This repository contains all the source code for my bachelors thesis. The thesis itself is not publicly available.
This directory consists of five directories:
- the react client (app)
- the fastify webserver (server)
- the kubernetes yamls (kubernetes)
- the swarm mode yamls (swarm)
- the sql script for the postgres (sql) used by both kubernetes and the swarm mode
The dockerfile uses the directories "app" and "server". The image created by building the dockerfile is used in the deployments in the directories "swarm" and "kubernetes".
scp -q [email protected]:/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config && sed -i "s#server:" ~/.kube/config
docker stack rm cats && \
docker volume rm cats_postgres-data
kubectl delete -f . && \
kubectl delete configmap cats-init-script && \
kubectl delete pvc postgres-volume-postgres-statefulset-0 && \
kubectl delete cronjob postgres-backup-cronjob && \
kubectl delete job postgres-restore-job && \
kubectl delete job backup-job