This is a feedback app project using a Javascript library called React to build the app interface.
You can check the DEMO here:
- It is a NPM package created for front-end developers to create a quick back-end for prototyping and mocking taking advantage of a full (fake) REST API.
- Write reviews and select a number from 1 to 10 to rate the service/product.
- Real-time validation:
- The review can`t be under 10 characters, otherwise a message will appear and the button Send will remain disabled.
- Editing review
- Route to go to about page after clicking the ? icon, and route to go to main page if clicked on Feedback UI title or back to home page button
- Average Rating
- Reviews counter
- Hooks (useState, useContext, useEffect)
- Context API ( managing Global State )
- Routes & Links
- Components, Forms, Validation & Simple Animation using a package called Framer-motion
- Fetch data from a json-server
git clone [email protected]:lhpellizzon/feedback-UI-json-server.git
cd feedback-UI
npm install
npm run dev (to run both front-end and json-server mock back-end)