This package create user types like Simple user, Admin and Super Admin.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require mohit/usertype
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="mohit\usertype\UsertypeProvider"
php artisan migrate
php artisan create:admin
It will ask you to enter name, email and password. Then you can login with entered email and password.
Super Admin user have roles of accessing admin pages as well as user pages.
php artisan create:super
It will ask you to enter name, email and password. Then you can login with entered email and password.
This package creates and registeres new middleware which you can use in routes file. You can assign middleware to either group of routes or individual routes.
For admin,
Route::group(['middleware' => 'authorize:admin'], function(){
For user,
Route::group(['middleware' => 'authorize:user'], function(){
For super admin,
Route::group(['middleware' => 'authorize:admin|user'], function(){
@if(auth()->user()->type == 'admin')
When any user try to access page for which he is not authorized then it will redirect him to unauthorized page. This page follow bootstrap structure. You can style this page by creating new css file under 'public/css/unauthorized.css'.