A Craft CMS influenced Twig bundle for Sublime Text and Textmate, customized to work with Craft CMS specific Twig extensions.
Craft Twig provides syntax highlighting for Craft templates, several snippets available via tab trigger, a couple key bindings, and comment support.
ctrl+shift+[ {{ }}
ctrl+shift+5 {% %}
command + / {# #}
}} {{ }}
%% {% %}
## {# #}
do {% do ... %}
extends {% extends "template" %}
from {% from "template" import "macro" %}
import {% import "template" as name %}
importself {% import _self as name %}
inc, include {% include "template" %}
incp {% include "template" with params %}
inckv {% include "template" with { key: value } %}
use {% use "template" %}
autoescape {% autoescape "type" %}...{% endautoescape %}
block, blockb {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}
blockf {{ block("...") }}
embed {% embed "template" %}...{% endembed %}
filter, filterb {% filter name %} ... {% endfilter %}
macro {% macro name(params) %}...{% endmacro %}
set, setb {% set var = value %}
spaceless {% spaceless %}...{% endspaceless %}
verbatim {% verbatim %}...{% endverbatim %}
if, ifb {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
ife {% if condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
for {% for item in seq %} ... {% endfor %}
fore {% for item in seq %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %}
else {% else %}
endif {% endif %}
endfor {% endfor %}
endset {% endset %}
endblock {% endblock %}
endfilter {% endfilter %}
endautoescape {% endautoescape %}
endembed {% endembed %}
endfilter {% endfilter %}
endmacro {% endmacro %}
endspaceless {% endspaceless %}
endverbatim {% endverbatim %}
The following tab triggers output a simple example of a loop for their respective Craft tags.
asset craft.assets.one()
assets craft.assets loop
categories craft.categories loop
entries craft.entries loop
feed craft.feeds.getFeedItems loop
tags craft.tags loop
users craft.users loop
cache {% cache %}...{% endcache %}
children {% children %}
exit {% exit 404 %}
header {% header "HEADER" %}
hook {% hook "name" %}
ifchildren {% ifchildren %}...{% endifchildren %}
matrix, matrixif Basic Matrix field loop using if statements
matrixifelse Basic Matrix field loop using if/elseif
matrixswitch Basic Matrix field loop using switch
nav {% nav item in items %}...{% endnav %}
paginate Outputs example of pagination and prev/next links
redirect {% redirect "login" %}
redirectinput {{ redirectInput("url") }}
requirelogin {% requireLogin %}
requirepermission {% requirePermission "spendTheNight" %}
switch {% switch variable %}...{% endswitch %}
// Paths
alias alias("@baseUrl/images/image.png")
svg svg("@webroot/assets/svgs/icon.svg")
css {% css %}...{% endcss %}
js {% js %}...{% endjs %}
registercssfile {% do view.registerCssFile ("/resources/css/global.css") %}
registerjsfile {% do view.registerJsFile("/resources/js/global.js") %}
// Output Helpers
csrf {{ csrfInput() }}
head {{ head() }}
beginbody {{ beginBody() }}
endbody {{ endBody() }}
// craft.app.request
getparam craft.app.request.getParam()
getbodyparam craft.app.request.getBodyParam()
getqueryparam craft.app.request.getQueryParam()
getsegment craft.app.request.getSegment()
// Settings
app craft.app.SETTING
config craft.app.config.general.SETTING
getenv getenv("VARIABLE")
// Sites and Locales
ismultisite craft.app.isMultiSite
language craft.app.language
locale craft.app.locale
alllocales craft.app.i18n.allLocales
applocales craft.app.i18n.appLocales
editablelocaleids craft.app.i18n.editableLocaleIds
editablelocales craft.app.i18n.editableLocales
getlocalebyid craft.app.i18n.getLocaleById(1)
primarysitelocale craft.app.i18n.primarySiteLocale
sitelocaleids craft.app.i18n.siteLocaleIds
sitelocales craft.app.i18n.siteLocales
// Closing tags
case {% case "value" %}
endcache {% endcache %}
endifchildren {% endifchildren %}
endcss {% endcss %}
endjs {% endjs %}
endnav {% endnav %}
ceil ceil()
classname className(${1:object})$0
clone clone(${1:object})$0
floor floor()
max max()
min min()
round round()
shuffle shuffle()
siteurl, siteurla siteurl('path'), siteurla('path', params, 'https', siteIds)
url, urla url('path'), url('path', params, 'https', false)
dump <pre>{{ dump() }}</pre>
dd Craft::dd();
TextMate, and most editors that support TextMate bundles, allow the installation of bundles simply by extracting an archive or cloning the repository into the application's bundle directory. This bundle is no different. Below is a list of common bundle directories.
To install this bundle in Sublime Text, download the bundle via Package Control or, if you wish to install the theme manually, a few extra steps are required:
- Open Sublime Text and in the Preferences menu click
Browse Packages
. - Copy
into the Packages folder - Restart Sublime Text.
A note on upgrading
If you are upgrading to a new major version (e.g. v3 => v4) you may run into a few errors having to do with cache or sessions. If you run into errors, try the following (this example use paths for OSX and Sublime Text 3):
- Uninstall your previous version of Craft-Twig
- Delete any cached version of Craft-Twig in
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache/
- Delete the Sublime session in
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local/Session.sublime_session
- Delete the Package Control cache in
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.cache
- Restart Sublime Text
- Reinstall the Craft-Twig package
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles
You can install this bundle in TextMate 2 by opening the preferences and going to the bundles tab. After installation it will be automatically updated for you.
This bundle comes with two themes,
- Artisan Light
- Artisan Dark
These Themes are designed for use with the Craft-Twig bundle, but also fit general use. Feel free to use them as a base theme for constructing your own custom theme as well.
To aid customizing your own theme, here's a list of what each Twig element is scoped to:
{{ }}:
Tag: punctuation.definition.tag.output.twig
Scope: meta.tag.output.twig
{% %}:
Tag: punctuation.definition.tag.expression.twig
Scope: meta.tag.expression.twig
{# #}:
Tag: punctuation.definition.tag.comment.twig
Scope: comment.block.twig
{% css %}: source.css.embedded.twig
{% js %}: source.js.embedded.twig
Language: constant.language.twig
Numeric: constant.numeric.twig
Entities: constant.character.entity.html
Arithmetic: keyword.operator.arithmetic.twig
Assignment: keyword.operator.assignment.twig
Bitwise: keyword.operator.bitwise.twig
Comparison: keyword.operator.comparison.twig
Logical: keyword.operator.logical.twig
Single: string.quoted.single.twig
Double: string.quoted.double.twig
Arrays: punctuation.section.twig
Begin: punctuation.section.twig
End: punctuation.section.twig
Separator: punctuation.separator.twig
Keys: support.type.argument.twig
Hashes: punctuation.section.twig
Begin: punctuation.section.twig
End: punctuation.section.twig
Separator: punctuation.separator.twig
Keys: support.type.argument.twig
Tags: entity.name.tag.twig
Macros: entity.name.function.twig
Functions: entity.name.function.twig
Begin: punctuation.section.twig
End: punctuation.section.twig
Arguments: support.other.variable
Filters: support.function.filters.twig
Begin: punctuation.section.twig
End: punctuation.section.twig
Arguments: support.other.variable
Tests: support.function.tests.twig
There are a few additional things in /Extras
- A
Craft-Twig Unit Test.twig
file for testing the Grammar and Themes - Sublime Text Keymaps
It's an ongoing project to keep the Craft-Twig bundle updated with changes in Craft and there are plenty of ways the bundle could be improved. If you'd like to contribute to the Craft-Twig bundle, please consider submitting a pull request, reporting an issue, providing examples of how you would like to see the behavior of the bundle improved, or just giving someone in the community a high five in the hallway!
As Language Grammars are a bit hard to get involved with, I've begun documenting the experience a bit in the off chance it will help someone else save a few hours: Notes on how to create a Language Grammar and Custom Theme for a Textmate Bundle.
This repo has been forked from the popular PHP-Twig Textmate bundle. A lot of updates have been made, a lot of comments have been added, and parts of the bundle have been re-written from scratch (there is really no other way to make sense of maintaining a Language Grammar)!
The Craft Twig fork:
- Adds heavy commenting and new structure to the
file - Adds auto-pair key bindings for Twig action tags
{% %}
, output tags{{ }}
- Adds support to use the comment shortcut
command + /
- Adds several additional twig snippets
- Adds several additional Craft-specific snippets
- Adds quick documentation snippets for referencing Craft template tags and syntax
- Add css and javascript syntax highlighting support within the appropriate Craft tags
- Adds two Themes: Artisan Light and Artisan Dark
- Updates various scopes in the Language Grammar in attempt to accommodate more Themes
- Updates the README to document the existing features and new snippets
- Updates the README so the language refers to this fork
- Has not been tested on Windows or Linux
Happy tabbing.