Releases: krober10nd/SeismicMesh
SeismicMesh V2.0.4
SeismicMesh V2.0.3
Version bump.
SeismicMesh V2.0.0
- Fix to semantic versioning (a change to public API occurred with V1.2)
- Improvements to README
- Reduction in memory usage.
SeismicMesh V1.2.42
-Easier installation with pypi
package manager:
-Switch from BSDv2 to GPLv3 to match dependencies (CGAL).
-Improvements to documentation.
SeismicMesh V1.2
Major changes:
-Improvements to API, no longer has two different file input formats for 2D/3D. Now only accepts 2D or 3D numpy ndarrays. These datat can be read in using helper functions.
-More complete documentation
-More conservative CFL limiting.
-Mesh improvement/sliver removal now uses incremental Delaunay triangulation to accelerate things.
Minor bug fixes:
-Correct 3D domain extension and velocity model adjustments in the extension region.
-Padstyle linear_ramp now works in 3D.
SeismicMesh V1.1
For publication in Zenodo otherwise identical to V1.0
Quality triangular and tetrahedral meshing directly from seismic velocity models for use within the Finite Element method for acoustic and elastic wave simulations. Wraps low-level code in C++ for performance, while maintaining a flexible Python user interface and simple scripting abilities for model generation. Geometry definitions are created using signed distance functions and capabilities to create these functions for realistic seismic velocity models are provided.
Full documentation and a tutorial can be found here:
SeismicMesh V1.0
Quality triangular and tetrahedral meshing directly from seismic velocity models for use within the Finite Element method for acoustic and elastic wave simulations. Wraps low-level code in C++ for performance, while maintaining a flexible Python user interface and simple scripting abilities for model generation. Geometry definitions are created using signed distance functions and capabilities to create these functions for realistic seismic velocity models are provided.
Full documentation and a tutorial can be found here: