We analyze data provided by The Human Connectome Project (HCP). Using T1-weighted MRI data we solve the problem of binary classification of task of gender patterns recognition between men and women with 3D - CNN. Further we intepret obtained model to undestand of gender-related brain differencies.
Please refer to the sourse paper.
Install all dependencies with
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
The data we use is an open-access database taken from Human Connection Project (HCP). We worked with morphometry description of T1 MPI images as wel as the full-sized images preprocessed in Freesurfer
according to the HCP pipeline.
Data contain 1113 subjects, including 507 men and 606 women. Each object is represented by a 1 GB ZIP archive with a name corresponding to a unique object ID. Each archive contains a lot of information. For automatic access to the target MRI file, the power shell script was written that can be found in
The script allows you to extract the necessary file from the internal ZIP archive(inside the main archive), without unzipping the main one. Also, a unique ID corresponding to each object is assigned as a name for each file.
To obtain all masks use
To train the 3D CNN models use
Architecture reproduced from the paper Brain Differences Between Men and Women: Evidence From Deep Learning
Interpretation with meaningful perturbation:
Interpretation with Grad CAM:
3D CNN Interpretation with Guided backpropogation: