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marvinborner committed Aug 23, 2024
1 parent 296646d commit 97c39b8
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 40 deletions.
169 changes: 129 additions & 40 deletions std/Tree/Finger.bruijn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,33 @@
# efficient translation to LC by me

:import std/Combinator .
:import std/List L

# === Node ===
# Scott-style tagged union, 2 tags

# (Node a) = (Node 2 a a) | (Node3 a a a)

# tagged two elements (tag 0)
node2 [[[[0 3 2]]]] ⧗ a → a → (Node a)

# tagged three elements (tag 1)
node3 [[[[[1 4 3 2]]]]] ⧗ a → a → a → (Node a)

foldr-node [[[0 case-node2 case-node3]]] ⧗ (a → b → b) → b → (Node a) → b
foldr-node [[[0 case-node3 case-node2]]] ⧗ (a → b → b) → b → (Node a) → b
case-node2 [[4 1 (4 0 3)]]
case-node3 [[[5 2 (5 1 (5 0 4))]]]

:test (foldr-node L.cons L.empty (node2 'a' 'b')) ("ab")
:test (foldr-node L.cons L.empty (node3 'a' 'b' 'c')) ("abc")

foldl-node [[[0 case-node3 case-node2]]] ⧗ (b → a → b) → b → (Node a) → b
case-node2 [[4 (4 3 1) 0]]
case-node3 [[[5 (5 (5 4 2) 1) 0]]]

:test (foldl-node \L.cons L.empty (node2 'a' 'b')) ("ba")
:test (foldl-node \L.cons L.empty (node3 'a' 'b' 'c')) ("cba")

# === Digit ===
# Scott-style tagged union with constant cons/snoc, 4 tags
# alternative would be Parigot lists, but size check requires y-rec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,35 +77,58 @@ foldr-digit [[[0 case-four case-three case-two case-one]]] ⧗ (a → b → b)
case-two [[4 1 (4 0 3)]]
case-one [3 0 2]

:test (foldr-digit L.cons L.empty (one 'a')) ("a")
:test (foldr-digit L.cons L.empty (two 'a' 'b')) ("ab")
:test (foldr-digit L.cons L.empty (three 'a' 'b' 'c')) ("abc")
:test (foldr-digit L.cons L.empty (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd')) ("abcd")

foldl-digit [[[0 case-four case-three case-two case-one]]] ⧗ (a → b → b) → b → (Digit a) → b
case-four [[[[6 (6 (6 (6 5 3) 2) 1) 0]]]]
case-three [[[5 (5 (5 4 2) 1) 0]]]
case-two [[4 (4 3 1) 0]]
case-one [3 2 0]

:test (foldl-digit \L.cons L.empty (one 'a')) ("a")
:test (foldl-digit \L.cons L.empty (two 'a' 'b')) ("ba")
:test (foldl-digit \L.cons L.empty (three 'a' 'b' 'c')) ("cba")
:test (foldl-digit \L.cons L.empty (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd')) ("dcba")

# adds element to digit (and updates its tag)
cons [[1 case-four case-three case-two case-one]] ⧗ (Digit a)a → (Digit a)
cons [[0 case-four case-three case-two case-one]] ⧗ a(Digit a) → (Digit a)
case-four Ω
case-three [[[[[[[3 4 5 6 7]]]]]]]
case-two [[[[[[2 4 5 6]]]]]]
case-one [[[[[1 4 5]]]]]
case-three [[[[[[[3 8 6 5 4]]]]]]]
case-two [[[[[[2 7 5 4]]]]]]
case-one [[[[[1 6 4]]]]]

…:… cons

:test ((one i) : k) (two i k)
:test ((two i i) : k) (three i i k)
:test ((three i i i) : k) (four i i i k)
:test ('a' : (one 'b')) (two 'a' 'b')
:test ('a' : (two 'b' 'c')) (three 'a' 'b' 'c')
:test ('a' : (three 'b' 'c' 'd')) (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd')

# adds element to digit (and updates its tag)
snoc [[0 case-four case-three case-two case-one]] ⧗ a → (Digit a) → (Digit a)
snoc [[1 case-four case-three case-two case-one]] ⧗ (Digit a) → a → (Digit a)
case-four Ω
case-three [[[[[[[3 8 4 5 6]]]]]]]
case-two [[[[[[2 7 4 5]]]]]]
case-one [[[[[1 6 4]]]]]
case-three [[[[[[[3 6 5 4 7]]]]]]]
case-two [[[[[[2 5 4 6]]]]]]
case-one [[[[[1 4 5]]]]]

…;… snoc

:test (k ; (one i)) (two k i)
:test (k ; (two i i)) (three k i i)
:test (k ; (three i i i)) (four k i i i)
:test ((one 'a') ; 'b') (two 'a' 'b')
:test ((two 'a' 'b') ; 'c') (three 'a' 'b' 'c')
:test ((three 'a' 'b' 'c') ; 'd') (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd')

# removes redundant abstractions
↓₃‣ [0 i i i]

# === Tree ===
# Scott-style tagged union, 3 tags

# (FingerTree a) = Empty
# | (Single a)
# | (Deep (Digit a) (FingerTree (Node a)) (Digit a))

# empty tree (tag 0)
empty [[[0]]] ⧗ (FingerTree a)

Expand All @@ -102,58 +138,111 @@ single [[[[1 3]]]] ⧗ a → (FingerTree a)
# deep tree (tag 2)
deep [[[[[[2 5 4 3]]]]]] ⧗ (Digit a) → (FingerTree (Node a)) → (Digit a) → (FingerTree a)

# TODO: this is wrong! reduce calls are not recursive, but should use the existing ones!
foldr-tree z [[[[0 case-deep case-single case-empty]]]] ⧗ (a → b → b) → b → (FingerTree a) → b
case-deep [[[′5 2 (″5 1 (′5 0 4))]]]
′‣ 6
″‣ 6 ∘ 6
case-deep [[[foldr-digit 5 (6 \(foldr-node 5) (foldr-digit 5 4 0) 1) 2]]]
case-single [3 0 2]
case-empty 1

# TODO: this is wrong! reduce calls are not recursive, but should use the existing ones!
foldl-tree z [[[[0 case-deep case-single case-empty]]]] ⧗ (b → a → b) → b → (FingerTree a) → b
case-deep [[[′5 (″5 (′5 4 2) 1) 0]]]
′‣ 6
″‣ 6 ∘ 6
case-deep [[[foldl-digit 5 (6 (foldl-node 5) (foldl-digit 5 4 2) 1) 0]]]
case-single [3 2 0]
case-empty 1

# adds element to the left side of a finger tree
insert-left z [[[0 case-deep case-single case-empty]]] ⧗ a → (FingerTree a) → (FingerTree a)
case-deep [[[four? 2 overflow append]]]
overflow deep (two 4 (2 [[[[3]]]] i i i)) (5 (2 [node3]) 1) 0
append deep (4 ; 2) 1 0
overflow deep (two 4 ↓₃(2 [[[[3]]]])) (5 ↓₃(2 [node3]) 1) 0
append deep (4 : 2) 1 0
case-single [deep {}2 empty {}0]
case-empty single 1

…◁… insert-left

…◁′… \(foldr-tree insert-left)
:test ('a' ◁ empty) (single 'a')
:test ('a' ◁ (single 'b')) (deep (one 'a') empty (one 'b'))
:test ('a' ◁ (deep (three 'b' 'c' 'd') empty (one 'a'))) (deep (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd') empty (one 'a'))
:test ('a' ◁ (deep (four 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e') empty (one 'a'))) (deep (two 'a' 'b') (single (node3 'c' 'd' 'e')) (one 'a'))

……◁′… [\(0 insert-left)] ⧗ (Foldr s) → (s a) → (FingerTree a) → (FingerTree a)

:test (L.foldr "abcdefg" ◁′ empty) (deep (three 'a' 'b' 'c') (single (node3 'd' 'e' 'f')) (one 'g'))

# adds element to the right side of a finger tree
insert-right z [[[1 case-deep case-single case-empty]]] ⧗ (FingerTree a) → a → (FingerTree a)
case-deep [[[four? 0 overflow append]]]
overflow deep 2 (5 1 (0 [[[[node3 3 2 1]]]])) (two 3 (0 [[[[0]]]] i i i))
append deep 2 1 (0 : 3)
overflow deep 2 (5 1 ↓₃(0 [[[[node3 3 2 1]]]])) (two ↓₃(0 [[[[0]]]]) 3)
append deep 2 1 (0 ; 3)
case-single [deep {}0 empty {}1]
case-empty single 0

…▷… insert-right

…▷′… foldl-tree insert-right
:test (empty ▷ 'a') (single 'a')
:test ((single 'a') ▷ 'b') (deep (one 'a') empty (one 'b'))
:test ((deep (one 'a') empty (three 'a' 'b' 'c')) ▷ 'd') (deep (one 'a') empty (four 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'))
:test ((deep (one 'a') empty (four 'e' 'd' 'c' 'b')) ▷ 'a') (deep (one 'a') (single (node3 'e' 'd' 'c')) (two 'b' 'a'))

to-tree [0 ◁′ empty]
……▷′… &insert-right ⧗ (Foldl s) → (FingerTree a) → (s a) → (FingerTree a)

:test (L.foldl empty ▷′ "abcdefg") (deep (one 'a') (single (node3 'b' 'c' 'd')) (three 'e' 'f' 'g'))

# === Conversions ===

# converts a list to a finger tree
list→tree [L.foldr 0 ◁′ empty] ⧗ (List a) → (FingerTree a)

:test (list→tree "a") (single 'a')
:test (list→tree "abcdefu") (deep (three 'a' 'b' 'c') (single (node3 'd' 'e' 'f')) (one 'u'))
:test (foldl-tree \L.cons L.empty (list→tree "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) ("zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba")

# converts a digit to a finger tree
digit→tree [foldr-digit 0 ◁′ empty] ⧗ (Digit a) → (FingerTree a)

# converts a node to a digit
node→digit [0 three two] ⧗ (Node a) → (Digit a)

:test (node→digit (node2 'a' 'b')) (two 'a' 'b')
:test (node→digit (node3 'a' 'b' 'c')) (three 'a' 'b' 'c')

# converts a finger tree to a list
tree→list foldr-tree L.cons L.empty ⧗ (FingerTree a) → (List a)

:test (tree→list (list→tree "a")) ("a")
:test (tree→list (list→tree "in ulm, um ulm und um ulm herum")) ("in ulm, um ulm und um ulm herum")

# === View ===

nil-left [[0]] ⧗ (View a)
# (ViewL a) = Empty | Pair a (FingerTree a)

# constructs a view of the tree
# basically shifts the leftmost element into a pair
view-left z [[0 case-deep case-single case-empty]] ⧗ (FingerTree a) → (ViewL a)
case-deep [[[L.cons (digit-head 2) (2 [deep ∘∘∘ three] [deep ∘∘ two] [deep ∘ one] [deep-left] 1 0)]]]
deep-left [[7 1 [[[case-cons]]] case-nil]] ⧗ (FingerTree (Node a)) → (Digit a) → (FingerTree a)
case-cons deep (node→digit 2) 1 3
case-nil digit→tree 0
case-single [L.cons 0 empty]
case-empty L.empty

:test (view-left empty) (L.empty)
:test (view-left (single 'a')) (L.cons 'a' empty)
:test (view-left (deep (two 'a' 'b') empty (one 'c'))) (L.cons 'a' (deep (one 'b') empty (one 'c')))
:test (view-left (deep (one 'a') empty (two 'b' 'c'))) (L.cons 'a' (deep (one 'b') empty (one 'c')))
:test (view-left (deep (one 'a') (single (node3 'b' 'c' 'd')) (one 'e'))) (L.cons 'a' (deep (three 'b' 'c' 'd') empty (one 'e')))

# returns true if finger tree is empty
empty? [view-left 0 [[[ki]]] k] ⧗ (FingerTree a) → Boolean

:test (empty? empty) (k)
:test (empty? (single 'a')) (ki)
:test (empty? (deep (one 'a') empty (one 'b'))) (ki)

# returns left head of finger tree
head-left L.head ∘ view-left ⧗ (FingerTree a) → a

cons-left [[[0 (2 1)]]] ⧗ a → (View a) → (View a)
:test (head-left (list→tree "abcdefg")) ('a')

to-list [foldr-tree cons-left 0 nil-left]
# returns left tail of finger tree
tail-left L.tail ∘ view-left ⧗ (FingerTree a) → (FingerTree a)

view-left z [[0 case-deep case-single case-empty]]
case-deep [[[cons-left (digit-head 2) (2 [deep ∘∘∘ three] [deep ∘∘ two] [deep ∘ one] [deep-left] 1 0)]]]
deep-left [[[8 1 [[[case-cons]]] case-nil]]]
case-cons deep (to-list 2) 1 3
case-nil to-tree 1
case-single [cons-left 0 empty]
case-empty nil-left
# TODO: implement viewR (mirror image)

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