Hi,Welcome to come to see me! I am a plugin for Kotlin generate Kotlin data class code from a JSON string also as say a plugin for Kotlin to convert JSON String into Kotlin data class code (Json to Kotlin)
Hi,This is a very cool tool for Kotlin developers ,It can convert the Json String into Kotlin Data Class code ,and paste it into your editor file ,The tool could recognize the Primitive Type of Json String and make Type Identifier respectively ,It taste easily ,Just have test,guys! Just press shortcut key ALT
+ K
for Windows or Option
+ K
for Mac,And then,start your Kotlin program travel ! JsonToKotlinClass make program more happy!
- Generate Kotlin data class from any legal JSON text.
- Support JSON Serialize Lib Annotation(Gson,Jackson,Fastjson,MoShi and LoganSquare)
- Support customize your own Annotation
- Support init property with default value
- Support make property type to be nullable(?)
- Support auto rename property name to be camelCase when select a target JSON lib Annotation.See demo
- Support generate kotlin data class code in split model
- Support generate kotlin data class code in inner class model
- Support format any legal JSON string
- Search 'JsonToKotlinClass' in Intellij Idea Plugin Repositroy Or AndroidStudio Plugin Repository And Install it.
File --> Settings --> Plugins --> Browse Repositories -->Search JsonToKotlinClass - Restart your Develop tools
- Press shortcut key
for Windows orOption
for Mac And Then you will know how to use
Example with none json lib support and comment option on
data class FD( val programmers: List<Programmer>, val authors: List<Author>, val musicians: List<Musician> ) data class Musician( val firstName: String, //Eric val lastName: String, //Clapton val instrument: String //guitar ) data class Author( val firstName: String, //Isaac val lastName: String, //Asimov val genre: String //science fiction ) data class Programmer( val firstName: String, //Brett val lastName: String, //McLaughlin val email: String //aaaa )
Example with gson option on and init with default value option on
data class TestData( @SerializedName("ticketInfo") val ticketInfo: TicketInfo = TicketInfo(), @SerializedName("trainInfo") val trainInfo: TrainInfo = TrainInfo(), @SerializedName("trainScheduleHead") val trainScheduleHead: List<String> = listOf(), @SerializedName("extInfo") val extInfo: ExtInfo = ExtInfo(), @SerializedName("trainScheduleBody") val trainScheduleBody: List<TrainScheduleBody> = listOf() ) data class TrainScheduleBody( @SerializedName("mxl") val mxl: Long = 0, //12490639969101 @SerializedName("content") val content: List<Int> = listOf() ) data class TrainInfo( @SerializedName("T110") val t110: T110 = T110() )
- Welcome anyone to raise new issue.
- Welcome anyone to push a pull request to improve me.
- Thank @davidbilik give me first awesome advice.
- Thank @cgoodroe raise many awesome issues for me,Help me improve myself
- Thank @wangzhenguang remains me the details of problem
- Support me by clicking the ⭐ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️
- Spread to others to let more people have a better develope expierience ❤️