Export emails from MS Outlook to mysql/mariadb periodically.
定期将MSOutlook 中的电子邮件导入mysql/mariadb.
- Use SQL manipulate emails out of outlook(使用sql语句在outlook外操作邮件)
- Write you own anti-spam tool in any programming language(使用任何编程语言编写垃圾邮件过滤器).
Visual Studio 2022
.net core 6.0LTS
- outlook.sql: used to create database and tables, views in mariadb. 用于在mysql中创建数据库和表,view.
- OutlookToMariadb.ini: config file for this tool. 配置文件
- See comments in this file.
- 内容涵义参考配置文件内的注释
- Email content and allmost all fields from MSOutlook MailItem Object.
- 来自MSOutlook的email 内容和大多数必要的字段
- FullPathName/StoreId/EntryId of all folders in MSOutlook.
- MSOutlook中所有的子文件夹全路径名/StoreId/EntryId。
- A view of table 'email' that bombine all the human readable text fields in to 'fulltexts' fields.
- 来自表email的视图,将所有表email的文本字段合并成为'fulltexts'字段,方便全文检索。
OutlookToEmail scan table email periodically, execute operation in this field to this mail item.
OutlookToEmail 周期性的检查这个字段,并根据字段内容对这一条mail执行相应的操作.
- "delete"
- Delete this mail from MS Outlook.
- 从MS Outlook删除此邮件.
- "markreaded"
- Mark this mail as readed in MS Outlook.
- 在MS Outlook中将此邮件标记为已读.
- Delete mail from Outlook(从Outlook删除邮件):
- write string "delete" (without double quotes) to field 'action' of table 'email'
- 向表email的字段action写入字符串delete
- Mark mail as 'Readed' in Outlook(将Outlook中的某个email标记为'已读')
- write string "markreaded" (without double quotes) to field 'action' of table 'email'
- 向表email的字段action写入字符串markreaded