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Microservices continuous integration and delivery


Before running this lab you should have on your Kubernetes cluster all the infrastructure components up and running (see 06 - Install infrastructure components on K8S.

Also, since now we will use ArgoCD to deploy your microservices on Kubernetes, make sure that no microservices is still running from the previous lab by typing:

$ kubectl delete cm,deploy,svc -l app=notification,order,customer

The ArgoCD CLI must be installed (more at

Automatically build microservices source code, create Docker images and push them on DockerHUB

Have a look of .github/workflows/build-docker-images.yaml to find out how CI/CD has been implemented to automatically build microservices source code, create Docker images and push them on DockerHUB.

Automatically deploy microservices on Kubernetes

Install ArgoCD on Kubernetes

Create the ArgoCD dedicated namespace

$ kubectl create ns argocd
Namespace "argocd" created
$ kubectl apply -n argocd -f

The previous command has a very long output, to check if the installation has finished, please type:

$ kubectl get all -n argocd
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/argocd-application-controller-75b4dcd7bb-tlpdx    1/1     Running   122        2d21h
pod/argocd-dex-server-996685b6d-8hlzq                 1/1     Running   2          2d21h
pod/argocd-notifications-controller-87fb87c8c-zk8ts   1/1     Running   1          40h
pod/argocd-redis-99fb49846-ql876                      1/1     Running   2          2d21h
pod/argocd-repo-server-5c76bd686b-hs6zs               1/1     Running   2          2d21h
pod/argocd-server-67885bdcff-zmtvx                    1/1     Running   2          2d21h

NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/argocd-dex-server       ClusterIP   <none>        5556/TCP,5557/TCP,5558/TCP   2d21h
service/argocd-metrics          ClusterIP    <none>        8082/TCP                     2d21h
service/argocd-redis            ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP                     2d21h
service/argocd-repo-server      ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP,8084/TCP            2d21h
service/argocd-server           ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP               2d21h
service/argocd-server-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8083/TCP                     2d21h

NAME                                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/argocd-application-controller     1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/argocd-dex-server                 1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/argocd-notifications-controller   1/1     1            1           40h
deployment.apps/argocd-redis                      1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/argocd-repo-server                1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/argocd-server                     1/1     1            1           2d21h

NAME                                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/argocd-application-controller-75b4dcd7bb    1         1         1       2d21h
replicaset.apps/argocd-dex-server-996685b6d                 1         1         1       2d21h
replicaset.apps/argocd-notifications-controller-87fb87c8c   1         1         1       40h
replicaset.apps/argocd-redis-99fb49846                      1         1         1       2d21h
replicaset.apps/argocd-repo-server-5c76bd686b               1         1         1       2d21h
replicaset.apps/argocd-server-67885bdcff                    1         1         1       2d21h

Make sure that all the Pods are running.

Test ArgoCD

By default ArgoCD is now published outside the cluster, to reach its user interface you have to create a port forward:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server --address -n argocd 4000:443
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:4000 -> 8080

Then, using your browser, go to https://localhost:4000

The ArgoCD web interface opens:

Login: admin

The password must be taken from the output of this command:

$ kubectl get po -n argocd | grep argocd-server | cut -d " " -f 1

To setup your first application on ArgoCD you need to install the argocd CLI (more at, then login:

$ argocd login localhost:4000 --insecure --username admin --grpc-web  --password $(kubectl get po -n argocd | grep argocd-server | cut -d " " -f 1)
'admin' logged in successfully
Context 'localhost:4000' updated

The previous command assumes that still have the port forward open and you reach ArgoCD using localhost:4000 url.

Create the app (please replace the placeholder <YOUR GITHUB ACCOUNT> with your GitHub account):

$ argocd app create microservices \
    --repo<YOUR GITHUB ACCOUNT>/ITS-ICT_Microservices.git \
    --path labs/07-Deploy_microservices_on_K8S \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --dest-namespace default \
    --auto-prune \
    --self-heal \
    --sync-policy auto \
    --sync-option CreateNamespace=true \
    --revision master 
application 'microservices' created

The application is now deployed on Kubernetes and ArgoCD web interface displays it:

To modify the running state of your application, just modify one of the manifests contained in 07 - Deploy microservices on K8S and ArgoCD will take car to apply the desired state to the current state.

For example, scale your customer microservices to 2 Pods by modifying the manifest as shown below:

$ cat ../07-Deploy_microservices_on_K8S/customer-ms.yaml | grep replicas
  replicas: 2

Then commit + push your mldification on GitHub.

If you wait for a minute, you should see that ArgoCD spinned up one more Pod for the customer microservice:

To remove the application:

$ argocd app delete microservices --cascade