== Triangles ==
- Defined by three vertices (i.e. edge points) (0, 1, 2) numbered CCW
- Each vertex defined by (x, y, z) coordinates ==> A single triangle is represented as an array of three (x, y, z)
- Using floats (sizeof(float) = 4 bytes): 36 bytes
== Triangle Mesh ==
- Collection of triangles to approximate surface of an object (volumen representation not important for opaque objects)
- Piecewise planar approximation of a surface
- Indexed Triangle Set:
- Float array containing the position of all vertices of the mesh
- For each triangle: Array containing three indices into the vertex array describing the triangle's three vertices
- Each triangle contains a pointer to its first vertex in the mesh
- tri_i = (vert[3*i], vert[3 * i + 1], vert[3 * i + 2])
== Class: TriangleMesh ==
- std::array<float, num_verts> verts: Float array containing all vertices of the mesh