This is a step-by-step guide detailing how to run and test kubernetes locally. This entire guide assumes the user is running on Mac OSX.
% brew install minikube
to install a kubernetes cluster tool.
Use the listed commands to do the following:
% minikube start
- starts up a kubernetes cluster locally, creating adefault
% brew install kubectl
to install a kubernetes CLI tool.
Use the listed commands to do the following:
% kubens
- List all namespaces.% kubens <namespace>
- Set the namespace to .% kubectl get ns
- List all namespaces in ps output format.% kubectl get pods
- List all pods in ps output format, within the set namespace.% kubectl get all
- List all pods, services, deployments, replicas in ps output format, within the set namespace.% kubectl describe <type> <name>
- Print a detailed description of the selected resources, including related resources such as events or controllers. You may select a single object by name, all objects of that type, provide a name prefix, or label selector.% kubectl logs <pod | type/name> -c <container>
- Print the logs for a container in a pod or specified resource. If the pod has only one container, the container name is optional.% kubectl port-forward <type>/<name> <host-port>:<pod-port>
- Listen on<host-port>
locally, forwarding to<pod-port>
in the pod for<type>/<name>
Locate the file ~/.kube/config
This can provide you information on whether your kubectl is pointing to a local Kubernetes cluster or one in the Cloud.
For local testing, make sure its pointing to a local cluster!
Istio is a service mesh that provides a number of utilities for interacting with the Kubernetes cluster.
uses Istio in its Kubernetes config, so we will need to set it up on our local cluster as well.
% brew install istioctl
to install Istio CLI tool.
Run % install --set profile=demo
to install the Istio demo
profile onto the cluster.
Verify by running % kubens
and seeing that the istio-system
is now present
Helm is used as a templating tool for templating Kubernetes configuration.
% brew install helm
to install the helm CLI tool.
Use the listed commands to do the following:
% helm template --output-dir=output/ helm
- Generate the Kubernetes config from the helm template directory inexample-api
% helm upgrade --install example-api helm --set tag=latest -f helm/api-2-dev.yaml -n api-2-dev
- Run the latest docker image build and pushed to registry within local Kubernetes cluster.