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IDE Configuration

Cliven Mitchell edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 8 revisions


This section will cover initial IDE configuration and setup for Intellij IDEA.

Importing the project

When importing the project into Intellij, ensure that you create it as a Maven project. The settings should look like this

Once you've confirmed that, you can proceed with the default settings as normal. After you've imported the project the following folders should all have special icons

  • ./plugins
  • ./src/main/java
  • ./src/main/resources/
  • ./src/test/java/
  • ./src/test/resources/

Build the project and the excluded output folder should appear.

Implicit predef import

In File -> Settings, navigate to Editor -> Code Style -> Kotlin. Select the desired scheme ('Project' is recommended) to edit the settings for and click on Imports. Make it look like this

This will make it so that import api.predef.* is always imported.

Continue to next section.