The W3bstream Android SDK is a framework that enables connecting data generated by devices and machines in the physical world to the blockchain world using the IoTeX blockchain. W3bStream uses a network of decentralized gateways (W3bStream nodes) to stream encrypted data from IoT devices and machines and create proofs of real-world events on different blockchains. For documentation and APIs, please visit the project website.
To get started, follow these steps:
- Login to w3bstream
- Create your project on the website
- Generate your publisher key and token
- Consult the help document at Geo-location with WASM Sample
The latest release is available on Maven Central.
implementation 'com.w3bstream:w3bstream-android:1.0.1'
In your app, initialize the SDK with your project values as shown below:
val url = ""
val publiserToken = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiNjc3ODIwMjA4Mjc0MDIyNCIsImlzcyI6InczYnN0cmVhbSJ9.sN9pPsoRP-bRfKY2i1_qw9fRyigGRK6XT5osrdJbk7A"
val w3bStream by
.addHeader("Authorization", publisherToken)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
Create the payload in JSON format and then encode it as Base64, as shown below:
// The following is the server-verified location information.
// If the uploaded location is within 100 meters of the server's location, you can mint an NFT.
// {"latitude": "36.702977661503", "longitude": "117.13273760933" }
val latitude = "36.7026"
val longitude = "117.13273760933"
val walletAddress = "0x2eE1d96CB76579e2c64C9BB045443Fb3849491D2" // NFT receiving address
val payload = """
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude,
"walletAddress": walletAddress
To publish events to the W3bstream server via HTTPS, use the following code:
val response = w3bStream.publishEvents("DEFAULT", payload) // type: Event type