become a sponsor? Your company can support kids! sponsorship packages (starting at $xxx)
X home |__X Classes - classes.html |__X Resources - resources.html |__X Sign Up - contact.html |__x News (pelican?) - news.html |__X About - about.html |__X Contact - contact.html |__X WhyCode? - whycode.html |__X RPiIntro - aboutpi.html |__X WhatTeach? - classes.html |__X FindMore - resources.html |__sponsor.html
- Image: KS logo + ?
- Text: Brief call to action
- Link: direct to KS page
Raspberry Pi
- Image: Pi (pi w/kids?)
- Text: intro about
- Link: rpi-intro.html
Learn to Program!
- Image: Collage (Kids w/pis, code screenshots, python logo)
- Text: brief intro
- Link: whycode.html
Become a sponsor!
- Image: classroom
- Text: call to action
- Link: sponsor.html
Pics needed:
- carousel: pi image
- carousel: kids action shots
- carousel: classroom image
- classes.html: small pi image, screenshot overlay
- classes.html: pi package image
- about.html: pics of us
- T&C + waiver for post signup
- social prompt popup