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How-To Docker Client Binary Packages for Pipelines


Pipelines ships with some hard-encoded packages for a smaller number of different docker client versions including the exact same one at the time of writing that is used by Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines Plugin.

These packages are meta-data information on how to obtain a static binary of the Docker client and allow to use a static Docker client binary in a reproducible manner.

Static Docker client binaries are useful for pipelines as they can be mounted into nearly any Linux container without further installation requirements (next to provide connectivity to the Docker daemon).

This document is about how-to obtain the static docker client binary and all the meta-data to make use of it and also on how to create such packages next to existing packages or for improving pipelines with new package definitions.

Be it a local .yml package file, a package that ships with the pipelines utility or a custom build static docker client binary.

While doing so, this document also explains many details about the file- format of .yml docker client binary packages and the --docker-client option and arguments as well as the --docker-client-pkgs option.

These options are generally useful to use a different than the default docker client.

Table of Contents

List all Available Docker Static Binary Packages

To display a list of all available docker client versions use the --docker-client-pkgs option:

$ bin/pipelines --docker-client-pkgs
docker-42.42.1-binsh-test-stub # only for development version

It shows the list of the built-in packages which can be used right away as an option to the --docker-client argument.

This list does not highlight the default one, so here a short description about each of these:

  • docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64: this version was in use when using the script inside a pipeline.
  • docker-18.09.1-linux-static-x86_64: this version was found in use by the Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines Plugin:
    $ docker --version
    Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90
  • docker-19.03.1-linux-static-x86_64: the version used mainly to develop pipelines, in specific the Docker Service feature, which was sort of current while doing the development work. It includes fixes in environment variable handling (18.07.0 / docker/cli#1019) which prevented pipelines to properly import environment variables from the users' environment by environment variable files. This became prominent back in April 2018.
  • docker-42.42.1-binsh-test-stub: a fake package used for testing that is not a Docker client at all. When the pipelines project is cloned, this is the only package that works offline out of the box and is only available after composer install has been run.

Create Docker Client Static Binary Packages for Pipelines

It might not be always in your case that pipelines ships with the package of your wish.

Find the binary and download the release package

Docker binaries are available for different platforms from the website:

Browse for the version that you need to work in a pipeline container, it might be necessary to change the architecture, fiddle with the path component of the URL above.

In writing this how-to the docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz for Linux x86_64 has been created exemplary (it is now part of pipelines):

To download a utility like wget or similar can be used:

$ wget
--2019-12-15 17:10:57--
Resolving ( 2600:9000:21c7:ac00:3:db06:4200:93a1, 2600:9000:21c7:a200:3:db06:4200:93a1, 2600:9000:21c7:5c00:3:db06:4200:93a1, ...
Connecting to (|2600:9000:21c7:ac00:3:db06:4200:93a1|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 34272897 (33M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz’

docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz                               100%[=. .. =>]  32,68M  ?,79MB/s    in ?,8s

2019-12-15 17:11:02 (6,76 MB/s) - ‘docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz’ saved [34272897/34272897]

Obtain Meta-Information

As of time of writing, a package in pipelines for the docker client binary contains a bit more meta-information than the download location:

  • The name of the package - to identify it, in this how-to we take docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64, the name should be portable
  • The URI - in this how-to it is the https URL of the download package
  • The SHA-256 checksum of the download package - to verify if the download was successful (complete)
  • The path of the docker binary inside the download package - this path is needed for extraction
  • The SHA-256 checksum of the docker binary - to verify extraction from the package was successful (complete)

To create the SHA-256 checksum of the download package:

$ shasum -a256 docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz
692e1c72937f6214b1038def84463018d8e320c8eaf8530546c84c2f8f9c767d  docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz

Next look into the download package for the path of the docker client:

$ tar -tvf docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz
drwxr-xr-x 0/1000            0 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000      4320064 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-containerd-shim
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000     15433832 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-containerd
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000      7550928 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-runc
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000     19938610 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000       760040 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-init
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000     12773768 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-containerd-ctr
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000      2517244 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/docker-proxy
-rwxr-xr-x 0/1000     46366152 2017-12-27 21:13 docker/dockerd

It normally is docker/docker and so it is in this how-to. Locate the path and create a SHA-256 checksum of it:

$ tar -xf docker-17.12.0-ce.tgz -O docker/docker | shasum -a256
c77a64bf37b4e89cc4d6f35433baa44fb33e6f89e2f2c3406256e55f7a05504b  -

Now all required meta-data has been obtained to create a package.

Encode Meta-Information into a YAML File

The only thing left to fully produce a package file is to encode the collected information as YAML:

$ <<'YAML' cat > docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64.yml
# this file is part of pipelines
# binary docker client package format
name: docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64
sha256: 692e1c72937f6214b1038def84463018d8e320c8eaf8530546c84c2f8f9c767d
binary: docker/docker
binary_sha256: c77a64bf37b4e89cc4d6f35433baa44fb33e6f89e2f2c3406256e55f7a05504b

When done you find a .yml file with the name in the current directory.

Note: You can find another description of each part of the package format in the commented package after composer install: lib/package/docker-42.42.1-binsh-test-stub.yml

This package .yml file can already be used for a first test to see if it works. Just run pipelines with the --docker-client option having the path to the .yml file as argument:

$ bin/pipelines --pipeline custom/docker \
	--docker-client docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64.yml
 +++ docker client install...: Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

�+ docker version --format {{.Client.Version}}

This runs pipelines with a pipeline that has the docker service and therefore injects the docker client binary from the package .yml file provided by --docker-client argument. In this case the projects' custom pipeline named "docker-in-docker" (id: custom/docker).

The benefit of having a .yml package file is that all the meta- information is already documented, including on how to obtain the file.

This includes benefiting for a user-wide store of checksum/hash'ed files.

The tar package files are cached in the XDG_CACHE_HOME directory, which by default is:


As long as the user decides to keep the cache, this spares downloading of the tar package again and again.

The docker client binaries are not cached but kept and stored so that they are available in user-land until the user decides to remove the application in the XDG_DATA_HOME directory:


Add Packages to Pipelines Project

Instead of having a .yml package somewhere on the local disk it is better to add it to the pipelines utility itself.

Copy the file into the source directory for package files (here from within a checked-out copy of the pipelines project):

$ cp -vi docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64.yml lib/package
'docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64.yml' ->  ...
 ... 'lib/package/docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64.yml'

To test if the new package name works, invoke Pipelines with the name of this package (not the full file-name or path, e.g. not the path to the file but just the basename of it excluding the .yml extension) with a pipeline that is making use of the docker service, here exemplary again with the projects' custom pipeline named "docker-in-docker" (custom/docker):

$ bin/pipelines --pipeline custom/docker \
	--docker-client docker-17.12.0-ce-linux-static-x86_64
 +++ docker client install...: Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

�+ docker version --format {{.Client.Version}}

Note: If you wish to see a specific package of yours also within the upstream distribution feel free to file a pull-request.

Last but not Least: Use a Custom Build Static Docker Client Binary

Pipelines as an integration utility allows to use docker client binaries directly. For example a binary created from a docker client development build.

In this variant, no package exists at all and the binary is just given as the --docker-client options argument as path to the binary. No download will take place, so is no caching nor adding to any local store (this is all not needed, the file already exists locally). The package is only temporary so to say and the meta-information is non- existent.

This mode of operation is very useful for testing any kind of binary as a docker client.

To distinguish between a package name and binary potentially of that same name, the --docker-client argument needs to have at least a single slash ("/") in the path to the binary.

For example, if the docker client binary is just a local file in the working directory prefix it with ./ so that pipelines can understand it is not a package of the same name.

For example with the test stub that is available in pipelines development:

$ bin/pipelines --pipeline custom/docker \
	--docker-client test/data/package/docker-test-stub
 +++ docker client install...: 42.42.1 ( --version )

�+ docker version --format {{.Client.Version}}
42.42.1 ( version --format {{.Client.Version}} )

Here a fake .sh script is used as the docker client binary which outputs a bogus version number (42.42.1) and all options and arguments with which it was invoked which makes it suitable for testing purposes.