Flax is a game develop tool based on Flash Professional (Later we called it Flash), which is a well-known multimedia creation platform. For the past few years, Flash has even become a powerful game develop tool.
Flax is just to use the power of the Flash to create animation/UI/scene/font etc. Convert a created SWF to texture to be used by other game develop platform, such as PIXI.js and Cocos2d-js.
- For Mac and Windows both
- Based on powerful Flash, what you see in flash is what you get in game
- Easy to use and extendable
- It’s free
- Key frame animation create
- Skeletal animation create
- UI edit
- Scene edit
- Font create
- Anchor edit
- Physic edit
If you or your team member especially the artist are familiar with the Flash, you should enjoy it. If you were a Flash game developer, Flax will make you feel so familiar to develop games with other engines like PIXI.JS/Cocos2d etc.
- install: npm install iflax -g
- create new project: iflax create simpleGame
- publish the project: iflax publish -p <web/ios/android/fb/wechat> -m <true/false>