're a Delegated Administrator for any Organizations service), and AWS-native Outputs (e.g., Amazon SQS, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Security Hub).

All AWS API interactivity is handled by boto3 (and to a lesser extent lower-level APIs in botocore) which both use your available AWS credentials from wherever they can be available from. For instance, boto3 will first look for static credentials (AWS IAM User Access Keys) in ~/.aws/credentials, and then look for AWS credential environment variables, then look for Session credentials from EC2 Instance Profiles or your IAM Role, Federated credentials, and so on. These first credentials are what are responsible for performing lookups against Systems Manager, Secrets Manager, and sending findings to cloud-native resources as previously stated. The below table details the API permissions required based on the interactivity.

ElectricEye Interactivity AWS IAM Permission Absolutely Required? Extra Considerations
Assuming the aws_electric_eye_iam_role_name Roles to use the AWS Auditors sts:AssumeRole YES Ensure you meet all of your condition keys if you customize the Trust flow for the remote Roles
Retrieving Accounts from your AWS Organization organizations:ListAccounts NO You must either be in your Organizations Management Account or you must be a Delegated Administrator for an Organizations-enabled Service such as AWS Firewall Manager or Amazon GuardDuty
Retrieving Accounts from one or more of your AWS Organizational Units organizations:ListAccountsForParent NO You must either be in your Organizations Management Account or you must be a Delegated Administrator for an Organizations-enabled Service such as AWS Firewall Manager or Amazon GuardDuty
Sending findings to AWS Security Hub securityhub:BatchImportFindings NO Ensure that AWS Security Hub is enabled in your Account & Region
Sending findings to Amazon SQS sqs:SendMessage NO Ensure that your SQS Queue's Resource Policy also allows your IAM principal to sqs:SendMessage to it.
You will also require kms:Decrypt permissions and access to the key (via Key Policy) if you encrypt your Queue with a Customer Managed Key.
Sending findings to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose firehose:PutRecordBatch NO You will also require kms:Decrypt permissions and access to the key (via Key Policy) if you encrypt your Records going to KDF with a Customer Managed Key
Retrieving credentials from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store ssm:GetParameter* NO You will also require kms:Decrypt permissions and access to the key (via Key Policy) if you encrypt your SecureString Parameters with a Customer Managed Key
Retrieving credentials from AWS Secrets Manager secretsmanager:GetSecretValue NO You will also require kms:Decrypt permissions and access to the key (via Key Policy) if you encrypt your Secrets with a Customer Managed Key
If you run ElectricEye within a container without a seperate block device or file share managed, you will need to send file-based Outputs to S3, maybe s3:PutObject NO If you do use S3, ensure that your Bucket Policy allows you to perform s3:PutObject.
You will also require kms:Decrypt permissions and access to the key (via Key Policy) if you encrypt your Bucket with a Customer Managed Key.

For executing the actually AWS Auditors (and their Checks), ElectricEye will Assume an IAM Role that trusts whichever IAM Princpal you run ElectricEye from (e.g., an EC2 Instance Profile's IAM Role, ECS Execution Role, IAM Roles Anywhere Certifcate on local machines, etc.) which is why you must provide an IAM Role name within the TOML even if you are only conducting assessments in your own Account. This is done to keep the Auditor-specific activity of ElectricEye easily, well, auditable as well as provide an easy-to-operate method of parallelizing ElectricEye across multiple Accounts without having to grant write or privileged read permissions to those Roles by virtue of keeping the setup logic out of the Auditor logic.

The easiest way to set up this Role and permissions is either creating a StackSet from the CloudFormation template or using the standalone JSON policy within your own provisioning logic - be it JSON-based CFN, Pulumi, Terraform or otherwise. By default the CloudFormation stack will create an IAM Role that Trusts whichever Account you will centrally operate ElectricEye from - however - you can modify this to trust specific IAM Principals and add conditions such as SourceIP constraints if ElectricEye will operate behind NAT Gateways with Elastic IPs or from within another trusted network.

Configuring TOML

EXPERIMENTAL: Using the arguments -ut False and --args you can provide an escaped JSON object containing the below values instead of using the TOML. For example: python .\eeauditor\ -ut False --args '{\"credentials_location\": \"CONFIG_FILE\",\"aws_multi_account_target_type\": \"Accounts\",\"aws_account_targets\": [],\"aws_regions_selection\": [],\"aws_electric_eye_iam_role_name\": \"\"}' will evaluate your current Region and Account for AWS.

This section explains how to configure ElectricEye using a TOML configuration file. The configuration file contains settings for credentials, regions, accounts, and global settings and is located here.

To configure the TOML file, you need to modify the values of the variables in the [global] and [] sections of the file. Here's an overview of the key variables you need to configure:


Set this variable to specify if you want to run ElectricEye against a list of AWS Accounts (Accounts), a list of accounts within specific OUs (OU), or every account in an AWS Organization (Organization).


Set this variable to specify the location of where credentials are stored and will be retrieved from. You can choose from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store (AWS_SSM), AWS Secrets Manager (AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER), or from the TOML file itself (CONFIG_FILE) which is NOT recommended.

NOTE When retrieving from SSM or Secrets Manager, your current Profile / Boto3 Session is used and NOT the ElectricEye Role that is specified in aws_electric_eye_iam_role_name. Ensure you have ssm:GetParameter, secretsmanager:GetSecretValue, and relevant kms permissions as needed to retrieve this values.


This variable specifies the location (or actual value) of your API Key based on the option for credentials_location. This is an optional value but encouraged as having your resources being index by Shodan can be a useful pre-attack indicator if it is accurate information and your configurations are bad to begin with.

This was originally only used for the legacy Amazon_Shodan_Auditor, but those checks are now rolled up under the appropriate Auditors for EC2, RDS, AmazonMQ, CloudFront, ALB, and more.

This variable specifies a list of AWS accounts, OU IDs, or an organization's principal ID that you want to run ElectricEye against. If you do not specify any values, and your aws_multi_account_target_type is set to Accounts then your current AWS Account will be evaluated.

If you are running this against your Organization leave this option empty. Additionally, the Account you are running ElectricEye from must either be the AWS Organizations Management Account or an Account which is a Delegated Admin for an Organizations-scoped service such as AWS FMS, Amazon GuardDuty, or otherwise.

This variable specifies the AWS regions that you want to scan. If left blank, the current AWS region is used. You can provide a list of AWS regions or simply use ["All"] to scan all regions.

UPDATE AS OF 4 FEB 2024: If you do not provide a value here, your current Boto3 Session will be used, if you provided an Org ID, OU IDs or Accounts those assessments will (obviously) fail!

The name of an AWS IAM Role deployed to every single Account you want to run ElectricEye against, the name must be the same in all account as the Account and Name are used to create the ARN. If you do not provide a value, ElectricEye will attempt to use the current Boto3 session credentials. If you leave this value blank AND also provide values for aws_account_targets, ElectricEye will most likely fail.

To facilitate this, use this CloudFormation template and deploy it as an AWS CloudFormation StackSet. This is done to keep the credentials used for Auditors separate from the credentials you use for Outputs and for retrieving Secrets, it also makes it easier to audit (via CloudTrail or otherwise) the usage of the ElectricEye role.

By configuring these variables in the TOML file, you can customize ElectricEye's behavior to suit your specific AWS environments.

Use ElectricEye for AWS

  1. Before beginning ensure you have review the Permissions section section to understand which AWS IAM Permissions your current profile requires and to setup the AWS IAM Roles that ElectricEye will assume to use the Auditors.

  2. With >=Python 3.9 installed, install & upgrade pip3 and setup virtualenv.

sudo apt install -y python3-pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install virtualenv --user
virtualenv .venv
  1. This will create a virtualenv directory called .venv which needs to be activated.
#For macOS and Linux
. .venv/bin/activate

#For Windows
  1. Clone the repo and install all dependencies.
git clone
cd ElectricEye
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# if use AWS CloudShell
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
  1. Use the Controller to conduct different kinds of Assessments.
  • 5A. Retrieve all options for the Controller.

    python3 eeauditor/ --help
  • 5B. Evaluate your entire AWS environment.

    python3 eeauditor/ -t AWS
  • 5C. Evaluate your AWS environment against a specifc Auditor (runs all Checks within the Auditor).

    python3 eeauditor/ -t AWS -a AWS_IAM_Auditor
  • 5D. Evaluate your AWS environment against a specific Check within any Auditor, it is not required to specify the Auditor name as well. The below examples runs the [Athena.1] Athena workgroups should be configured to enforce query result encryption check.

    python3 eeauditor/ -t AWS -c athena_workgroup_encryption_check

Configuring the AWS Security Group Auditor

The Auditor for Amazon EC2 Security Groups (the EC2-VPC Security Groups, not the EC2-Classic SGs some of us old dirty bastards used back in the day) is configured using a JSON file which contains titles, check IDs, to-from IANA port numbers and protocols that map to high-danger services you should not leave open to the world such as SMB, Win NetBIOS, databases, caches, et al. While this is not the same as figuring out what your how your actual assets & services are configured (see the EASM section for that) this is a good hygeine check.

The JSON file is already prefilled with several dozen checks, however you can easily append more to the list. Shown below are how udp and tcp rules are configured.

        "ToPort": 1194,
        "FromPort": 1194,
        "Protocol": "udp",
        "CheckTitle": "[SecurityGroup.28] Security groups should not allow unrestricted OpenVPN (UDP 1194) access",
        "CheckId": "security-group-openvpn-open-check",
        "CheckDescriptor": "OpenVPN (UDP 1194)"
        "ToPort": 5672,
        "FromPort": 5672,
        "Protocol": "tcp",
        "CheckTitle": "[SecurityGroup.29] Security groups should not allow unrestricted access to AmazonMQ/RabbitMQ (TCP 5672)",
        "CheckId": "security-group-rabbitmq-open-check",
        "CheckDescriptor": "AmazonMQ / RabbitMQ / AMQP (TCP 5672)"


The IANA Port number at the top of the range for whatever service needs internet access, e.g., if your service required ports 135-139, then 139 is the ToPort


The IANA Port number at the bottom of the range for whatever service needs internet access, e.g., if your service required ports 135-139, then 135 is the ToPort


A Protocol identifier that matches the Protocol within the AWS SecurityGroupRule Data Schema such as tcp, udp, or icmp. Ensure this matches the IANA ports, depending on the service you may need different protocols. Note that AWS Security Group Rules cannot have multiple Protocols defined (unless it is "all" (-1)) so if you wanted to write a rule to check for DNS you need both tcp 53 and udp 53 rules.


The Title within the AWS Security Finding Format, aka the title of the finding, ensure you follow the rule number order and the guidelines - or choose your own.


An all lowercase, dash-separated string that is appended to the Id and GeneratorId within the AWS Security Finding Format, this is the ensure uniqueness of the Check performed by the Auditor


A descriptor of what the protocol & port service is, this is added into the Description field within the AWS Security Finding Format and can be anything you want as long as it does not contain double-quotes ("")

Build and push the Docker image to ECR

Note: You must have permissions to push images to ECR before performing this step. These permissions are not included in the instance profile example.

  1. Update your machine and clone this repository
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y unzip awscli docker.ce python3 python3-pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade awscli
pip3 install --upgrade boto3
git clone
  1. Create an ECR Repository with the AWS CLI
aws ecr create-repository \
    --repository-name electriceye \
    --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
  1. Build and push the ElectricEye Docker image. Be sure to replace the values for your region, partition, Account ID and name of the ECR repository
cd ElectricEye
aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | sudo docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

Note: If you are using AWS CLI v1 use the following in place of the line above

sudo $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_REGION)
sudo docker build -t electriceye .
sudo docker tag electriceye:v1 $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
sudo docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
  1. Navigate to the ECR console and copy the URI of your Docker image.

AWS Attack Surface Monitoring

If you only wanted to run Attack Surface Monitoring checks use the following command which show an example of outputting the ASM checks into a JSON file for consumption into SIEM or BI tools.

python3 eeauditor/ -t AWS -a ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor -o json_normalized --output-file ElectricASM

The ASM Module uses NMAP at its core and will be expanded to include ZAP and Shodan workflows in the future.

AWS Checks & Services

These are the following services and checks perform by each Auditor, there are currently 637 Checks across 87 Auditors that support the secure configuration of 124 services/components

Regarding AWS ElasticSearch Service/OpenSearch Service: AWS has stopped supporting Elastic after Version 7.10 and released a new service named OpenSearch. The APIs/SDKs/CLI are interchangable. Only ASFF metadata has changed to reflect this, the Auditor Names, Check Names, and ASFF ID's have stayed the same.

Regarding AWS Shield Advanced: You must be actively subscribed to Shield Advanced with at least one Protection assigned to assess this Service.

Regarding AWS Trusted Advisor: You must be on AWS Business or Enterprise Support to interact with the support API for Trusted Advisor.

Regarding AWS Health: You must be on AWS Business or Enterprise Support to interact with the support API for Health.

Regarding EC2: As of 19 MAY 2023, the separate Amazon_EC2_SSM_Auditor and all of its checks have been merged into the Amazon_EC2_Auditor with only the control names changing from their [EC2.SystemsManager.XX] schema to the normal [EC2.X] one.

Auditor File Name Scanned Resource Name Auditor Scan Description
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Are stage metrics enabled
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Is stage API logging enabled
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Is stage caching enabled
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Is cache encryption enabled
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Is stage xray tracing configured
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Stage Is the stage protected by a WAF WACL
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Rest API Do Rest APIs use Policies
Amazon_APIGW_Auditor API Gateway Rest API Do Rest APIs use Authorizers
Amazon_AppStream_Auditor AppStream 2.0 (Fleets) Do Fleets allow Default Internet Access
Amazon_AppStream_Auditor AppStream 2.0 (Images) Are Images Public
Amazon_AppStream_Auditor AppStream 2.0 (Users) Are users reported as Compromised
Amazon_AppStream_Auditor AppStream 2.0 (Users) Do users use SAML authentication
Amazon_Athena_Auditor Athena workgroup Do workgroups enforce query result encryption
Amazon_Athena_Auditor Athena workgroup Do workgroups with query result encryption override client settings
Amazon_Athena_Auditor Athena workgroup Do workgroups publish metrics
Amazon_Athena_Auditor Athena workgroup Do workgroups auto-update the Athena engine version
Amazon_Autoscaling_Auditor Autoscaling groups Do ASGs protect instances from scale-in
Amazon_Autoscaling_Auditor Autoscaling groups Do ASGs with ELB or Target Groups use ELB health checks
Amazon_Autoscaling_Auditor Autoscaling groups Do ASGs use at least half or more of a Region's open AZs
Amazon_Bedrock_Auditor Bedrock foundation models Are any Bedrock FMs active
Amazon_Bedrock_Auditor Bedrock custom models Are any Bedrock CMs active
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros with trusted signers use key pairs
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distro origins have Origin Shield enabled
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros use the default viewer certificate
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros have Georestriction enabled
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros have Field-Level Encryption enabled
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros have WAF enabled
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce Default Viewer TLS 1.2
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce Custom Origin TLS 1.2
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce Custom Origin HTTPS-only connections
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce Default Viewer HTTPS with SNI
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros have logging enabled
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros have default root objects
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce Default Viewer HTTPS-only connections
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Do distros enforce S3 Origin Object Access Identity
Amazon_CloudFront_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Are CloudFront distros indexed by Shodan
Amazon_CloudSearch_Auditor CloudSearch Domain Do Domains enforce HTTPS-only
Amazon_CloudSearch_Auditor CloudSearch Domain Do Domains use TLS 1.2
Amazon_CloudWatch_Auditor Cloudwatch Logs group Do Cloudwatch Logs groups use KMS CMKs for encryption
Amazon_CloudWatch_Auditor Cloudwatch Logs group Do Cloudwatch Logs groups define retention periods
Amazon_CloudWatch_Auditor Cloudwatch Logs group Do Cloudwatch Logs groups associate with data protection policies
Amazon_CognitoIdP_Auditor Cognito Identity Pool Does the Password policy comply with AWS CIS Foundations Benchmark
Amazon_CognitoIdP_Auditor Cognito Identity Pool Cognito Temporary Password Age
Amazon_CognitoIdP_Auditor Cognito Identity Pool Does the Identity pool enforce MFA
Amazon_CognitoIdP_Auditor Cognito Identity Pool Is the Identity pool protected by WAF
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Instance Are Instances publicly accessible
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Instance Are Instance encrypted
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Instance Is audit logging enabled
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Cluster Is the Cluster configured for HA
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Cluster Is the Cluster deletion protected
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Cluster Is cluster audit logging on
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocumentDB Cluster Is cluster TLS enforcement on
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocDB Snapshot Are docdb cluster snapshots encrypted
Amazon_DocumentDB_Auditor DocDB Snapshot Are docdb cluster snapshots public
Amazon_DynamoDB_Auditor DynamoDB Table Do tables use KMS CMK for encryption
Amazon_DynamoDB_Auditor DynamoDB Table Do tables have PITR enabled
Amazon_DynamoDB_Auditor DynamoDB Table Do tables have TTL enabled
Amazon_DAX_Auditor DAX Cluster Do clusters encrypt data at rest
Amazon_DAX_Auditor DAX Cluster Do clusters encrypt data in transit
Amazon_DAX_Auditor DAX Cluster Do clusters have cache item TTL defined
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Volume Is the Volume attached
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Volume Is the Volume configured to be deleted on instance termination
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Volume Is the Volume encrypted
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Snapshot Is the Snapshot encrypted
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Snapshot Is the Snapshot public
Amazon_EBS_Auditor Account Is account level encryption by default enabled
Amazon_EBS_Auditor EBS Volume Does the Volume have a snapshot
Amazon_EBS_Auditor Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Are owned AMIs public
Amazon_EBS_Auditor Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Are owned AMIs encrypted
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is IMDSv2 enabled
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is Secure Enclave used
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is the instance internet-facing
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is Source/Dest Check disabled
Amazon_EC2_Auditor AWS Account Is Serial Port Access restricted
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is instance using an AMI baked in last 3 months
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is instance using a correctly registered AMI
Amazon_EC2_Auditor Account Are instances spread across Multiple AZs
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is the instance managed by SSM
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Does the instance have a successful SSM association
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is the SSM Agent up to date
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is the Patch status up to date
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Is the instance scanned by Amazon Inspector V2
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Are there any explotiable vulnerabilities
Amazon_EC2_Auditor Elastic IP Address Are there any unassigned EIPs
Amazon_EC2_Auditor EC2 Instance Have EC2 instances with Public IPs been indexed by Shodan
Amazon_EC2_Auditor Elastic IP Address Have EIPs with Public IPs been indexed by Shodan
Amazon_EC2_Image_Builder_Auditor Image Builder Are pipeline tests enabled
Amazon_EC2_Image_Builder_Auditor Image Builder Is EBS encrypted
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Are all ports (-1) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is FTP (tcp20-21) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is TelNet (tcp23) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is WSDCOM-RPC (tcp135) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is SMB (tcp445) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is MSSQL (tcp1433) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is OracleDB (tcp1521) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is MySQL/MariaDB (tcp3306) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is RDP (tcp3389) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is PostgreSQL (tcp5432) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Kibana (tcp5601) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Redis (tcp6379) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Splunkd (tcp8089) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Elasticsearch (tcp9200) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Elasticsearch (tcp9300) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Memcached (udp11211) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Redshift (tcp5439) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is DocDB (tcp27017) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Cassandra (tcp9142) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Kafka (tcp9092) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is NFS (tcp2049) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Rsync (tcp873) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is TFTP (udp69) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Docker API (tcp2375) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is K8s API (tcp10250) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is SMTP (tcp25) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is NetBioas (tcp137-139) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is OpenVPN (udp1194) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is RabbitMQ (tcp5672) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is Spark WebUI (tcp4040) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is POP3 (tcp110) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Is VMWare ESXi (tcp8182) open to the internet
Amazon_EC2_Security_Group_Auditor Security Group Does the default security group contain any rules
Amazon_ECR_Auditor ECR Registry (Account) Is there a registry access policy
Amazon_ECR_Auditor ECR Registry (Account) Is image replication configured
Amazon_ECR_Auditor ECR Repository Is the Repository vuln scanning with Basic or Enhanced (Inspector V2) scanning
Amazon_ECR_Auditor ECR Repository Is there an image lifecycle policy
Amazon_ECR_Auditor ECR Repository Is there a repo access policy
Amazon_ECR_Auditor Image (Container) Does the latest container have any vulns
Amazon_ECS_Auditor ECS Cluster Is container insights enabled
Amazon_ECS_Auditor ECS Cluster Is a default cluster provider configured
Amazon_ECS_Auditor ECS Task Definition Is the Task Definition using a Privileged container
Amazon_ECS_Auditor ECS Task Definition Do EC2-ECS containers use SELinux or AppArmor
Amazon_ECS_Auditor ECS Task Definition Do containers use a Root user
Amazon_EFS_Auditor EFS File System Are file systems encrypted
Amazon_EFS_Auditor EFS File System Does the File system have a custom policy attached
Amazon_EKS_Auditor EKS Cluster Is the API Server publicly accessible
Amazon_EKS_Auditor EKS Cluster Are one of the three latest K8s version used
Amazon_EKS_Auditor EKS Cluster Are auth or audit logs enabled
Amazon_EKS_Auditor EKS Cluster Is K8s Secrets envelope encryption used
Amazon_EKS_Auditor EKS Cluster Is a deprecated K8s version used
Amazon_Elasticache_Service_Auditor Elasticache Redis Cluster Is an AUTH Token used
Amazon_Elasticache_Service_Auditor Elasticache Redis Cluster Is the cluster encrypted at rest
Amazon_Elasticache_Service_Auditor Elasticache Redis Cluster Does the cluster encrypt in transit
Amazon_Elasticache_Service_Auditor Elasticache Redis Cluster Cluster should be configured to auto upgrade to the latest minor version
Amazon_Elasticache_Service_Auditor Elasticache Memcached Cluster Cluster should be configured to auto upgrade to the latest minor version
Amazon_ElasticBeanstalk_Auditor Elastic Beanstalk environment Is IMDSv1 disabled
Amazon_ElasticBeanstalk_Auditor Elastic Beanstalk environment Is platform auto-update and instance refresh enabled
Amazon_ElasticBeanstalk_Auditor Elastic Beanstalk environment Is enhanced health reporting enabled
Amazon_ElasticBeanstalk_Auditor Elastic Beanstalk environment Is CloudWatch log streaming enabled
Amazon_ElasticBeanstalk_Auditor Elastic Beanstalk environment Is AWS X-Ray tracing enabled
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Are dedicated masters used
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is Cognito auth used
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is encryption at rest used
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is Node2Node encryption used
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is HTTPS-only enforced
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is a TLS 1.2 policy used
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Are there available version updates
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is ES in a VPC
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Is ES Publicly Accessible
Amazon_ElasticsearchService_Auditor OpenSearch domain Are ES/OS Domains indexed by Shodan
Amazon_ElasticTranscoder_Auditor Elastic Transcoder pipeline Do pipelines enable notifications
Amazon_ElasticTranscoder_Auditor Elastic Transcoder pipeline Do pipelines have active alerts
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Do internet facing ELBs have a secure listener
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Do secure listeners enforce TLS 1.2
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Is cross zone load balancing enabled
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Is connection draining enabled
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Is access logging enabled
Amazon_ELB_Auditor ELB (Classic Load Balancer) Are internet-facing CLBs indexed by Shodan
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB) Is access logging enabled for ALBs
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB/NLB) Is deletion protection enabled
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB/NLB) Do internet facing ELBs have a secure listener
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB/NLB) Do secure listeners enforce TLS 1.2
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB/NLB) Are invalid HTTP headers dropped
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (NLB) Do NLBs with TLS listeners have access logging enabled
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB) Do ALBs have HTTP Desync protection enabled
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB) Do ALBs SGs allow access to non-Listener ports
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB) Ares ALBs protected by WAF
Amazon_ELBv2_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB) Are internet-facing ALBs indexed by Shodan
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Do clusters have a sec configuration attached
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Do cluster sec configs enforce encryption in transit
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Do cluster sec configs enforce encryption at rest for EMRFS
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Do cluster sec configs enforce encryption at rest for EBS
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Do cluster sec configs enforce Kerberos authN
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Is cluster termination protection enabled
Amazon_EMR_Auditor EMR Cluster Is cluster logging enabled
Amazon_EMR_Auditor AWS Account Is EMR public SG block configured for the Account in the region
Amazon_EMR_Serverless_Auditor EMR Serverless Application Is Application in a VPC
Amazon_EMR_Serverless_Auditor EMR Serverless Application Does Application use custom container runtime
Amazon_EMR_Serverless_Auditor EMR Serverless Application Does Application configure auto-stopping jobs
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty S3 Protection enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty EKS Audit Log Monitoring enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty EKS Runtime Monitoring enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty RDS Protection enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty EC2/EBS Malware Protection enabled
Amazon_GuardDuty_Auditor GuardDuty detector Is GuardDuty AWS Lambda Protection enabled
Amazon_InspectorV2_Audtior Inspector scanning configuration Is Inspector V2 scanning enabled at all
Amazon_InspectorV2_Audtior Inspector scanning configuration Is Inspector V2 scanning enabled for EC2
Amazon_InspectorV2_Audtior Inspector scanning configuration Is Inspector V2 scanning enabled for ECR
Amazon_InspectorV2_Audtior Inspector scanning configuration Is Inspector V2 scanning enabled for Lambda
Amazon_InspectorV2_Audtior Inspector scanning configuration Is Inspector V2 scanning enabled for EC2 Deep Inspection
Amazon_Kinesis_Analytics_Auditor Kinesis analytics application Does application log to CloudWatch
Amazon_Kinesis_Data_Streams_Auditor Kinesis data stream Is stream encryption enabled
Amazon_Kinesis_Data_Streams_Auditor Kinesis data stream Is enhanced monitoring enabled
Amazon_Kinesis_Firehose_Auditor Firehose delivery stream Is delivery stream encryption enabled
Amazon_Managed_Blockchain_Auditor Fabric peer node Are chaincode logs enabled
Amazon_Managed_Blockchain_Auditor Fabric peer node Are peer node logs enabled
Amazon_Managed_Blockchain_Auditor Fabric member Are member CA logs enabled
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Message brokers should be encrypted with customer-managed KMS CMKs
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Message brokers should have audit logging enabled
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Message brokers should have general logging enabled
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Message broker should not be publicly accessible
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Message brokers should be configured to auto upgrade to the latest minor version
Amazon_MQ_Auditor Amazon MQ message broker Are public accessible message brokers indexed by Shodan
Amazon_MSK_Auditor MSK Cluster Is inter-cluster encryption used
Amazon_MSK_Auditor MSK Cluster Is client-broker communications TLS-only
Amazon_MSK_Auditor MSK Cluster Is enhanced monitoring used
Amazon_MSK_Auditor MSK Cluster Is Private CA TLS auth used
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Is a KMS CMK used for encryption
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Is the Airflow URL Public
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Are DAG Processing logs configured
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Are Scheduler logs configured
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Are Task logs configured
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Are Webserver logs configured
Amazon_MWAA_Auditor Airflow Environment Are Worker logs configured
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Is Neptune instance configured for HA
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Is Neptune instance storage encrypted
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Does Neptune instance use IAM DB Auth
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune cluster Are TLS connections enforced
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune cluster Is audit logging enabled
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Does Neptune instance export audit logs
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Is Neptune instance deletion protected
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune instance Does Neptune instance automatically update minor versions
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune cluster Are Neptune clusters configured to auto-scale
Amazon_Neptune_Auditor Neptune cluster Are Neptune clusters configured to cache query results
Amazon_QBusiness_Auditor Q Business application Are any Q Business applications active
Amazon_QBusiness_Auditor Q Business application Are any Q Business applications encrypted with a KMS CMK
Amazon_QLDB_Auditor QLDB Ledger Does ledger have deletion protection
Amazon_QLDB_Auditor QLDB Export Is export encryption enabled
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Is HA configured
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Are DB instances publicly accessible
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Is DB storage encrypted
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Do supported DBs use IAM Authentication
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Are supported DBs joined to a domain
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Is performance insights enabled
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Is deletion protection enabled
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Is database CloudWatch logging enabled
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS Snapshot Are snapshots encrypted
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS Snapshot Are snapshots public
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Cluster (Aurora) Is Database Activity Stream configured
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Cluster (Aurora) Is the cluster encrypted
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Does Instance have any snapshots
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Does the instance security group allow risky access
Amazon_RDS_Auditor Event Subscription (Account) Does an Event Subscription to monitor DB instances exist
Amazon_RDS_Auditor Event Subscription (Account) Does an Event Subscription to monitor paramter groups exist
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Do PostgreSQL instances use a version susceptible to Lightspin "log_fwd" attack
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Do Aurora PostgreSQL instances use a version susceptible to Lightspin "log_fwd" attack
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS DB Instance Do instances automatically upgrade minor versions
Amazon_RDS_Auditor RDS Instance Are public accessible RDS instances indexed by Shodan
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is the cluster publicly accessible
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is the cluster encrypted at rest
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is enhanced VPC routing enabled
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is cluster audit logging enabled
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Does the cluster use the default Admin username
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is cluster user activity logging enabled
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Does the cluster enforce encrypted in transit
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Does the cluster take automated snapshots
Amazon_Redshift_Auditor Redshift cluster Is the cluster configured for automated major version upgrades
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless namespace Do namespaces use IAM Roles for cross-service access
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless namespace Do namespaces export all audit logs
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless namespace Do namespaces use KMS CMKs
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless workgroup Do workgroups use enhanced VPC routing
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless workgroup Are workgroups publicly accessible
Amazon_Redshift_Serverless_Auditor Redshift Serverless workgroup Do workgroups enable user activity logging parameters
Amazon_Route53_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Do Hosted Zones have Query Logging enabled
Amazon_Route53_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Do Hosted Zones have traffic policies associated
Amazon_Route53_Resolver_Auditor VPC Do VPCs have Query Logging enabled
Amazon_Route53_Resolver_Auditor VPC Do VPCs have DNS Firewalls associated
Amazon_Route53_Resolver_Auditor VPC Do VPCs enabled DNSSEC resolution
Amazon_Route53_Resolver_Auditor VPC Do VPCs with DNS Firewall fail open
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Is bucket encryption enabled THIS FINDING HAS BEEN RETIRED
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Is a bucket lifecycle enabled THIS FINDING HAS BEEN RETIRED
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Is bucket versioning enabled THIS FINDING HAS BEEN RETIRED
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Does the bucket policy allow public access
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Does the bucket have a policy
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Is server access logging enabled
Amazon_S3_Auditor Account Is account level public access block configured
Amazon_S3_Auditor S3 Bucket Does the bucket policy block insecure (HTTP) access to all objects
Amazon_SageMaker_Auditor SageMaker Notebook Is notebook encryption enabled
Amazon_SageMaker_Auditor SageMaker Notebook Is notebook direct internet access enabled
Amazon_SageMaker_Auditor SageMaker Notebook Is the notebook in a vpc
Amazon_SageMaker_Auditor SageMaker Endpoint Is endpoint encryption enabled
Amazon_SageMaker_Auditor SageMaker Model Is model network isolation enabled
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Are Rt53 hosted zones protected by Shield Advanced
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Classic Load Balancer Are CLBs protected by Shield Adv
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor ELBv2 (ALB/NLB) Are ELBv2s protected by Shield Adv
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Elastic IP Are EIPs protected by Shield Adv
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Are CF Distros protected by Shield Adv
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Account (DRT IAM Role) Does the DRT have account authZ via IAM role
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Account (DRT S3 Access) Does the DRT have access to WAF logs S3 buckets
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Account (Shield subscription) Is Shield Adv subscription on auto renew
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Global Accelerator Accelerator Are GA Accelerators protected by Shield Adv
Amazon_Shield_Advanced_Auditor Account Has Shield Adv mitigated any attacks in the last 7 days
Amazon_SNS_Auditor SNS Topic Is the topic encrypted THIS FINDING HAS BEEN RETIRED
Amazon_SNS_Auditor SNS Topic Does the topic have plaintext (HTTP) subscriptions
Amazon_SNS_Auditor SNS Topic Does the topic allow public access
Amazon_SNS_Auditor SNS Topic Does the topic allow cross-account access
Amazon_SQS_Auditor SQS Queue Are there old messages
Amazon_SQS_Auditor SQS Queue Is Server Side Encryption Enabled
Amazon_SQS_Auditor SQS Queue Is the SQS Queue publically accessible
Amazon_VPC_Auditor VPC Is the default VPC out and about
Amazon_VPC_Auditor VPC Is flow logging enabled
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Subnet Do subnets map public IPs
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Subnet Do subnets have available IP space
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Verified Access instances Do Verified Access instances have any form of logging enabled
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Verified Access instances Do Verified Access instances have a trust provider associated
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Verified Access instances Do Verified Access instances have a WAFv2 Web ACL associated
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Elastic Network Interface (ENI) Are ENIs attached and in-use
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Network ACL Do NACLs allow unrestricted SSH ingress
Amazon_VPC_Auditor Network ACL Do NACLs allow unrestricted RDP ingress
Amazon_VPC_Auditor PrivateLink VPC Endpoint Do endpoint policies (for endpoints that support it) allow unrestricted access
Amazon_WorkSpaces_Auditor Workspace Is user volume encrypted
Amazon_WorkSpaces_Auditor Workspace Is root volume encrypted
Amazon_WorkSpaces_Auditor Workspace Is running mode set to auto-off
Amazon_WorkSpaces_Auditor DS Directory Does directory allow default internet access
Amazon_Xray_Auditor XRay Encryption Config Is KMS CMK encryption used
AWS_Accounts_Auditor AWS Account alternate contacts Is a Billing alternative contact identified
AWS_Accounts_Auditor AWS Account alternate contacts Is a Operations alternative contact identified
AWS_Accounts_Auditor AWS Account alternate contacts Is a Security alternative contact identified
AWS_ACM_Auditor ACM Certificate Are certificates revoked
AWS_ACM_Auditor ACM Certificate Are certificates in use
AWS_ACM_Auditor ACM Certificate Is certificate transparency logging enabled
AWS_ACM_Auditor ACM Certificate Have certificates been correctly renewed
AWS_ACM_Auditor ACM Certificate Are certificates correctly validated
AWS_Amplify_Auditor AWS Amplify Does the app have basic auth enabled on the branches
AWS_Amplify_Auditor AWS Amplify Does the app have auto deletion for branches enabled
AWS_AppMesh_Auditor App Mesh mesh Does the mesh egress filter DROP_ALL
AWS_AppMesh_Auditor App Mesh virtual node Does the backend default client policy enforce TLS
AWS_AppMesh_Auditor App Mesh virtual node Do virtual node backends have STRICT TLS mode configured for inbound connections
AWS_AppMesh_Auditor App Mesh virtual node Do virtual nodes have an HTTP access log location defined
AWS_Backup_Auditor EC2 Instance Are EC2 instances backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor EBS Volume Are EBS volumes backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor DynamoDB tables Are DynamoDB tables backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor RDS DB Instance Are RDS DB instances backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor EFS File System Are EFS file systems backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor Neptune cluster Are Neptune clusters backed up
AWS_Backup_Auditor DocumentDB cluster Are DocumentDB clusters backed up
AWS_Cloud9_Auditor Cloud9 Environment Are Cloud9 Envs using SSM for access
AWS_CloudFormation_Auditor CloudFormation Stack Is drift detection enabled
AWS_CloudFormation_Auditor CloudFormation Stack Are stacks monitored THIS FINDING HAS BEEN RETIRED
AWS_CloudHSM_Auditor CloudHSM Cluster Is the CloudHSM Cluster in a degraded state
AWS_CloudHSM_Auditor CloudHSM HSM Module Is the CloudHSM hardware security module in a degraded state
AWS_CloudHSM_Auditor CloudHSM Backups Is there at least one backup in a READY state
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Is the trail multi-region
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail send logs to CWL
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Are the trail logs encrypted by a KMS CMK
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Are global/management events logged
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Is log file validation enabled
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Is the log bucket publicly accessible
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the log bucket enable server access logging
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail log S3 Read & Write Data Events
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor unauthenticated API calls
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor console logins without MFA
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor IAM Root user usage
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor IAM policy changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor CloudTrail config changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor console authentication failures
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor disabled/delete AWS KMS CMKs
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor S3 bucket policy changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor AWS Config changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor EC2 Sec Group changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor VPC NACL changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor Network Gateway changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor route table changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor Amazon VPC changes
AWS_CloudTrail_Auditor CloudTrail trail Does the trail have a log group with a metric and alarm configured to monitor AWS Organizations changes
AWS_CodeArtifact_Auditor CodeArtifact Repo Does the CodeArtifact Repo have a least privilege resource policy attached
AWS_CodeArtifact_Auditor CodeArtifact Domain Does the CodeArtifact Domain have a least privilege resource policy attached
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Is artifact encryption enabled
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Is Insecure SSL enabled
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Are plaintext environmental variables used
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Is S3 logging encryption enabled
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Is CloudWatch logging enabled
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Does CodeBuild store PATs or Basic Auth creds
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Is the CodeBuild project public
AWS_CodeBuild_Auditor CodeBuild project Are CodeBuild projects using privileged containers
AWS_CodeDeploy_Auditor CodeDeploy deployment group Are CloudWatch alarms configured for state changes
AWS_CodeDeploy_Auditor CodeDeploy deployment group Are SNS topic notifications configured for event changes
AWS_CodeDeploy_Auditor CodeDeploy deployment group Is there an auto-rollback policy enabled
AWS_Directory_Service_Auditor DS Directory Is RADIUS enabled
AWS_Directory_Service_Auditor DS Directory Is CloudWatch log forwarding enabled
AWS_DMS_Auditor DMS Replication Instance Are DMS instances publicly accessible
AWS_DMS_Auditor DMS Replication Instance Is DMS multi-az configured
AWS_DMS_Auditor DMS Replication Instance Are minor version updates configured
AWS_DMS_Auditor DMS Replication Instance Are public accessible DMS instances indexed by Shodan
AWS_FIS_Auditor FIS Experiment Template Do experiment templates enable logging
AWS_FIS_Auditor FIS Experiment Template Do experiment templates define a stop condition
AWS_Global_Accelerator_Auditor Global Accelerator Endpoint Is the endpoint healthy
AWS_Global_Accelerator_Auditor Global Accelerator Accelerator Are flow logs enabled for accelerator
AWS_Global_Accelerator_Auditor Global Accelerator Accelerator Are Global Accelerator Accelerators indexed by Shodan
AWS_Health_Auditor AWS Health Event Are there active Security Events
AWS_Health_Auditor AWS Health Event Are there active Abuse Events
AWS_Health_Auditor AWS Health Event Are there active Risk Events
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Crawler Is S3 encryption configured for the crawler
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Crawler Is CWL encryption configured for the crawler
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Crawler Is job bookmark encryption configured for the crawler
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Data Catalog Is data catalog encryption configured
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Data Catalog Is connection password encryption configured
AWS_Glue_Auditor Glue Data Catalog Is a resource policy configured
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Access Key Are access keys over 90 days old
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do users have permissions boundaries
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do users have MFA
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do users have in-line policies attached
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do users have managed policies attached
AWS_IAM_Auditor Password policy (Account) Does the IAM password policy meet or exceed AWS CIS Foundations Benchmark standards
AWS_IAM_Auditor Server certifcates Are they any Server certificates stored by IAM
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Policy Do managed IAM policies adhere to least privilege principles
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do User IAM inline policies adhere to least privilege principles
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Group Do Group IAM inline policies adhere to least privilege principles
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Role Do Role IAM inline policies adhere to least privilege principles
AWS_IAM_Auditor Root User Does the root user have access keys
AWS_IAM_Auditor Root User Does the root user use any MFA
AWS_IAM_Auditor Root User Does the root user use hardware MFA
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Access Key Access Keys that have been unused for 45 days should be disabled
AWS_IAM_Auditor Root User Has the Root User been used in the last 90 days
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM Access Analyzer Is IAM Access Analyzer enabled
AWS_IAM_Auditor IAM User Do users have more than one access key
AWS_IAM_Auditor AWS Account Does an AWS Support access Role exist
AWS_IAM_Auditor AWS Account Is the AWSCloudShellFullAccess policy attached to any roles
AWS_IAMRA_Auditor IAMRA Trust Anchor Do Trust Anchors contain self-signed certificates
AWS_IAMRA_Auditor IAMRA Trust Anchor Do Trust Anchors use a Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
AWS_IAMRA_Auditor IAMRA Profile Do IAMRA Profiles specify a Session Policy
AWS_IAMRA_Auditor IAMRA Profile Do IAMRA Profiles specify a Permission Boundary
AWS_IAMRA_Auditor IAM Role Do IAM Roles associated with IAMRA use Condition statements in the Trust Policy
AWS_Keyspaces_Auditor Keyspaces table Are Keyspaces Tables encrypted with a KMS CMK
AWS_Keyspaces_Auditor Keyspaces table Do Keyspaces Tables have PTR enabled
AWS_Keyspaces_Auditor Keyspaces table Are Keyspaces Tables in an unusable state
AWS_KMS_Auditor KMS key Is key rotation enabled
AWS_KMS_Auditor KMS key Does the key allow public access
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Has function been used or updated in the last 30 days
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Is tracing enabled
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Is code signing used
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda layer Is the layer public
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Is the function public
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Is the function using a supported runtime
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Are functions in VPCs highly available in at least 2 AZs
AWS_Lambda_Auditor Lambda function Do functions have vulnerabilities
AWS_License_Manager_Auditor License Manager configuration Do LM configurations enforce a hard limit on license consumption
AWS_License_Manager_Auditor License Manager configuration Do LM configurations enforce auto-disassociation
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB Cluster Do clusters use TLS
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB Cluster Do clusters use KMS CMK for encryption at rest
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB Cluster Are clusters configured for auto minor version updates
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB Cluster Are cluster events monitored with SNS
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB User MemDB Admin users should be reviewed
AWS_MemoryDB_Auditor MemoryDB User MemDB users should use passwords
AWS_RAM_Auditor RAM Resource Share Is the resource share status not failed
AWS_RAM_Auditor RAM Resource Share Does the resource allow external principals
AWS_Secrets_Manager_Auditor Secrets Manager secret Is the secret over 90 days old
AWS_Secrets_Manager_Auditor Secrets Manager secret Is secret auto-rotation enabled
AWS_Security_Hub_Auditor Security Hub hub Is SecurityHub enabled
AWS_Security_Services_Auditor Detective graph Is Detective enabled
AWS_Security_Services_Auditor Macie2 session Is Macie enabled
AWS_Security_Services_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Regional) Are Regional Web ACLs configured
AWS_Security_Services_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Global) Are Global Web ACLs (for CloudFront) configured
AWS_Systems_Manager_Auditor SSM Document Are self owned SSM Documents publicly shared
AWS_Systems_Manager_Auditor SSM Association Does an SSM Association that targets all Instances conduct SSM Agent updates
AWS_Systems_Manager_Auditor SSM Association Does an SSM Association that targets all Instances conduct patching
AWS_Systems_Manager_Auditor SSM Association Does an SSM Association that targets all Instances conduct inventory gathering
AWS_TrustedAdvisor_Auditor Trusted Advisor Check Is the Trusted Advisor check for MFA on Root Account failing
AWS_TrustedAdvisor_Auditor Trusted Advisor Check Is the Trusted Advisor check for ELB Listener Security failing
AWS_TrustedAdvisor_Auditor Trusted Advisor Check Is the Trusted Advisor check for CloudFront SSL Certs in IAM Cert Store failing
AWS_TrustedAdvisor_Auditor Trusted Advisor Check Is the Trusted Advisor check for CloudFront SSL Cert on Origin Server failing
AWS_TrustedAdvisor_Auditor Trusted Advisor Check Is the Trusted Advisor check for Exposed Access Keys failing
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice service networks VPC Lattice Service Networks should be associated with a VPC
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice service networks VPC Lattice Service Networks should be associated with a VPC Lattice Service
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice service networks VPC Lattice Service Networks should use IAM Auth
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice service networks VPC Lattice Service Networks should enable logging
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice service networks VPC Lattice Service Networks should define a minimal Auth Policy with Conditions
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice services VPC Lattice Services should use IAM Auth
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice services VPC Lattice Services should enable logging
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice services VPC Lattice Services should define a minimal Auth Policy with Conditions
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice target groups VPC Lattice Target Groups should enforce HTTPS connections
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice target groups VPC Lattice Target Groups should define health checks for IP/Instance targets
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice target groups VPC Lattice Target Groups should be associated with a VPC Lattice Service
AWS_VPC_Lattice_Auditor VPC Lattice listener VPC Lattice Listeners should enforce HTTPS connections
AWS_VPN_Auditor Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) VGWs should be attached to VPCs
AWS_VPN_Auditor Customer Gateway (CGW) Consider using Certificate-based authentication with CGWs
AWS_VPN_Auditor Site-to-Site VPN S2S VPNs should have two active tunnels
AWS_VPN_Auditor Site-to-Site VPN S2S VPN tunnels should have logging enabled
AWS_VPN_Auditor Site-to-Site VPN S2S VPN tunnels should have lifecycle control enabled
AWS_VPN_Auditor Site-to-Site VPN S2S VPNs attached to TGWs should enable acceleration
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Regional) Do Regional WAFs use Cloudwatch Metrics
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Regional) Do Regional WAFs use Request Sampling
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Regional) Do Regional WAFs have Logging enabled
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Global) Do Global WAFs use Cloudwatch Metrics
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Global) Do Global WAFs use Request Sampling
AWS_WAFv2_Auditor AWS WAFv2 (Global) Do Global WAFs have Logging enabled
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor EC2 instance Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Application load balancer Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Classic load balancer Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Elastic IP Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor CloudFront Distribution Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a FTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a SSH service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Telnet service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a SMTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a HTTP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a POP3 service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Win NetBIOS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a SMB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a RDP service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a MSSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a MySQL/MariaDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a NFS service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Docker API service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a OracleDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a PostgreSQL service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Kibana service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a VMWARE ESXi service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a HTTP Proxy service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a SplunkD service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Kubernetes API Server service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Redis service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Kafka service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a MongoDB/DocDB service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a Rabbit/AmazonMQ service publicly accessible
ElectricEye_AttackSurface_Auditor Route53 Hosted Zone Is a SparkUI service publicly accessible
Amazon_Secrets_Auditor CodeBuild project Do CodeBuild projects have secrets in plaintext env vars
Amazon_Secrets_Auditor CloudFormation Stack Do CloudFormation Stacks have secrets in parameters
Amazon_Secrets_Auditor ECS Task Definition Do ECS Task Definitions have secrets in env vars
Amazon_Secrets_Auditor EC2 Instance Do EC2 instances have secrets in User Data

Continue to check this section for information on active, retired, and renamed checks or using the --list-checks command in the CLI!