<a name"1.0.4">
<a name"1.0.3">
- path issue with phantomjs and phantomjs-prebuilt (482eba50)
<a name"1.0.2">
- incorrect phantomjs path calculation (faa7474e)
<a name"1.0.1">
- version-reset: set version back to 1.0 (9b0f5e34)
<a name"1.0.0">
- replace deprecated nvm version identifier with the proper one (9f9e0e2d)
- test on Node v4 instead of ancient v0.4 (ad1aad5f)
- use phantomjs-prebuilt instead of deprecated phantomjs (5844941a)
<a name"0.2.3">
<a name"0.2.2">
- pass PhantomJS script as the first cmd-line argument (1c195c6b)
- do not duplicate cmd-line flags on repeated PhantomJS runs (76228f18)
<a name"0.2.1">
- ensure console output from phantomjs is available in karma debug logs (eed281b5)
<a name"0.2.0">