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Jeffrey Warren edited this page Dec 9, 2011 · 1 revision

Cartagen Aerial is a sub-project attempting to use low-cost weather-balloon photography as a base layer for mapping. Weather balloon photography, when rectified, can provide very high-resolution images from which to base mapping efforts.

Weather balloon photography



Rough estimates:


or in most programming languages:


r = diameter in feet

Diameter Volume (cu ft) lift power
3' 14.1 0.9 lbs
4' 33.5 2.14 lbs
5' 65.45 33.51 lbs
8' 268.1 17.16 lbs
16' 2145 137 lbs


There's a problem that photos are such high resolution that we can't rectify them... there's no building corners for reference. So I'm trying to turn on the Google Maps satellite layer to use low-res images to rectify high-res ones.

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