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Multi-GPU Training

There are 2 ways you can leverage multiple GPUs to train DeepLIIF, Data Parallel (DP) or Distributed Data Parallel (DDP). Both cases are a kind of data parallelism supported by PyTorch.

The key difference is that DP is single process multi-threading while DDP can have multiple processes.


Use DP if you

  • are used to the way to train DeepLIIF on multiple GPUs since its first release, OR
  • do not have multiple GPU machines to utilize, OR
  • are fine with the training being a bit slower

Use DDP if you

  • are willing to try a slightly different way to launch the training than before, OR
  • do have multiple GPU machines for cross-node distribution, OR
  • want to get as fast training as possible

Data Parallel (DP)

DP is single-process. It means that all the GPUs you want to use must be on the same machine so that they can be included in the same process - you cannot distribute the training across multiple GPU machines, unless you write your own code to handle inter-node (node = machine) communication.

To split and manage the workload for multiple GPUs within the same process, DP uses multi-threading.

It is worth noting that multi-threading in this case can lead to significant performance overhead, and slow down your training. See a short discussion in PyTorch's CUDA Best Practices.

Train with DP

Example with 2 GPUs (of course on 1 machine):

deepliif train --dataroot <data_dir> --batch-size 6 --gpu-ids 0 --gpu-ids 1

Note that

  1. batch-size is defined per process. Since DP is a single-process method, the batch-size you set is the effective batch size.

Distributed Data Parallel (DDP)

DDP usually spawns multiple processes.

DeepLIIF's code follows the PyTorch recommendation to spawn 1 process per GPU (doc). If you want to assign multiple GPUs to each process, you will need to make modifications to DeepLIIF's code (see doc).

Despite all the benefits of DDP, one drawback is the extra GPU memory needed for dedicated CUDA buffer for communication. See a short discussion here. In the context of DeepLIIF, this means that there might be situations where you could use a bigger batch size with DP as compared to DDP, which may actually train faster than using DDP with a smaller batch size.

Train with DDP

1. Local Machine

To launch training using DDP on a local machine, use deepliif trainlaunch. Example with 2 GPUs (on 1 machine):

deepliif trainlaunch --dataroot <data_dir> --batch-size 3 --gpu-ids 0 --gpu-ids 1 --use-torchrun "--nproc_per_node 2"

Note that

  1. batch-size is defined per process. Since DDP is a single-process method, the batch-size you set is the batch size for each process, and the effective batch size will be batch-size multiplied by the number of processes you started. In the above example, it will be 3 * 2 = 6.
  2. You still need to provide all GPU ids to use to the training command. Internally, in each process DeepLIIF picks the device using gpu_ids[local_rank]. If you provide --gpu-ids 2 --gpu-ids 3, the process with local rank 0 will use gpu id 2 and that with local rank 1 will use gpu id 3.
  3. -t 3 --log_dir <log_dir> is not required, but is a useful setting in torchrun that saves the log from each process to your target log directory. For example:
deepliif trainlaunch --dataroot <data_dir> --batch-size 3 --gpu-ids 0 --gpu-ids 1 --use-torchrun "-t 3 --log_dir <log_dir> --nproc_per_node 2"
  1. If your PyTorch is older than 1.10, DeepLIIF calls torch.distributed.launch in the backend. Otherwise, DeepLIIF calls torchrun.

2. Kubernetes-Based Training Service

To launch training using DDP on a kubernetes-based service where each process will have its own pod and a dedicated GPU, and there is an existing task manager/scheduler in place, you may submit a script with training command like the following:

import os
import torch.distributed as dist
def init_process():
        init_method='tcp://' + os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] + ':' + os.environ['MASTER_PORT'],

root_folder = <data_dir>

if __name__ == '__main__':
    init_process()'deepliif train --dataroot {root_folder} --remote True --batch-size 3 --gpu-ids 0',shell=True)

Note that

  1. Always provide --gpu-ids 0 to the training command for each process/pod if the gpu id gets re-named in each pod. If not, you will need to pass the correct gpu id in a dynamic way, possibly through an environment variable in each pod.

3. Multiple Virtual Machines

To launch training across multiple VMs, you can refer to the scheduler framework you use. For each process, similar to the example for kubernetes, you will need to initiate the process group so that the current process knows who it is, where are its peers, etc., and then execute the regular training command in a subprocess.

Move from Single-GPU to Multi-GPU: Impact on Hyper-Parameters

To achieve equivalently good training results, you may want to adjust some hyper-parameters you figured out for a single GPU training.

Batch Size & Learning Rate

Backward propagation by default runs at the end of every batch to find how much change to make in parameters. An immediate outcome from using multiple GPUs is that we have a larger effective batch size.

In DDP, this means fewer gradient descent because DDP averages the gradients from all processes (doc). Assume that in 1 epoch, a single-GPU training does gradient descent for 200 times. Now with 2 GPUs/processes, the training will have 100 batches in each process and does the gradient descent using the averaged gradients of the 2 GPUs/processes, one for each batch, which is 100 times.

You may want to compensate this by increasing the learning rate proportionally.

DP is slightly different, in that it sums up the gradients from all GPUs/threads (doc). However, practically the performance (accuracy) still suffers from the larger effective batch size, which can be mitigated by increasing the learning rate.

Track Training Progress in Visualizer

When using multiple GPUs for training, tracking training progress in the visdom visualizer can be tricky. It may not be a big issue for DP which uses only 1 process, but definitely the multi-processing in DDP brings a challenge.

With DDP, each process trains on its own slice of data that is different from the others. If we plot the training progress from the processes in terms of losses, the raw values will not be comparable, and you will see a different graph from each process. These graphs might be close, but will not be exactly the same.

Currently, if you use multiple processes (DDP), you are suggested to:

  1. pass --remote True to the training command, even if you are running on a local machine
  2. open a terminal in an environment you intend to have visdom running (it can be the same place where you train the model, or a separate machine), and run deepliif visualize:
deepliif visualize --pickle_dir <pickle_dir>

By default, the pickle files are stored under <checkpoint_dir_in_training_command>/<name_in_training_command>/pickle.

--remote True in the training command triggers DeepLIIF to i) not start a visdom session and ii) persist the input into the visdom graphs as pickle files. If there are multiple processes, it will only persist the information such as losses from the first process (process with rank 0). The visualize command deepliif visualize then starts the visdom, scans the pickle directory you provided periodically, and updates the graphs if there is an update in any pickled snapshot.

If you plan to train the model in a different place from where you would like to host visdom (e.g., situation 2 & 3 in DDP mentioned above), you need to make sure that this pickle directory is accessible by both the training environment and the visdom environment. For example:

  • use a storage volume mounted to both environments, so you can access this storage simply using a file path
  • use an external storage of your choice
    • for training

      1. write a script that contains one function DeepLIIF can call to transfer the files like the following:
      import boto3
      credentials = <s3 credentials>
      # make sure that the first argument is the source path
      def save_to_s3(source_path):
        # make sure the file name part is still unchanged, e.g., by keeping source_path.split('/')[-1]
        target_path = ... 
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
        with open(source_path, "rb") as f:
          s3.upload_fileobj(f, credentials["bucket_name"], target_path)
      1. save it in a directory where you will call the training command; let's say the script is called
      2. tell DeepLIIF to use this by passing --remote-transfer-cmd mysave.save_to_s3 to the training command (take kubernetes-based training service as an example):
      import os
      import torch.distributed as dist
      def init_process():
              init_method='tcp://' + os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] + ':' + os.environ['MASTER_PORT'],
      root_folder = <data_dir>
      if __name__ == '__main__':
'deepliif train --dataroot {root_folder} --remote True --batch-size 3 --gpu-ids 0 --remote True, --remote-transfer-cmd mysave.save_to_s3',shell=True)
      • note that this method if used will be applied not only on the pickled snapshots for visdom input, but also the model files DeepLIIF saves: DeepLIIF will trigger this provided method to store an additional copy of the model files into your external storage
    • for visualization

      1. periodically check and download the latest pickle files from your external storage to your local environment
      2. pass the pickle directory in your local enviroment to deepliif visualize