Typewriter ▎
A minimalistic vim and gvim colorscheme inspired by the great iA Writer editor. This repo contains the light (typewriter.vim) and dark (typewriter-dark.vim) versions.
- You can use your vim plugin manager of choice
- Or manually
- Clone this repo.
- Copy
To enable this colorscheme, set in your .vimrc file:
colorscheme typewriter
" or typewriter-night
If you want a closer feel to iA Writer install
- goyo.vim for focus mode.
- limelight.vim for line highlight.
and add this lines to vimrc:
" Activate FOCUS mode with F12
nmap <F12> :Goyo <bar> Limelight!!<CR>"
" Change the cursor from block to i-beam in INSERT mode
let &t_SI = "\e[5 q"
let &t_EI = "\e[1 q"
augroup myCmds
autocmd VimEnter * silent !echo -ne "\e[1 q"
augroup END
The font used in the screenshots is SF Mono 12 with letter space of -1 and line space of 8.
# .Xresources file
URxvt*letterSpace : -1
URxvt*lineSpace : 8
or if you use gVim o MacVim
# .gvimrc file
set linespace = 8
Typewriter is based/inspired by these projects