The purpose of this project was to perform analysis on different sorting algorithms by measuring the time taken for different inputs sizes. This was then plotted to show the difference between theoretical estimates versus real-world time taken. The two sum problem was also given to be solved and compare run times of different solutions. A slideshow and video were then created with the results which can be found here.
Carlo - Bubble sort, tested and compiled expirimental data, report editing
Jacob - Insertion sort, main file, tested and compiled experiemental data, presentation editing, two sum - shrinking approach
Juan - Heap sort, graph creation, report editing, presentation editing
Julie - Selection sort, gathered time complexities, graph creation, report editing
Malee - Merge sort, report editing, presentation editing
Marc - Quick sort, graph creation, presentation editing
Ryan - Radix sort, counting sort, tested and compiled experimental data, graph creation, two sum - hash map approach