layout | title | date |
page |
Using WinDbg |
2024-12-04 08:00:00 +0200 |
{% raw %}
Table of contents:
- Installing WinDbg
- Configuring WinDbg
- Controlling the debugging session
- Symbols and modules
- Working with memory
- System objects in the debugger
- Controlling process execution
- Controlling the target (g, t, p)
- Watch trace
- Breaking when a specific function is in the call stack
- Breaking on a specific function enter and leave
- Breaking for all methods in the C++ object virtual table
- Breaking when a user-mode process is created (kernel-mode)
- Setting a user-mode breakpoint in kernel-mode
- Scripting the debugger
- Time Travel Debugging (TTD)
- Misc tips
On modern systems download the appinstaller file and choose Install in the context menu. If you are on Windows Server 2019 and you don't see the Install option in the context menu, there is a big chance you're missing the App Installer package on your system. In that case, you may use the following PowerShell script (created by @Izybkr with my minor updates to make it work with latest WinDbg releases):
$OutDir = ".",
[ValidateSet("x64", "x86", "arm64")]
$Arch = "x64"
if (!(Test-Path $OutDir)) {
$null = mkdir $OutDir
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Download the appinstaller to find the current uri for the msixbundle
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $OutDir\windbg.appinstaller
# Download the msixbundle
$msixBundleUri = ([xml](Get-Content $OutDir\windbg.appinstaller)).AppInstaller.MainBundle.Uri
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
# This is a workaround to get better performance on older versions of PowerShell
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Download the msixbundle (but name as zip for older versions of Expand-Archive
Invoke-WebRequest $msixBundleUri -OutFile $OutDir\
# Extract the 3 msix files (plus other files)
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $OutDir\UnzippedBundle $OutDir\
# Expand the build you want - also renaming the msix to zip for Windows PowerShell
$fileName = switch ($Arch) {
"x64" { "windbg_win-x64" }
"x86" { "windbg_win-x86" }
"arm64" { "windbg_win-arm64" }
# Rename msix (for older versions of Expand-Archive) and extract the debugger
Rename-Item "$OutDir\UnzippedBundle\$fileName.msix" "$"
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath "$OutDir\windbg" "$OutDir\UnzippedBundle\$"
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$OutDir\UnzippedBundle"
Remove-Item -Force "$OutDir\windbg.appinstaller"
Remove-Item -Force "$OutDir\"
# Now you can run:
& $OutDir\windbg\DbgX.Shell.exe
If you need to debug on an old system with no support for WinDbgX, you need to download Windows SDK and install the Debugging Tools for Windows feature. Executables will be in the Debuggers folder, for example, c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers
When we use the .load or .scriptload commands, WinDbg will search for extensions in the following folders:
(only WinDbgX)%PATH%
where target_arch is either x86 or amd64.
I usually include the directories containing the JavaScript scripts in the PATH since they are architecture-agnostic. As for the 32- and 64-bit DLLs, I store them in EngineExtensions32 and EngineExtensions folders, respectively.
It is also possible to configure extensions galleries. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to make it work with my own extensions.
The windbx -I (windbg -iae) command registers WinDbg as the automatic system debugger - it will launch anytime an application crashes. The modified AeDebug registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
However, we may also use configure those keys manually and use WinDbg to, for example, create a memory dump when the application crashes:
REG_SZ Debugger = "C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\WinDbgX.exe" -c ".dump /ma /u C:\dumps\crash.dmp; qd" -p %ld -e %ld -g
REG_SZ Auto = 1
If you miss the -g option, WinDbg will inject a remote thread with a breakpoint instruction, which will hide our original exception. In such case, you might need to scan the stack to find the original exception record.
HYPER-V note: When debugging a Gen 2 VM remember to turn off the secure booting: Set-VMFirmware -VMName "Windows 2012 R2" -EnableSecureBoot Off -Confirm
Turn on network debugging (HOSTIP is the address of the machine on which we will run the debugger):
bcdedit /dbgsettings NET HOSTIP: PORT:60000
# Key=3ma3qyz02ptls.23uxbvnd0e2zh.1gnwiqb6v3mpb.mjltos9cf63x
bcdedit /debug {current} on
# The operation completed successfully.
Then on the host machine, run windbg, select Attach to kernel and fill the port and key textboxes.
Network card compatibility check
Starting from Debugging Tools for Windows 10 we have an additional tool: kdnet.exe. By running it on the guest you may see if your network card supports kernel debugging and get the instructions for the host machine:
kdnet 60000
# Enabling network debugging on Microsoft Hypervisor Virtual Machine.
# Key=xxxx
# To finish setting up KDNET for this VM, run the following command from an
# elevated command prompt running on the Windows hyper-v host. (NOT this VM!)
# powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass kdnetdebugvm.ps1 -vmguid DD4F4AFE-9B5F-49AD-8
# 775-20863740C942 -port 60000
# To debug this vm, run the following command on your debugger host machine.
# windbg -k net:port=60000,key=xxxx,target=DELAPTOP
# Then make sure to SHUTDOWN (not restart) the VM so that the new settings will
# take effect. Run shutdown -s -t 0 from this command prompt.
If you are hosting your guest on QEMU KVM and want to use network debugging, you need to either create your VM as a Generic one (not Windows) or update the VM configuration XML, changing the vendor_id under the hyperv node, for example:
<domain type="kvm">
<!-- ... -->
<hyperv mode="custom">
<relaxed state="on"/>
<vapic state="on"/>
<spinlocks state="on" retries="8191"/>
<vendor_id state="on" value="KVMKVMKVM"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
I highly recommend checking this post by the OSR team describing why those changes are required and revealing some details about the kdnet inner working.
To start a remote session of WinDbg, you may use the -server switch, e.g.: windbg(x) -server "npipe:pipe=svcpipe" notepad
You may attach to the currently running session by using -remote switch, e.g.: windbg(x) -remote "npipe:pipe=svcpipe,server=localhost"
To terminate the entire session and exit the debugging server, use the q (Quit) command. To exit from one debugging client without terminating the server, you must issue a command from that specific client. If this client is KD or CDB, use the CTRL+B key to exit. If you are using a script to run KD or CDB, use .remote_exit (Exit Debugging Client).
The | command displays a path to the process image. You may run vercommand to check how the debugger was launched. The vertarget command shows the OS version, the process lifetime, and more, for example, the dump time when debugging a memory dump. The .time command displays information about the system time variable (session time).
.lastevent shows the last reason why the debugger stopped and .eventlog displays the recent events.
The lm command lists all modules with symbol load info. To examine a specific module, use lmvm {module-name}. To find out if a given address belongs to any of the loaded dlls you may use the !dlls -c {addr} command. Another way would be to use the lma {addr} command.
The .sympath command shows the symbol search path and allows its modification. Use .reload /f {module-name} to reload symbols for a given module.
The x {module-name}!{function} command resolves a function address, and ln {address} finds the nearest symbol.
When we don't have access to the symbol server, we may create a list of required symbols with symchk.exe (part of the Debugging Tools for Windows installation) and download them later on a different host. First, we need to prepare the manifest, for example:
symchk /id test.dmp /om test.dmp.sym /s C:\non-existing
Then copy it to the machine with the symbol server access, and download the required symbols, for example:
symchk /im test.dmp.sym /s SRV*C:\symbols*
In WinDbgX, we may also list and filter modules with the @$curprocess.Modules property. Some usage examples:
dx @$curprocess.Modules["win32u.dll"]
# @$curprocess.Modules["win32u.dll"] : C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll
# BaseAddress : 0x7ffa0e2c0000
# Name : C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll
# Size : 0x26000
# Attributes
# Contents
# Symbols : [SymbolModule]win32u
dx @$curprocess.Modules["win32u.dll"].Contents.Exports
# [0x0] : Function export of 'NtBindCompositionSurface'
# [0x1] : Function export of 'NtCloseCompositionInputSink'
# ...
# List modules with information if they have combase.dll as a direct import
dx -g @$curprocess.Modules.Select(m => new { Name = m.Name, HasCombase = m.Contents.Imports.Any(i => i.ModuleName == "combase.dll") })
The !address
command shows information about a specific region of memory, for example:
!address 0x00fd7df8
# Usage: Image
# Base Address: 00fd6000
# End Address: 00fdc000
# Region Size: 00006000 ( 24.000 kB)
# State: 00001000 MEM_COMMIT
# Protect: 00000002 PAGE_READONLY
# Type: 01000000 MEM_IMAGE
# Allocation Base: 00fb0000
# Allocation Protect: 00000080 PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY
# Image Path: prog.exe
# Module Name: prog
# Loaded Image Name: c:\test\prog.exe
# Mapped Image Name:
# More info: lmv m prog
# More info: !lmi prog
# More info: ln 0xfd7df8
# More info: !dh 0xfb0000
Additionally, it can display regions of memory of specific type, for example:
!address -f:FileMap
# BaseAddr EndAddr+1 RgnSize Type State Protect Usage
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 9a0000 9b0000 10000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE MappedFile "PageFile"
# 9b0000 9b1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 9c0000 9c1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# d50000 e19000 c9000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\locale.nls"
# ff0000 ff1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 7f995000 7fa90000 fb000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_RESERVE MappedFile "PageFile"
# 7fae0000 7fae1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
!address -f:MEM_MAPPED
# BaseAddr EndAddr+1 RgnSize Type State Protect Usage
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 9a0000 9b0000 10000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE MappedFile "PageFile"
# 9b0000 9b1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 9c0000 9c1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 9d0000 9ed000 1d000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY Other [API Set Map]
# 9f0000 9f4000 4000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY Other [System Default Activation Context Data]
# d50000 e19000 c9000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\locale.nls"
# ff0000 ff1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 7f990000 7f995000 5000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY Other [Read Only Shared Memory]
# 7f995000 7fa90000 fb000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_RESERVE MappedFile "PageFile"
# 7fae0000 7fae1000 1000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY MappedFile "PageFile"
# 7faf0000 7fb13000 23000 MEM_MAPPED MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY Other [NLS Tables]
Stack grows from high addresses to lower. Thus, when you see addresses bigger than the frame base (such as ebp+C) they usually refer to the function arguments. Smaller addresses (such as ebp-20) usually refer to local function variables.
To display stack frames use the k command. The kP command will additionally print function arguments if private symbols are available. The kbM command outputs stack frames with first three parameters passed on the stack (those will be first three parameters of the function in x86).
When there are many threads running in a process it's common that some of them have the same call stacks. To better organize call stacks we can use the !uniqstack command. Adding -b parameter adds first three parameters to the output, -v displays all parameters (but requires private symbols).
To switch a local context to a different stack frame we can use the .frame command:
.frame [/c] [/r] [FrameNumber]
.frame [/c] [/r] = BasePtr [FrameIncrement]
.frame [/c] [/r] = BasePtr StackPtr InstructionPtr
The !for_each_frame extension command enables you to execute a single command repeatedly, once for each frame in the stack.
In WinDbgX, we may access the call stack frames using dx @$curstack.Frames, for example:
dx @$curstack.Frames
# @$curstack.Frames
# [0x0] : ntdll!LdrpDoDebuggerBreak + 0x30 [Switch To]
# [0x1] : ntdll!LdrpInitializeProcess + 0x1cfa [Switch To]
# [0x2] : ntdll!_LdrpInitialize + 0x56298 [Switch To]
# [0x3] : ntdll!LdrpInitializeInternal + 0x6b [Switch To]
# [0x4] : ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk + 0xe [Switch To]
dx @$curstack.Frames[0].Attributes
# InstructionOffset : 0x7ffa1102b784
# ReturnOffset : 0x7ffa1102e9d6
# FrameOffset : 0xea5055f370
# StackOffset : 0xea5055f340
# FuncTableEntry : 0x0
# Virtual : 1
# FrameNumber : 0x0
# SourceInformation
When you have private symbols you may list local variables with the dv command.
Additionally the dt command allows you to work with type symbols. You may either list them, eg.: dt notepad!g_*
or dump a data address using a given type format, eg.: dt nt!_PEB 0x13123
The dx command allows you to dump local variables or read them from any place in the memory. It uses a navigation expressions just like Visual Studio (you may define your own file .natvis files). You load the interesting .natvis file with the .nvload command.
#FIELD_OFFSET(Type, Field) is an interesting operator which returns the offset of the field in the type, eg. ? #FIELD_OFFSET(_PEB, ImageSubsystemMajorVersion).
The !du command from the PDE extension shows strings up to 4GB (the default du command stops when it hits the range limit).
The PDE extension also contains the !ssz command to look for zero-terminated (either unicode or ascii) strings. To change a text in memory use !ezu, for example: ezu "test string"
. The extension works on committed memory.
Another interesting command is !grep, which allows you to filter the output of other commands: !grep _NT !peb
The !object command displays some basic information about a kernel object:
!object ffffc30162f26080
# Object: ffffc30162f26080 Type: (ffffc30161891d20) Process
# ObjectHeader: ffffc30162f26050 (new version)
# HandleCount: 23 PointerCount: 582900
We may then analyze the object header to learn some more details about the object, for example:
dx (nt!_OBJECT_HEADER *)0xffffc30162f26050
# (nt!_OBJECT_HEADER *)0xffffc30162f26050 : 0xffffc30162f26050 [Type: _OBJECT_HEADER *]
# [+0x000] PointerCount : 582900 [Type: __int64]
# [+0x008] HandleCount : 23 [Type: __int64]
# [+0x008] NextToFree : 0x17 [Type: void *]
# [+0x010] Lock [Type: _EX_PUSH_LOCK]
# [+0x018] TypeIndex : 0x5 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x019] TraceFlags : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x019 ( 0: 0)] DbgRefTrace : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x019 ( 1: 1)] DbgTracePermanent : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01a] InfoMask : 0x88 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b] Flags : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 0: 0)] NewObject : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 1: 1)] KernelObject : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 2: 2)] KernelOnlyAccess : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 3: 3)] ExclusiveObject : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 4: 4)] PermanentObject : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 5: 5)] DefaultSecurityQuota : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 6: 6)] SingleHandleEntry : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01b ( 7: 7)] DeletedInline : 0x0 [Type: unsigned char]
# [+0x01c] Reserved : 0x62005c [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x020] ObjectCreateInfo : 0xffffc301671872c0 [Type: _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION *]
# [+0x020] QuotaBlockCharged : 0xffffc301671872c0 [Type: void *]
# [+0x028] SecurityDescriptor : 0xffffd689feeef0ea [Type: void *]
# [+0x030] Body [Type: _QUAD]
# ObjectType : Process
# UnderlyingObject [Type: _EPROCESS]
dx -r1 (*((ntkrnlmp!_EPROCESS *)0xffffc30162f26080))
# (*((ntkrnlmp!_EPROCESS *)0xffffc30162f26080)) [Type: _EPROCESS]
# [+0x000] Pcb [Type: _KPROCESS]
# [+0x438] ProcessLock [Type: _EX_PUSH_LOCK]
# [+0x440] UniqueProcessId : 0x1488 [Type: void *]
# [+0x448] ActiveProcessLinks [Type: _LIST_ENTRY]
# [+0x458] RundownProtect [Type: _EX_RUNDOWN_REF]
# [+0x460] Flags2 : 0x200d014 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x460 ( 0: 0)] JobNotReallyActive : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x460 ( 1: 1)] AccountingFolded : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x460 ( 2: 2)] NewProcessReported : 0x1 [Type: unsigned long]
# ...
Each time you break into the kernel-mode debugger, one of the processes will be active. You may learn which one by running the !process -1 0 command. If you are going to work with user-mode memory space you need to reload the process modules symbols (otherwise you will see symbols from the last reload). You may do so while switching process context with .process /i or .process /r /p, or ,manually, with the command: .reload /user. /i means invasive debugging and allows you to control the process from the kernel debugger. /r reloads user-mode symbols after the process context has been set (the behavior is the same as .reload /user). /p translates all transition page table entries (PTEs) for this process to physical addresses before access.
!peb shows loaded modules, environment variables, command line arg, and more.
The !process 0 0 {image} command finds a proces using its image name, e.g.: !process 0 0 LINQPad.UserQuery.exe
When we know the process ID, we may use !process {PID | address} 0x7 (the 0x7 flag will list all the threads with their stacks)
There is a special debugger extension command !handle that allows you to find system handles reserved by a process: !handle [Handle [UMFlags [TypeName]]]
To list all handles reserved by a process use -1 (in kernel mode) or 0 (in user-mode) - you filter further by seeting a type of a handle: Event, Section, File, Port, Directory, SymbolicLink, Mutant, WindowStation, Semaphore, Key, Token, Process, Thread, Desktop, IoCompletion, Timer, Job, and WaitablePort, ex.:
!handle 0 1 File
# ...
# Handle 1c0
# Type File
# 7 handles of type File
The !thread {addr} command shows details about a specific thread.
Each thread has its own register values. These values are stored in the CPU registers when the thread is executing and are stored in memory when another thread is executing. You can set the register context using .thread command:
.thread [/p [/r] ] [/P] [/w] [Thread]
.trap [Address] .cxr [Options] [Address]
For WOW64 processes, the /w parameter (.thread /w) will additionally switch to the x86 context. After loading the thread context, the commands opearating on stack should start working (remember to be in the right process context).
To list all threads in a current process use ~ command (user-mode). Dot (.) in the first column signals a currently selected thread and hash (#) points to a thread on which an exception occurred.
!runaway shows the time consumed by each thread:
!runaway 7
# User Mode Time
# Thread Time
# 0:bfc 0 days 0:00:00.031
# 3:10c 0 days 0:00:00.000
# 2:844 0 days 0:00:00.000
# 1:15bc 0 days 0:00:00.000
# Kernel Mode Time
# Thread Time
# 0:bfc 0 days 0:00:00.046
# 3:10c 0 days 0:00:00.000
# 2:844 0 days 0:00:00.000
# 1:15bc 0 days 0:00:00.000
# Elapsed Time
# Thread Time
# 0:bfc 0 days 0:27:19.817
# 1:15bc 0 days 0:27:19.810
# 2:844 0 days 0:27:19.809
# 3:10c 0 days 0:27:19.809
~~[thread-id] - in case you would like to use the system thread id you may with this syntax.
!tls Slot extension displays a thread local storage slot (or -1 for all slots)
Display information about a particular critical section: !critsec {address}
!locks extension in Ntsdexts.dll displays a list of critical sections associated with the current process.
!cs -lso [Address] - display information about critical sections (-l - only locked critical sections, -o - owner's stack, -s - initialization stack, if available)
!critsec Address - information about a specific critical section
!cs -lso
# -----------------------------------------
# DebugInfo = 0x77294380
# Critical section = 0x772920c0 (ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock+0x0)
# LockCount = 0x10
# WaiterWoken = No
# OwningThread = 0x00002c78
# RecursionCount = 0x1
# LockSemaphore = 0x194
# SpinCount = 0x00000000
# -----------------------------------------
# DebugInfo = 0x00581850
# Critical section = 0x5164a394 (AcLayers!NS_VirtualRegistry::csRegCriticalSection+0x0)
# LockCount = 0x4
# WaiterWoken = No
# OwningThread = 0x0000206c
# RecursionCount = 0x1
# LockSemaphore = 0x788
# SpinCount = 0x00000000
Finally, we may use the raw output:
dx -r1 ((ole32!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG *)0x581850)
# ((ole32!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG *)0x581850) : 0x581850 [Type: _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG *]
# [+0x000] Type : 0x0 [Type: unsigned short]
# [+0x002] CreatorBackTraceIndex : 0x0 [Type: unsigned short]
# [+0x004] CriticalSection : 0x5164a394 [Type: _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *]
# [+0x008] ProcessLocksList [Type: _LIST_ENTRY]
# [+0x010] EntryCount : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x014] ContentionCount : 0x6 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x018] Flags : 0x0 [Type: unsigned long]
# [+0x01c] CreatorBackTraceIndexHigh : 0x0 [Type: unsigned short]
# [+0x01e] SpareUSHORT : 0x0 [Type: unsigned short]
To go up the funtion use gu command. We can go to a specified address using ga [address]. We can also step or trace to a specified address using accordingly pa and ta commands.
Useful commands are pc and tc which step or trace to the next call statement. pt and tt step or trace to the next return statement.
wt is a very powerful command and might be excellent at revealing what the function under the cursor is doing, eg. (-oa displays the actual address of the call sites, -or displays the return register values):
wt -l1 -oa -or
# Tracing notepad!NPInit to return address 00007ff6`72c23af5
# 11 0 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c27749
# 14 0 [ 1] notepad!_chkstk rax = 1570
# 20 14 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c27772
# 11 0 [ 1] USER32!RegisterWindowMessageW rax = c06f
# 26 25 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c2778f
# 11 0 [ 1] USER32!RegisterWindowMessageW rax = c06c
# 31 36 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c277a5
# 6 0 [ 1] USER32!NtUserGetDC rax = 9011652
# >> More than one level popped 0 -> 0
# 37 42 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c277bc
# 1635 0 [ 1] notepad!InitStrings rax = 1
# 42 1677 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c277d0
# 8 0 [ 1] USER32!LoadCursorW rax = 10007
# 46 1685 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c277e4
# 8 0 [ 1] USER32!LoadCursorW rax = 10009
# 50 1693 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c277fb
# 24 0 [ 1] USER32!LoadAcceleratorsW
# 24 0 [ 1] USER32!LoadAcc rax = 0
# 59 1741 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# call at 00007ff6`72c27d84
# 6 0 [ 1] notepad!_security_check_cookie rax = 0
# 69 1747 [ 0] notepad!NPInit
# 1816 instructions were executed in 1815 events (0 from other threads)
# Function Name Invocations MinInst MaxInst AvgInst
# USER32!LoadAcc 1 24 24 24
# USER32!LoadAcceleratorsW 1 24 24 24
# USER32!LoadCursorW 2 8 8 8
# USER32!NtUserGetDC 1 6 6 6
# USER32!RegisterWindowMessageW 2 11 11 11
# notepad!InitStrings 1 1635 1635 1635
# notepad!NPInit 1 69 69 69
# notepad!_chkstk 1 14 14 14
# notepad!_security_check_cookie 1 6 6 6
# 1 system call was executed
# Calls System Call
# 1 USER32!NtUserGetDC
The first number in the trace output specifies the number of instructions that were executed from the beginning of the trace in a given function (it is always incrementing), the second number specifies the number of instructions executed in the child functions (it is also always incrementing), and the third represents the depth of the function in the stack (parameter -l).
If the wt command does not work, you may achieve similar results manually with the help of the target controlling commands:
- stepping until a specified address: ta, pa
- stepping until the next branching instruction: th, ph
- stepping until the next call instruction: tc, pc
- stepping until the next return: tt, pt
- stepping until the next return or call instruction: tct, pct
bp Module!MyFunctionWithConditionalBreakpoint "r $t0 = 0;.foreach (v { k }) { .if ($spat(\"v\", \"*Module!ClassA:MemberFunction*\")) { r $t0 = 1;.break } }; .if($t0 = 0) { gc }"
The trick is to set a one-time breakpoint on the return address (bp /1 @$ra) when the main breakpoint is hit, for example:
bp 031a6160 "dt ntdll!_GUID poi(@esp + 8); .printf /D \"==> obj addr: %p\", poi(@esp + C);.echo; bp /1 @$ra; g"
bp kernel32!RegOpenKeyExW "du @rdx; bp /1 @$ra \"r @$retreg; g\"; g"
bp kernelbase!CreateFileW ".printf \"CreateFileW('%mu', ...)\", @rcx; bp /1 @$ra \".printf \\\" => %p\\\\n\\\", @rax; g\"; g"
bp kernelbase!DeviceIoControl ".printf \"DeviceIoControl(%p, %p, ...)\\n\", @rcx, @rdx; g"
bp kernelbase!CloseHandle ".printf \"CloseHandle(%p)\\n\", @rcx;g"
Remove the 'g' commands from the above samples if you want the debugger to stop.
This could be useful when debugging COM interfaces, as in the example below. When we know the number of methods in the interface and the address of the virtual table, we may set the breakpoint using the .for loop, for example:
.for (r $t0 = 0; @$t0 < 5; r $t0= @$t0 + 1) { bp poi(5f4d8948 + @$t0 * @$ptrsize) }
bp nt!PspInsertProcess
The breakpoint is hit whenever a new user-mode process is created. To know what process is it we may access the _EPROCESS structure ImageFileName field.
# x64
dt nt!_EPROCESS @rcx ImageFileName
# x86
dt nt!_EPROCESS @eax ImageFileName
You may set a breakpoint in user space, but you need to be in a valid process context:
!process 0 0 notepad.exe
# PROCESS ffffe0014f80d680
# SessionId: 2 Cid: 0e44 Peb: 7ff7360ef000 ParentCid: 0aac
# DirBase: 2d497000 ObjectTable: ffffc00054529240 HandleCount:
# Image: notepad.exe
.process /i ffffe0014f80d680
# You need to continue execution (press 'g' ) for the context
# to be switched. When the debugger breaks in again, you will be in
# the new process context.
kd> g
Then when you are in a given process context, set the breakpoint:
.reload /user
!process -1 0
# PROCESS ffffe0014f80d680
# SessionId: 2 Cid: 0e44 Peb: 7ff7360ef000 ParentCid: 0aac
# DirBase: 2d497000 ObjectTable: ffffc00054529240 HandleCount:
# Image: notepad.exe
x kernel32!CreateFileW
# 00007ffa`d8502508 KERNEL32!CreateFileW ()
bp 00007ffa`d8502508
Alternative way (which does not require process context switching) is to use data execution breakpoints, eg.:
!process 0 0 notepad.exe
# PROCESS ffffe0014ca22480
# SessionId: 2 Cid: 0614 Peb: 7ff73628f000 ParentCid: 0d88
# DirBase: 5607b000 ObjectTable: ffffc0005c2dfc40 HandleCount:
# Image: notepad.exe
.process /r /p ffffe0014ca22480
# Implicit process is now ffffe001`4ca22480
# .cache forcedecodeuser done
# Loading User Symbols
# ..........................
x KERNEL32!CreateFileW
# 00007ffa`d8502508 KERNEL32!CreateFileW ()
ba e1 00007ffa`d8502508
For both those commands you may limit their scope to a particular process using /p switch.
WinDbg contains several meta-commands (starting with a dot) that allow you to control the debugger actions. The .expr command prints the expression evaluator (MASM or C++) that will be used when interpreting the symbols in the executed commands. You may use the /s to change it. The ? command uses the default evaluator, and ?? always uses the C++ evaluator. Also, you can mix the evaluators in one expression by using @@c++(expression) or @@masm(expression) syntax, for example: ? @@c++(@$peb->ImageSubsystemMajorVersion) + @@masm(0y1).
When using .if and .foreach, sometimes the names are not resolved - use spaces between them. For example, the command would fail if there was no space between poi( and addr in the code below.
.foreach (addr {!DumpHeap -mt 71d75b24 -short}) { .if (dwo(poi( addr + 5c ) + c)) { !do addr } }
The dx command allows us to query the Debugger Object Model. There is a set of root objects from which we may start our query, including @$cursession, @$curprocess, @$curthread, @$curstack, or @$curframe.
dx Debugger.State shows the current state of the debugger. The -h parameter additionally displays help for the debugger objects, for example:
dx -h Debugger.State
# Debugger.State [State pertaining to the current execution of the debugger (e.g.: user variables)]
# DebuggerInformation [Debugger variables which are owned by the debugger and can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$]
# DebuggerVariables [Debugger variables which are owned by the debugger and can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$]
# FunctionAliases [Functions aliased to names which are accessible via a pseudo-register prefix of @$ or executable via a '!' command prefix]
# PseudoRegisters [Categorizied debugger managed pseudo-registers which can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$]
# Scripts [Scripts which have been loaded into the debugger and have properties, methods, or other accessible constructs]
# UserVariables [User variables which are maintained by the debugger and can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$]
# ExtensionGallery [Extension Gallery]
If we add the -v parameter, dx will print not only the values of the properties and fields but also the methods we may call on an object:
dx -v -r1 Debugger.Sessions[0].Processes[15416].Threads[12796]
# Debugger.Sessions[0].Processes[15416].Threads[12796] [Switch To]
# Id : 0x31fc
# Index : 0x0
# Stack
# Registers
# SwitchTo [SwitchTo() - Switch to this thread as the default context]
# Environment
# ToDisplayString [ToDisplayString([FormatSpecifier]) - Method which converts the object to its display string representation according to an optional format specifier]
In our queries we may create anonymous objets, lambdas, arrays and objects of the Debugger Object Model types, for example:
# Create an anonymous object for each call to RtlSetLastWin32Error that contains TTD time of the call and the error code value
dx -g @$cursession.TTD.Calls("ntdll!RtlSetLastWin32Error").Select(c => new { TimeStart = c.TimeStart, Error = c.Parameters[0] })
# =========================================
# = = (+) TimeStart = Error =
# =========================================
# = [0x0] - 725:3B - 0xbb =
# = [0x1] - 725:3D6 - 0x57 =
# = [0x2] - 725:4AA - 0x57 =
# = [0x3] - 725:EF0 - 0xbb =
# ....
# Create a simple array containing four numbers
dx Debugger.Utility.Collections.CreateArray(1, 2, 3, 4)
# Debugger.Utility.Collections.CreateArray(1, 2, 3, 4)
# [0x0] : 1
# [0x1] : 2
# [0x2] : 3
# [0x3] : 4
# Create a TTD position object and use it to set the current trace position
dx -s @$create("Debugger.Models.TTD.Position", 4173, 75).SeekTo()
# Create a lambda function to sum two numbers
dx ((x, y) => x + y)(1, 2)
# ((x, y) => x + y)(1, 2) : 3
Additionally, we may assign the created object or the result of a dx query to a variable, for example:
# Assign a lambda function to a $sum variable and use it
dx @$sum = (x, y) => x + y
dx @$sum(1, 2)
# @$sum(1, 2) : 3
# Save all calls to the CreateFileW function to the @$calls variable
dx @$calls = @$cursession.TTD.Calls("kernelbase!CreateFileW")
We may also use variables and pseudo-registers available in the debugger context. You may list them by examining the Debugger.State.DebuggerVariables, Debugger.State.PseudoRegisters, and Debugger.State.UserVariables objects.
# Find kernel32 exports that contain the 'RegGetVal' string (by Tim Misiak)
dx @$curprocess.Modules["kernel32"].Contents.Exports.Where(exp => exp.Name.Contains("RegGetVal"))
# Show the address of the exported RegGetValueW function (by Tim Misiak)
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Modules["kernel32"].Contents.Exports.Single(exp => exp.Name == "RegGetValueW").CodeAddress
# Set a breakpoint on every exported function of the bindfltapi module
dx @$curprocess.Modules["bindfltapi"].Contents.Exports.Select(m => Debugger.Utility.Control.ExecuteCommand($"bp {m.CodeAddress}"))
# Show the number of calls made to functions with names starting from NdrClient in the rpcrt4 module
dx -g @$cursession.TTD.Calls("rpcrt4!NdrClient*").GroupBy(c => c.Function).Select(g => new { Function = g.First().Function, Count = g.Count() })
More examples of the dx queries for analysing the TTD traces can be found in the TTD guide.
The SOS extension does not currently support the Debugger Object Models, but we can see that some of the debugger objects understand the managed context. For example, when we list stack frames of a managed process, the method names should be properly decoded:
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames
# @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames
# [0x0] : ntdll!NtReadFile + 0x14 [Switch To]
# [0x1] : KERNELBASE!ReadFile + 0x7b [Switch To]
# [0x2] : System_Console!Interop.Kernel32.ReadFile + 0x84 [Switch To]
# [0x3] : System_Console!System.ConsolePal.WindowsConsoleStream.ReadFileNative + 0x60 [Switch To]
# [0x4] : System_Console!System.ConsolePal.WindowsConsoleStream.Read + 0x2b [Switch To]
# [0x5] : System_Console!System.IO.ConsoleStream.Read + 0x74 [Switch To]
# [0x6] : System_Private_CoreLib!System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBuffer + 0x268 [Switch To]
# [0x7] : System_Private_CoreLib!System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine + 0xd3 [Switch To]
# [0x8] : System_Console!System.IO.SyncTextReader.ReadLine + 0x3d [Switch To]
# [0x9] : System_Console!System.Console.ReadLine + 0x19 [Switch To]
# [0xa] : testcs!Program.Main + 0xc6 [Switch To]
# ...
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames[10]
# @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames[10] : testcs!Program.Main + 0xc6 [Switch To]
# LocalVariables
# Parameters : ()
# Attributes
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames[10].LocalVariables
# @$curprocess.Threads[13236].Stack.Frames[10].LocalVariables
# ex : 0x0 [Type: System.Exception]
# slot0 [Type: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler]
# ...
Additionally, we may query the managed heap (ManagedHeap property is a nice replacement for the !DumpHeap command):
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Memory.ManagedHeap
# @$curprocess.Memory.ManagedHeap
# GCHandles
# Objects
# ObjectsByType
dx -r1 @$curprocess.Memory.ManagedHeap.Objects
# @$curprocess.Memory.ManagedHeap.Objects
# [0x0] : 0x1ab6fc00020 size = 60 type = int[]
# [0x1] : 0x1ab6fc00080 size = 80 type = System.OutOfMemoryException
# [0x2] : 0x1ab6fc00100 size = 80 type = System.StackOverflowException
# [0x3] : 0x1ab6fc00180 size = 80 type = System.ExecutionEngineException
# [0x4] : 0x1ab6fc00200 size = 18 type = System.Object
# [0x5] : 0x1ab6fc00218 size = 18 type = System.String
# [0x6] : 0x1ab6fc00230 size = 50 type = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,object>
# [0x7] : 0x1ab6fc00280 size = 48 type = System.String
# [...]
- Official Microsoft documentation
- The API reference for the host object
- Debugger data model, Javascript & x64 exception handling - a great article on scripting the debugger by Alex "0vercl0k" Souchet
The .scriptproviders command must include the JavaScript provider in the output.
Then we may run a script with the .scriptrun command or load it using the .scriptload command. The difference is that model modifications made by the .scriptload will stay in place until the call to .scriptunload. Also, .scriptrun will call the invokeScript JS function after the usual calls to the root code and the initializeScript function.
.scriptlist lists the loaded scripts.
After loading a script file, we may find it in the Debugger.State.Scripts list (.scriptlist will show it, too):
.scriptload c:\windbg-js\windbg-scripting.js
# JavaScript script successfully loaded from 'c:\windbg-js\windbg-scripting.js'
dx -r1 Debugger.State.Scripts
# Debugger.State.Scripts
# windbg-scripting
Then we are ready to call any defined public function, for example, logn:
dx Debugger.State.Scripts.@"windbg-scripting".Contents.logn("test")
# test
The @$scriptContents variable is a shortcut to all the public functions from all the loaded scripts, so our call could be more compact:
dx @$scriptContents.logn("test")
# test
After we loaded the script (.scriptload), we may also debug its parts thanks to the .scriptdebug command, for example:
.scriptload c:\windbg-js\strings.js
.scriptdebug strings.js
# *** Inside JS debugger context ***
# ...
# [11] NatVis script from 'C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WinDbg_1.2308.2002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\amd64\Visualizers\winrt.natvis'
# [12] [*DEBUGGED*] JavaScript script from 'c:\windbg-js\strings.js'
bp logn
# Breakpoint 1 set at logn (11:5)
# Id State Pos
# 1 enabled 11:5
We are running a debugger in the debugger, so it could be a bit confusing :) After quitting the JavaScript debugger, it will keep the breakpoints information, so when we call our function from the main debugger, we will land in the JavaScript debugger again, for example:
dx @$scriptContents.logn("test")
# >>> ****** SCRIPT BREAK strings [Breakpoint 1] ******
# Location: line = 11, column = 5
# Text: log(s + "\n")
# *** Inside JS debugger context ***
# s = test
The number of commands available in the inner JavaScript debugger is quite long and we may list them with the .help command. Especially, the evaluate expression (? or ??) are very useful as they allow us to execute any JavaScript expressions and check their results:
? host
# host : {...}
# __proto__ : {...}
# ...
# Int64 : function () { [native code] }
# parseInt64 : function () { [native code] }
# namespace : {...}
# evaluateExpression : function () { [native code] }
# evaluateExpressionInContext : function () { [native code] }
# getModuleSymbol : function () { [native code] }
# getModuleContainingSymbol : function () { [native code] }
# getModuleContainingSymbolInformation : function () { [native code] }
# getModuleSymbolAddress : function () { [native code] }
# setModuleSymbol : function () { [native code] }
# getModuleType : function () { [native code] }
# ...
We can also execute commands from a script file. We use the $$ command family for that purpose. The -c option allows us to run a command on a debugger launch. So if we pass the $$< command with a file path, windbg will read the file and execute the commands from it as if they were entered manually, for example:
windbgx -c "$$<test.txt" notepad
And the test.txt content:
sxe -c ".echo advapi32; g" ld:advapi32
We may use the $$>args< command variant to pass arguments to our script.
When analyzing multiple files, I often use PowerShell to call WinDbg with the commands I want to run. In each WinDbg session, I pass the output of the commands to the windbg.log file, for example:
Get-ChildItem .\dumps | % { Start-Process -Wait -FilePath windbg-x64\windbg.exe -ArgumentList @("-loga", "windbg.log", "-y", "`"SRV*C:\dbg\symbols*`"", "-c", "`".exr -1; .ecxr; k; q`"", "-z", $_.FullName) }
To make a comment, you can use one of the comment commands: $$ my comment
or * my comment
. The difference between them is that * comments everything till the end of the line, while $$ comments text till the semicolon (or end of a line), e.g., r eax; $$ some text; r ebx; * more text; r ecx
will print eax, ebx but not ecx. The .echo command ends if the debugger encounters a semicolon (unless the semicolon occurs within a quoted string).
I prepared a seperate guide dedicated to Time Travel Debugging.
When debugging a full memory dump (/ma), we may convert it to a smaller memory dump using again the .dump command, for example:
.dump /mpi c:\tmp\smaller.dmp
WinDbg allows analysis of an arbitrary PE file if we load it as a crash dump (the Open dump file menu option or the -z command-line argument), for example: windbgx -z C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll
. WinDbg will load a DLL/EXE as a data file.
Alternatively, if we want to normally load the DLL, we may use rundll32.exe as our debugging target and wait until the DLL gets loaded, for example: windbgx -c "sxe ld:jscript9.dll;g" rundll32.exe .\jscript9.dll,TestFunction
. The TestFunction in the snippet could be any string. Rundll32.exe loads the DLL before validating the exported function address.
The SHIFT + [UP ARROW] completes the current command from previously executed commands (much as F8 in cmd).
If you double-click on a word in the command window in WinDbgX, the debugger will highlight all occurrences of the selected term. You may highlight other words with different colors if you press the ctrl key when double-clicking on them. To unhighlight a given word, double-click on it again, pressing the ctrl key.
dx -r2 @$cursession.Processes.Where(p => p.Name == "test.exe").Select(p => Debugger.Utility.Control.ExecuteCommand("|~[0n" + p.Id + "]s;bp testlib!TestMethod \".lastevent; r @rdx; u poi(@rdx); g\""))
In PowerShell:
Get-Process -Name disp+work | where Id -ne 6612 | % { ".attach -b 0n$($_.Id)" } | Out-File -Encoding ascii c:\tmp\attach_all.txt
windbgx.exe -c "`$`$<C:\tmp\attach_all.txt" -pn winver.exe
You may use the !injectdll command from my lldext extension.
Or use the .call method, as shown in the shell32.dll example below. We start by allocating some space for the DLL name and filling it up:
.dvalloc 0x1a
# Allocated 1000 bytes starting at 00000279`c1be0000
ezu 00000279`c1be0000 "shell32.dll"
du 00000279`c1be0000
# 00000279`c1be0000 "shell32.dll"
The .call command requires private symbols. Microsoft does not publish public symbols for KernelBase!LoadLibraryW, but we may create them (thanks to the SymbolBuilderComposition extension):
? kernelbase!LoadLibraryW - kernelbase
# Evaluate expression: 533568 = 00000000`00082440
.load c:\dbg64ex\SymbolBuilderComposition.dll
dx @$sym = Debugger.Utility.SymbolBuilder.CreateSymbols("kernelbase.dll")
dx @$fnLoadLibraryW = @$sym.Functions.Create("LoadLibraryW", "void*", 0x0000000000082440, 0x8)
dx @$param = @$fnLoadLibraryW.Parameters.Add("lpLibFileName", "wchar_t*")
dx @$param.LiveRanges.Add(0, 8, "@rcx")
.reload /f kernelbase.dll
.call kernelbase!LoadLibraryW(0x00000279`c1be0000)
# start end module name
# ...
# 00007ff9`b3390000 00007ff9`b3be9000 SHELL32 (deferred)
# ...
{% endraw %}