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Luc edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the ESP8266 wiki! ##0.6.1 is is out: it is for ESP8266 with at least 1M of flash (new ESP01 / ESP12E / etc...)
Support of stable esp core 2.2.0 and IDE 1.6.8

##0.5.1 is out: it is for ESP8266 with at least 1M of flash (new ESP01 / ESP12E / etc...)
Several small fixes, thanks @treepleks
New tool to visualize tpl files without upload, thanks @j0hnlittle
please use stable esp core 2.0.0 and IDE 1.6.5

##0.5-beta 1 is out: it is for ESP8266 with at least 4M of flash it has several bug fixes and 2 major enhancements:
1 - autentification process by login/password
2 - OTA update using web browser minimum package necessary is 2.0.0-rc1

ESP01 dedicated branch is not updated as new ESP01 looks having more memory, and ESP12E module is at same price as ESP01, so not sure it worth to maintain a dedicated branch with limited features (TBC)

##0.4-beta 1 is out: it is compatible with ESP01/ESP12E

ESP01 with 512K and 64K SPIFFS: due to limited space (v0.4 use 99% of code and SPIFFS is 98%), several trade off (limited UI, code readability, etc...) and optimizations need to be done to be able to add new features, to not impact others models, I do a branch dedicated to it : which is based to v0.4

Others ESP with 1M+ flash and 128K+ SPIFFS will be supported on master branch. I test on nodeMCU 1.0 and ESP12E

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