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krlvm edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 24 revisions

PowerTunnel is a portable Java-application with simple installation process.

Prepare workspace

Check Java installation on the your PC

Required Java 7+ for working. You can get Java from the official website.

Get the binary

Compile it yourself or download it here

Configuring PowerTunnel

Launch PowerTunnel and start the server. In the PowerTunnel folder will be appear configuration files: government-blacklist.txt, user-blacklist.txt, user-whitelist.txt and isp-stub.txt.

Configuring DPI circumvention-related lists

Filling government blacklist

Blocklist is not enabled by default, but it can speed up PowerTunnel performance. If you want to use blocklist, you should fill the government-blacklist.txt. You need to get blacklist list of the your country government without such markers as http://, https://, www. and etc. Only host name.

For a better DPI bypass fill the isp-stub.txt. You should put the your ISP stub address. ISP stub is the page where you are redirected to when connecting to a blocked HTTP website.

If you're living in Russia, you can use this auto-updated list as government blocklist. Since v1.8 you can use -government-blacklist-from [URL] for auto-fill.

Configuring user lists

This is optional. You can block domains putting them into user-blacklist.txt, trackers and ads for example. If you need to block 2-level domain but need to using 3-level domain of the same website add it to user-whitelist.txt

You can also block Google Ads servers to get rid of advertising.

Getting it working

Configuring system-wide proxy

If you're using Windows, proxy server should've been setup automatically. If it wasn't, follow this instruction. Proxy IP and port is visible in the PowerTunnel window, i.e.: PowerTunnel Network Settings If you're using a Linux distribution/macOS, google instruction for it.

If you're using Windows 10 it's highly recommended to add all Microsoft servers to the exception list.

Starting PowerTunnel

Start PowerTunnel Proxy Server. You will be able to access the Internet until it's running. If you will decide to stop using PowerTunnel just stop the server and disable system-wide proxy.

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