Contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated. Every little help counts, so do not hesitate!
Contributions can be made in the form of feature requests, bug reports and feedback.
Download and install the latest version of git.
Configure git with your username and email:
$ git config --global 'your name' $ git config --global 'your email'
Make sure you have a GitHub account.
Fork Bottery to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button.
Clone your GitHub fork locally:
$ git clone{username}/bottery/ $ cd bottery
Add the main repository as a remote to update later:
$ git remote add rougeth $ git fetch rougeth
Create a virtualenv.
Install Bottery in editable mode with development dependencies:
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"
Use PEP-8 for code style and isort to sort your imports.
Bottery uses tox for testing and general development.
After tox
is installed, just execute:
$ tox
To run all tests in all supported Python versions and lint checks.
If you want to run a specific test in a specific environment, you can also execute:
$ tox -e py36 -- tests/
Documentation updates or fixes are welcome. To generate docs locally, execute:
$ tox -e docs