Assembly Instruction - Nixie Clock Thermometer Hygrometer Arduino Shield
Nixie shield mainboard pcb - schematic
Nixie power supply module (12V => 170V) - schematic
Real time clock module DS3231 - datasheet
Temperature and humidity sensor DHT22/AM2302 - datasheet
Other components:
Nixie tubes socket pins - 48pcs
CON1 (sensor connector)
PH1 - pin header 1 x 3F 8.5mm (nixie shield pcb), pin header 1 x 3M 8.5mm (nixie power supply pcb)
PH2 - pin header 1 x 6M 15mm (Arduino)
PH3 - pin header 1 x 8M 15mm (Arduino)
PH4 - pin header 1 x 4F 8.5mm (nixie shield pcb), pin header 1 x 4M 8.5mm (nixie power supply pcb)
PH5 - pin header 1 x 5M 8.5mm (RTC connector)
PH6 - pin header 1 x 8M 15mm (Arduino)
PH7 - pin header 1 x 12M 15mm (Arduino)
Spacers: 4 x M3-18mm F-F
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-18mm M-F
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-30mm F-F
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-10mm F-F
Screws: 8 x M3-8mm
Screws: 4 x M2.5-15mm
Screws: 4 x M2.5-8mm
Temperature and humidity sensor DHT22/AM2302
PH1 - pin header 1 x 3F 8.5mm
PH4 - pin header 1 x 4F 8.5mm
PH5 - pin header 1 x 5M 8.5mm (RTC)
PH2 - pin header 1 x 6M 15mm (Arduino)
PH3 - pin header 1 x 8M 15mm (Arduino)
PH6 - pin header 1 x 8M 15mm (Arduino)
PH7 - pin header 1 x 12M 15mm (Arduino)
Nixie tubes socket pins assembly
The notch marked in red should be on the top right
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-18mm M-F
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-30mm F-F
Spacers: 2 x M2.5-10mm F-F
Nixie power supply module
Pin header 1 x 3M 8.5mm
Pin header 1 x 4M 8.5mm