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Using network tracing tools |
2024-01-01 08:00:00 +0200 |
- Testing connectivity
- Collecting network traces
- Measuring network latency
- Measuring network bandwidth
- Logging HTTP(S) requests in a proxy
It is a common mistake to rely on ping when testing TCP connections. Ping uses a different protocol (ICMP) and although it is a fine tool to check if there is connectivity between two hosts (assuming ICMP traffic is not blocked), it will not tell us anything about opened TCP ports.
On Linux, to check if there is anything listening on a TCP port 80 on a remote host, you may use netcat:
nc -vnz 80
On Windows, PsPing (a part of the Sysinternals toolkit) has few interesting options when it comes to diagnosing network connectivity issues. The simplest usage is just a replacement for a ping.exe tool (performs ICMP ping):
By adding a port number at the end of the host we will test a TCP handshake (or discover a closed port on the remote host):
To test UDP add -u option on the command line.
Probably the best tool to analyze network traffic is Wireshark. Of course, Wireshark may also collect network traffic. However, as it's a GUI application, you may have problems running it on servers. On Windows, Wireshark requires an npcap driver which might also generate problems. Therefore, a better choice might be to use command line tools that I discuss later in this ection.
Another problem in network traces is that they lack the ID of the process owning the network connection. We might get this information with the help of other tracing tools. For example, in this blog post, I present how to use Process Monitor logs for this purpose.
Switching to the command line tools, starting with Window 10 (Server 2019), we have a new network tracing tool in our arsenal: pktmon. It groups packets per components in the network stack, which is especially helpful when monitoring virtualized applications. Here are some usage examples:
# List active components in the network stack
pktmon component list
# Create a filter for TCP traffic for the IP and the 8080 port
pktmon filter add -t tcp -i -p 8080
# Show the configured filters
pktmon filter list
# Start the capturing session (-c) for all the components (--comp)
pktmon start -c --comp all && timeout -1 && pktmon stop
# Start the capture session (-c) for all NICs only (--comp), logging the entire
# packets (--pkt-size 0), overwriting the older packets when the output file
# reaches 512MB (-m circular -s 512)
pktmon start -c --comp nics --pkt-size 0 -m circular -s 512 -f c:\network-trace.etl && timeout -1 && pktmon stop
We may later convert the etl file to open it in Wireshark:
pktmon etl2pcap C:\network-trace.etl --out C:\network-trace.pcap`
Netsh is another tool we could use for this purpose on Windows (even on older Windows versions). The netsh trace {start|stop} command will create an ETW-based network trace, allowing us to choose from a variety of diagnostics scenarios:
> netsh trace show scenarios
Available scenarios (18):
AddressAcquisition : Troubleshoot address acquisition-related issues
DirectAccess : Troubleshoot DirectAccess related issues
FileSharing : Troubleshoot common file and printer sharing problems
InternetClient : Diagnose web connectivity issues
InternetServer : Set of HTTP service counters
L2SEC : Troubleshoot layer 2 authentication related issues
LAN : Troubleshoot wired LAN related issues
Layer2 : Troubleshoot layer 2 connectivity related issues
MBN : Troubleshoot mobile broadband related issues
NDIS : Troubleshoot network adapter related issues
NetConnection : Troubleshoot issues with network connections
P2P-Grouping : Troubleshoot Peer-to-Peer Grouping related issues
P2P-PNRP : Troubleshoot Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) related issues
RemoteAssistance : Troubleshoot Windows Remote Assistance related issues
Virtualization : Troubleshoot network connectivity issues in virtualization environment
WCN : Troubleshoot Windows Connect Now related issues
WFP-IPsec : Troubleshoot Windows Filtering Platform and IPsec related issues
WLAN : Troubleshoot wireless LAN related issues
NOTE: For DHCP traces you may check netsh dhcpclient trace ... commands. Also LAN and WLAN modes have some tracing capabilities which you may enable with a command netsh (w)lan set tracing mode=yes and stop with a command netsh (w)lan set tracing mode=no
To know exactly which providers are enabled in each scenario use netsh trace show scenario {scenarioname}. After choosing the right scenario for your diagnosing case start the trace, for example:
netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient capture=yes && timeout -1 && netsh trace stop
A new .etl file should be created in the output directory (as well as a .cab file with some interesting system logs). If you only need a trace file, you may add report=no tracefile=d:\temp\net.etl paramters. Some ETW providers do not generate information about the processes related to the specific events (for instance WFP provider) - keep this in mind when choosing your own set.
Many interesting capture filters are available, you may use netsh trace show CaptureFilterHelp to list them. Most interesting include CaptureInterface, Protocol, Ethernet, IPv4, and IPv6 options set, for example:
netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient capture=yes CaptureInterface="Local Area Connection 2" Protocol=TCP Ethernet.Type=IPv4 IPv4.Address= maxSize=250 fileMode=circular overwrite=yes traceFile=c:\temp\nettrace.etl
We can convert the generated .etl file to .pcapng with the etl2pcapng tool, and open them in Wireshark.
Most commonly used tool to collect network traces on Linux is tcpdump. The BPF language is quite complex and allows various filtering options. A great explanation of its syntax can be found here. Below, you may find example session configurations.
# View traffic only between two hosts:
tcpdump host && host
# View traffic in a particular network:
tcpdump net
# Dump traffic to a file and rotate it every 1KB:
tcpdump -C 1024 -w test.pcap
On Windows, we may use psping. We need to run it in a server mode on the connection target (-f for creating a temporary exception in the Windows Firewall, -s to enable server listening mode):
psping -f -s
Then start the client and perform the test:
psping -l 16k -n 100
iperf is a tool that can measure bandwidth on Windows and Linux. We need to start the iperf server (-s) (the -e option is to enable enhanced output and -l sets the TCP read buffer size):
iperf -s -l 128k -p 8080 -e
Then, for an example test, we may run the client for 30s (-t) using two parallel threads (-P) and showing interval summaries every 2s (-i):
iperf -c -p 8080 -l 128k -P 2 -i 2 -t 30
On Windows, we may alternatively use psping. Again, we need to run it in a server mode on the connection target (-f for creating a temporary exception in the Windows Firewall, -s to enable server listening mode):
psping -f -s
Then start the client and perform the test:
psping -b -l 16k -n 100
If you are on Windows, use the system settings to change the system proxy. On Linux, set the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY variables, for example:
export HTTP_PROXY="http://localhost:8080"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://localhost:8080"
When you make a request in code you should remember to configure its proxy according to the system settings, for exampe in C#:
var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
or in the configuration file:
<proxy autoDetect="False" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="False" usesystemdefault="False" />
Then run Fiddler (or Burp Suite or any other proxy) and requests data should appear in the sessions window. Unfortunately, this approach won't work for requests to applications served on the local server. A workaround is to use one of the Fiddler's localhost alternatives in the url: ipv4.fiddler
, ipv6.fiddler
or localhost.fiddler
(more here).
NOTE for WCF clients: WCF has its own proxy settings, to use the default proxy add an useDefaultWebProxy=true
attribute to your binding.
If you want to trace HTTPS traffic you probably also need to install the Root CA of your proxy. On Windows, install the certificate to the Third-Party Root Certification Authorities. On Ubuntu Linux, run the following commands:
sudo mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra
sudo cp mitmproxy.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra/mitmproxy.crt
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
NOTE for Python: if there is Python code that you need to trace, use export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
to force Python to validate TLS certs with your system cert store.
If you would like to apply custom modifications to the proxied requests, you should consider implementing your own network proxy. I present several C# examples of such proxies in a blog post on my blog.