A shell based project for grabbing helm artifacts and packaging them up into a single artifact to be ported to your offline on prem location. This will also generate the full list of containers needed to run every single helm package in your on prem.
Perfect for pulling together all the Dependencies needed to port to an offline env This is and always will be a Free and Open Source Project
We currently package the following helm charts into a container for transport to an offline environment
- Helm Charts Stable (to be depreicated)
- Helm Charts Incubator (to be depricated)
- Bitnami Charts
- Rancher Stable Charts
- Rancher Latest Charts
- Vm-Ware Charts
- Rook-Operator Charts
- Run the container
docker run --name helm-packages -it docker.io/slvs/helm-packages sh
- Then from a sperate terminal
docker cp helm-package:/helm-charts.tar .
- Clean up
docker rm --force helm-package
With more to come! As Helm Hub replaces Helm Charts and projects host their own repos we will be replacing the charts found in Helm Stable with those
- docker
You can run this all in an already created docker container by running the following command
docker run --name offline-helm-project -e KUBE_LATEST_VERSION="v1.18.3" -e HELM_VERSION="v3.2.4" -e MC_ALIAS="minio" -e MC_ENDPOINT="<Your_Misio_URL>" -e MC_ACCESS_KEY="<Your_Minio_KEY>" -e MC_SECRET_KEY="<Your_Minio_Password>" slvs/offline-helm-project:0.1.1
docker rm offline-helm-project
- git
- helm
- awscli
- mc (Minio client)
wget https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc
chmod +x mc
#helm is not included in this git project
sudo cp tools/helm /usr/bin/
First get your helm Charts and List of Associated Docker Containers and the Pictures associated with the charts using this script