The following is a brief description of the Python code for converting Julian day to UTC standard time in datetime64 format, using the decimal_to_sexagesimal and decimal_to_time modules:
def decimal_to_sexagesimal(decimal_time):
Converts decimal time to actual minutes
decimal_time (float): Decimal time in hours
int: Minutes after conversion
minutes = round((decimal_time % 1) * 60)
return minutes
This module takes in a decimal time in hours and converts it to actual minutes.
def decimal_to_time(decimal_time):
Converts decimal time to actual time
decimal_time (float): Decimal time in hours
str: Actual time in HH:MM format
hours = int(decimal_time)
minutes = decimal_to_sexagesimal(decimal_time)
time_str = f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}"
return time_str
This module takes in a decimal time in hours and converts it to actual time in HH:MM format using the decimal_to_sexagesimal module.
import numpy as np
def juliandate_to_utc(jd):
Converts julian day to UTC datetime64 format
jd (float): Julian day
np.datetime64: UTC datetime64 format
j2000 = np.datetime64("2000-01-01T12:00:00")
days_since_j2000 = jd - 2451545.0
seconds_since_j2000 = days_since_j2000 * 86400
dt = j2000 + np.timedelta64(int(seconds_since_j2000), "s")
return dt
This module takes in a Julian day and converts it to UTC datetime64 format using the J2000 epoch. It returns the datetime64 object.
Technical notes:
- These modules are intended for use in Python 3.x and may not be compatible with earlier versions.
- The code may require additional libraries or dependencies to run, such as NumPy.
- The decimal_to_sexagesimal module assumes a 24-hour clock format and may require modification to support other formats.
- The juliandate_to_utc module assumes a Gregorian calendar and may require modification to support other calendars.
- The code should be thoroughly tested and validated before being used in any critical applications, and any errors or bugs should be addressed before deployment.