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Advanced tutorial: building an RSV model library

The program will create a model from a single INSDC accession and include CDS, gene and mature peptide features. However, a model built from a single accession is often not general enough to allow most high quality sequences for a viral species to pass. For example, some other sequences may include an extended CDS that has a different stop codon position from the sequence the model was built from, and these sequences will fail due to fatal alerts related to the different stop codon. If your goal is too have pass the vast majority of sequences that are error-free (lacking misassemblies, sequencing errors and other artifacts), then you may want to spend some manual effort One good strategy for building and refining a model library is:

Step 1. Build one or more models from representative and well annotated sequences as a starting point. These may be RefSeq sequences.

Step 2. Construct a training set of randomly chosen existing sequences for the viral species.

Step 3. Use to validate and annotate the training sequences using your models from step 1.

Step 4. Analyze the results by looking for common failure modes and investigate the sequence characteristics that are responsible for them. Based on this analysis, determine if the models from Step 1 are sufficient.

Step 5. (Potentially) build new models. If in step 4 there are one or more characteristics found that occur in the majority of training sequences, it makes sense to pick a new reference sequence that includes those characteristics and rebuild the models based on those new references. Then you'll want to rerun on the training set using the new models.

Step 6. Analyze results and update models to accomodate existing biological sequence and feature diversity.

In this tutorial, we will follow these six steps in building an RSV library using software installed with VADR, unix command-line utilities like grep and awk, as well as the NCBI Virus website. This tutorial is long and detailed. It can be followed step by step by rerunning the provided commands locally, or just by reading through it, or just for reference to specific examples of how to analyze results and update VADR models based on those analyses.

A discussion of some limitations and alternatives to this approach is included at the end of the tutorial.

Tutorial outline:

Step 1: build model(s) from initial reference sequence(s)

Determine good reference sequence(s) to use

For viruses with multiple subtypes, genotypes, or serotypes, it makes sense to build at least one model for each. There are two RSV subtypes, RSV-A and RSV-B, so the first step is to pick reference sequences for each subtype.

A good strategy is often to start with a RefSeq sequence if any are available. In this case there are two RefSeq sequences which can be found on the NCBI virus resource, by selecting the "Search by virus" button and entering "RSV". The top suggestion will be "Human orthopneumovirus (taxid 11250)", which is a another name for RSV. At the time of writing, the top two sequences listed in the resulting list will be RefSeq sequences NC_038235 (subgroup A) and NC_001781 (subgroup B). You can also filter to only RefSeq sequences using the "Sequence type" filter.

Build initial models from reference sequence(s)

Next, use to build the two models, specifying the --group and --subgroup options as below:

$ --group RSV --subgroup A NC_038235 NC_038235
$ --group RSV --subgroup B NC_001781 NC_001781

These commands will take a long time, up to one hour each.

When they are finished combine the two models into a model library by following the steps below (also listed here).

# create a new directory
$ mkdir rsv-models1

# concatenate .minfo, .cm .fa and .hmm files:
$ cat NC_038235/*.vadr.minfo > rsv-models1/rsv.minfo
$ cat NC_038235/* > rsv-models1/
$ cat NC_038235/*.vadr.fa > rsv-models1/rsv.fa
$ cat NC_038235/*.vadr.protein.hmm > rsv-models1/rsv.hmm
$ cat NC_001781/*.vadr.minfo >> rsv-models1/rsv.minfo
$ cat NC_001781/* >> rsv-models1/
$ cat NC_001781/*.vadr.fa >> rsv-models1/rsv.fa
$ cat NC_001781/*.vadr.protein.hmm >> rsv-models1/rsv.hmm

# copy the blastdb files:
$ cp NC_038235/*.vadr.protein.fa* rsv-models1/
$ cp NC_001781/*.vadr.protein.fa* rsv-models1/

# prepare the library files:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch --index rsv-models1/rsv.fa
$ $VADRINFERNALDIR/cmpress rsv-models1/
$ $VADRHMMERDIR/hmmpress rsv-models1/rsv.hmm
$ $VADRBLASTDIR/makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in rsv-models1/rsv.fa

At this point, it's a good idea to test the models by using them to annotate the reference sequences they were built from. This will check that we combined the models correctly. The sequences should pass, although they are not guaranteed to do so (some reference sequences may have special characteristics that cause them to fail even using models built from themselves). For these RSV models, both sequences should pass:

$ --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv rsv-models1/rsv.fa va-rsv

Eventual output:

#                                  num   num   num
#idx  model      group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     NC_001781  RSV    B            1     1     0
2     NC_038235  RSV    A            1     1     0
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*      -      -            2     2     0
-     *none*     -      -            0     0     0
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
# Zero alerts were reported.

Step 2: construct a training set

When evaluating a VADR model it is critical to examine at how it performs when used with on example sequences. Ideally, you would know what the expected result is (pass or fail status, and specific alerts you expect to be or not be reported) for each of the example sequences.

For instance, if you have a set of high quality sequences that have been expertly validated and annotated, you could use this as a positive control should pass all of those sequences and give annotation matching what is expected.

Alternatively, you could intentionally introduce sequencing errors (insertions, deletions, rearrangements) into high quality sequences, and check to see if detects those problems and reports them.

Often times, however, the most readily available set of sequences is simply INSDC sequences of the viral species you are modelling. Many of these will be of high quality without any sequencing errors, misassemblies or other artifacts, but some may have those types of errors.

For this tutorial, we will take the strategy of selecting a random subset of nearly full length sequences, evaluating them with and manually analyzing the results as a way of evaluating our models.

(The decision to use only full length sequences is debatable, as by doing it we are assuming that the sequence diversity represented by all sequences, including partial sequences, is well represented by only the full length sequences. In other words, if we optimize the models for only full length sequences, they may perform poorly on existing partial length sequences that are sufficiently divergent from all full length sequences. Two alternatives you might consider are: allowing partial sequences in your training set (although this somewhat complicates the analysis of the results), and optimizing models on full length sequences first, and then testing on partial sequences to see if any new failure modes occur.)

One way to select a random set of training sequences is to use the NCBI Virus resource. I usually define nearly full length as 95% the length of the RefSeq sequence, or greater. In this case NC_038235 is 15222 nucleotides and NC_001781 is 15225 nucleotides, so a 95% length cutoff is about 14460 nucleotides. At the time of writing there are about 5500 nearly full length RSV INSDC sequences by this definition. For our random subset it is important to select enough sequences that you should identify any common failure modes, but not too many that your manual analysis will take a prohibitively long amount of time (VADR is slow). For RSV, I chose to use 500 randomly chosen nearly full length sequences for model improvement.

To download 500 randomly chosen RSV sequences of length 14460 or greater:

  1. go to the NCBI Virus RSV list page you reached in step 1

  2. use the "Sequence Length" filter to set a minimum of 14460 and then click the "Download" button near the top left of the page

  3. select "Nucleotide" under "Sequence data (FASTA format)"

  4. select "Download a randomized subset of all records", enter "500", click "Next" and "Use Default" for the FASTA definition line, then finally click "Download".

This should download a file called something like sequences_20231010_2146812.fasta. For convenience, rename the downloaded fasta file as rsv.r500.fa. (You can find the accession list for the 500 randomly selected sequences used in this tutorial in vadr/documentation/build-files/rsv.r500.list.)

Step 3. Run to validate and annotate sequences in training set

Next, we'll use our new models to annotate our set of 500 training sequences. The RSV genome is about 15Kb long, which is towards the longer end of genome size that VADR is capable of annotating. The memory and speed requirements for don't scale well, and annotation of RSV can require up to 64Gb of RAM and take about 1 minute per full length sequence. (VADR is used for GenBank screening of SARS-CoV-2 (30Kb genome) sequences with significantly lower memory requirements, but it utilizes heuristics that work particularly well for SARS-CoV-2 and I don't recommend using those heuristics with RSV sequences.)

To use on our set of 500 sequences, we would execute:

$ --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv rsv.r500.fa va-rsv.r500

This will take about 1 minute per sequence, so roughly 8 hours to complete. You can parallelize it if you have a lot of RAM and multiple CPUs using the --split and --cpu options as described here.

Step 4: analyze the results and update models

Next, we want to analyze the results. From the output (also saved to the va-r500/va-r500.vadr.log file), we can see that 286 sequences were classified as RSV A (matched best to the NC_038235 model) and 214 as RSV B (matched best to the NC_001781 model). And only 6 out of the 500 total training sequences pass:

#                                  num   num   num
#idx  model      group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     NC_038235  RSV    A          286     2   284
2     NC_001781  RSV    B          214     4   210
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*      -      -          500     6   494
-     *none*     -      -            0     0     0
#---  ---------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----

The output also contains a summary of reported alerts shows which alerts were most common:

# Summary of reported alerts:
#     alert     causes   short                               per    num   num  long
#idx  code      failure  description                        type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  -----------------------------  --------  -----  ----  -----------
1     fstlocft  no       POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_LOW_CONF    feature      9     9  low confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame not restored before end)
2     fstlocfi  no       POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_LOW_CONF    feature      3     3  low confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame restored before end)
3     indf5lcc  no       INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     15    10  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 5' boundary for feature that is or matches a CDS
4     indf3lcc  no       INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature     19    12  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 3' boundary for feature that is or matches a CDS
5     insertnn  no       INSERTION_OF_NT                 feature    404   345  too large of an insertion in nucleotide-based alignment of CDS feature
6     lowsim5c  no       LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_START    feature      2     2  region overlapping annotated feature that is or matches a CDS at 5' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
7     lowsim3c  no       LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_END      feature      2     2  region overlapping annotated feature that is or matches a CDS at 3' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
8     lowsimic  no       LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY          feature     98    45  region overlapping annotated feature that is or matches a CDS lacks significant similarity
9     ambgnt5f  no       AMBIGUITY_AT_FEATURE_START      feature     17    11  first nucleotide of non-CDS feature is an ambiguous nucleotide
10    ambgnt3f  no       AMBIGUITY_AT_FEATURE_END        feature     30    20  final nucleotide of non-CDS feature is an ambiguous nucleotide
11    ambgnt5c  no       AMBIGUITY_AT_CDS_START          feature     22    14  first nucleotide of CDS is an ambiguous nucleotide
12    ambgnt3c  no       AMBIGUITY_AT_CDS_END            feature     19    12  final nucleotide of CDS is an ambiguous nucleotide
13    ambgcd5c  no       AMBIGUITY_IN_START_CODON        feature      1     1  5' complete CDS starts with canonical nt but includes ambiguous nt in its start codon
14    ambgcd3c  no       AMBIGUITY_IN_STOP_CODON         feature      1     1  3' complete CDS ends with canonical nt but includes ambiguous nt in its stop codon
#---  --------  -------  -----------------------------  --------  -----  ----  -----------
15    lowcovrg  yes      LOW_COVERAGE                   sequence     13    13  low sequence fraction with significant similarity to homology model
16    dupregin  yes      DUPLICATE_REGIONS              sequence    344   344  similarity to a model region occurs more than once
17    deletins  yes      DELETION_OF_FEATURE            sequence      2     1  internal deletion of a complete feature
18    mutstart  yes      MUTATION_AT_START               feature    261   260  expected start codon could not be identified
19    mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      8     8  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
20    mutendns  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      2     2  expected stop codon could not be identified, no in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted start codon
21    mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      5     5  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
22    unexleng  yes      UNEXPECTED_LENGTH               feature     19    17  length of complete coding (CDS or mat_peptide) feature is not a multiple of 3
23    cdsstopn  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature    419   402  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference
24    cdsstopp  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature    164   164  stop codon in protein-based alignment
25    fsthicft  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature     14    14  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame not restored before end)
26    fsthicfi  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature      1     1  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame restored before end)
27    indfantn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION           feature      5     3  nucleotide-based search identifies CDS not identified in protein-based search
28    indf5gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature      1     1  alignment to homology model is a gap at 5' boundary
29    indf5lcn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     11     8  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 5' boundary for feature that does not match a CDS
30    indf5pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     36    32  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 5' endpoint
31    indf3gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature     37    36  alignment to homology model is a gap at 3' boundary
32    indf3lcn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature   1057   320  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 3' boundary for feature that does not match a CDS
33    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature    218   203  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
34    insertnp  yes      INSERTION_OF_NT                 feature    205   205  too large of an insertion in protein-based alignment
35    lowsim5n  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_START    feature      1     1  region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS at 5' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
36    lowsim5l  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_START    feature      2     2  long region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS at 5' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
37    lowsim3n  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_END      feature      1     1  region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS at 3' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
38    lowsim3l  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY_END      feature      1     1  long region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS at 3' end of sequence lacks significant similarity
39    lowsimin  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY          feature     14    14  region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS lacks significant similarity
40    lowsimil  yes      LOW_FEATURE_SIMILARITY          feature     91    31  long region overlapping annotated feature that does not match a CDS lacks significant similarity
#---  --------  -------  -----------------------------  --------  -----  ----  -----------

At this point, we need to determine if these results suggest that our models should be changed, or if they are giving us the desired behavior and so are okay as they are. The fact that so many sequences fail seems to indicate that the models should be modified, but it could be that RSV viral sequences are so highly variable that a high failure rate is expected, and no single sequence based model would allow significantly more sequences to pass. The only way to know for sure is to drill down deeper into the results.

To investigate we need to look in further detail at the reasons sequences are failing. A good way to do this is to go through the most commonly reported fatal alerts. Of the 26 fatal alerts (yes in causes failure column, numbers 15 to 40) that occur at least once, the ones that occur in the highest number of sequences are:

23    cdsstopn  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature    419   402  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference
16    dupregin  yes      DUPLICATE_REGIONS              sequence    344   344  similarity to a model region occurs more than once
32    indf3lcn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature   1057   320  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 3' boundary for feature that does not match a CDS
18    mutstart  yes      MUTATION_AT_START               feature    261   260  expected start codon could not be identified
34    insertnp  yes      INSERTION_OF_NT                 feature    205   205  too large of an insertion in protein-based alignment
33    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature    218   203  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint

Information on the individual alert instances can be found in the .alt and .alt.list files. We'll go through each of these top six most common alerts in detail next. Documentation on the alerts can be found here with additional examples here.

### Investigate common cdsstopn alerts

To see all the cdsstopn (early stop codon) alerts in the .alt file, we can use grep and head. Here are the first 10 lines that contain cdsstopn. (The first head command is used only to display the column headings.):

$ head -n 3 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt
#       seq                    ftr   ftr                      ftr  alert           alert                                            seq    seq                       mdl    mdl  alert 
#idx    name        model      type  name                     idx  code      fail  description                                   coords    len                    coords    len  detail
#-----  ----------  ---------  ----  -----------------------  ---  --------  ----  ---------------------------  -----------------------  -----  ------------------------  -----  ------

$ grep cdsstopn va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | head
1.5.3   OR143220.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5615..5617:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
2.4.1   KX655635.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5500..5502:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
4.5.3   OR287871.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5551..5553:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
5.4.2   OM857265.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5544..5546:+      3              5576..5578:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TAA, shifted S:6,M:6]
7.4.1   KJ627366.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5498..5500:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
8.5.2   OR143199.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5615..5617:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
9.2.2   MG431251.1  NC_001781  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5602..5604:+      3              5566..5568:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TAA, shifted S:21,M:21]
10.2.2  KY249668.1  NC_001781  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5611..5613:+      3              5566..5568:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TAA, shifted S:21,M:21]
12.4.1  MK109787.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5542..5544:+      3              5579..5581:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3]
13.2.2  OR326741.1  NC_001781  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  cdsstopn  yes   CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON                      5569..5571:+      3              5566..5568:+      3  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference [TAA, shifted S:21,M:21]

The format for the .alt file is described here. The 5th field is the product name, and as you can see at least the first ten are for the same CDS, the attachment_glycoprotein. The 12th field is the model (reference) coordinates for the alert, indicating which reference positions in the model sequence (NC_038235 or NC_001781 as indicated in field 3) the early stop codon aligns/maps to. Note that there are some positions that occur multiple times, namely 5579..5581:+ for NC_038235 and 5566..5568:+ for NC_001781.

We can easily count how many times each model and reference position pair occurs in the full list using the grep, awk, sort and uniq unix command line utilities:

$ grep cdsstopn va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    213 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5579..5581:+
    154 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5566..5568:+
     15 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5576..5578:+
     15 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5575..5577:+
      3 NC_038235 phosphoprotein 2459..2461:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 9108..9110:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 14718..14720:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 13347..13349:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 13234..13236:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 11461..11463:+
      1 NC_038235 polymerase_protein 10096..10098:+
      1 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5555..5557:+
      1 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5321..5323:+
      1 NC_038235 M2-2_protein 8175..8177:+
      1 NC_038235 M2-1_protein 8170..8172:+
      1 NC_001781 polymerase_protein 9153..9155:+
      1 NC_001781 polymerase_protein 14986..14988:+
      1 NC_001781 polymerase_protein 14984..14986:+
      1 NC_001781 polymerase_protein 12674..12676:+
      1 NC_001781 polymerase_protein 11015..11017:+
      1 NC_001781 nucleoprotein 2285..2287:+
      1 NC_001781 fusion_glycoprotein 6265..6267:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5554..5556:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5172..5174:+

Based on this we can see that 213 of the 286 sequences that match best to NC_038235 have an early stop at reference positions 5579..5581:+. Because this is causing a cdsstopn alert, it must differ from the the model reference stop codon position for the attachment glycoprotein CDS. We can be figure out what that is by looking at the rsv.minfo file:

$ grep NC\_038235 rsv-models1/rsv.minfo | grep attachment
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5584:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"

So the most common position for the stop is actually 3 positions upstream of the NC_038235 stop codon. (This can also be inferred from the detailed alert message in the .alt output file above: [TGA, shifted S:3,M:3].)

Of the 214 RSV B sequences that match best to NC_001781, 153 of them have an early stop at reference positions 5566..5568:+, which is 21 positions upstream of the attachment glycoprotein CDS stop codon in NC_001781:

$ grep NC\_001781 rsv-models1/rsv.minfo | grep attachment
FEATURE NC_001781 type:"CDS" coords:"4690..5589:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"

The fact that more than half of the sequences in our training set have different stop positions than the reference is strong indication that maybe our reference models should be rebuilt based on different sequences that include the most common attachment glycoprotein stop position. But it makes sense at this point to look at all of the common failure modes before making that decision and looking for new references. We may find additional attributes that we want our new references to have.

Investigate common dupregin alerts

The second most common fatal alert is the dupregin alert that occurs when "similarity to a model region occurs more than once".

16    dupregin  yes      DUPLICATE_REGIONS              sequence    344   344  similarity to a model region occurs more than once

We can use grep to look at some examples of the dupregin alert:

$ head -n 3 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt
#       seq                    ftr   ftr                      ftr  alert           alert                                            seq    seq                       mdl    mdl  alert 
#idx    name        model      type  name                     idx  code      fail  description                                   coords    len                    coords    len  detail
#-----  ----------  ---------  ----  -----------------------  ---  --------  ----  ---------------------------  -----------------------  -----  ------------------------  -----  ------

$ grep dupregin va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | head
1.1.1   OR143220.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5502..15225:+,2..5501:+  15224  5466..15199:+,31..5537:+  15241  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8569.8 bits) and 2 (4779.2 bits)]
4.1.1   OR287871.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5438..14973:+,1..5437:+  14973  5466..15003:+,93..5537:+  14983  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8198.7 bits) and 2 (4724.2 bits)]
5.1.1   OM857265.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5434..14961:+,1..5433:+  14961  5466..14995:+,99..5537:+  14969  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8465.0 bits) and 2 (4737.7 bits)]
8.1.1   OR143199.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5502..15222:+,2..5501:+  15221  5466..15199:+,31..5537:+  15241  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8590.1 bits) and 2 (4779.3 bits)]
9.1.1   MG431251.1  NC_001781  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5446..15245:+,1..5445:+  15245  5410..15210:+,17..5469:+  15254  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5410..5469:+ (len 60>=20) hits 1 (9138.1 bits) and 2 (4959.7 bits)]
10.1.1  KY249668.1  NC_001781  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5455..15267:+,1..5454:+  15267   5410..15223:+,1..5469:+  15283  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5410..5469:+ (len 60>=20) hits 1 (9118.2 bits) and 2 (4945.9 bits)]
11.1.1  OR287899.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5478..15168:+,1..5477:+  15168  5465..15165:+,54..5536:+  15184  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5465..5536:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8586.5 bits) and 2 (4753.8 bits)]
13.1.1  OR326741.1  NC_001781  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5413..15191:+,2..5412:+  15190  5410..15189:+,50..5469:+  15200  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5410..5469:+ (len 60>=20) hits 1 (9027.0 bits) and 2 (4873.7 bits)]
15.1.1  OR143187.1  NC_038235  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5502..15224:+,2..5501:+  15223  5466..15199:+,31..5537:+  15241  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20) hits 1 (8573.2 bits) and 2 (4797.4 bits)]
17.1.1  OR326763.1  NC_001781  -     -                          -  dupregin  yes   DUPLICATE_REGIONS            5412..15191:+,2..5411:+  15190  5409..15189:+,50..5468:+  15200  similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5409..5468:+ (len 60>=20) hits 1 (8998.9 bits) and 2 (4888.7 bits)]

The alert detail at the end of each line are very similar for the six of the first ten instances of dupregin: similarity to a model region occurs more than once [5466..5537:+ (len 72>=20). This suggests these alerts are all referring to the same situation. If a genome has repetitive regions you may see this alert for all sequences, but in that case you will likely see it for the model sequence as well. (If that occurs, refer to the section on alert exceptions below. Even though the alert details are similar, note that the model positions in field 12 are not identical. For example, in the first alert, the model coordinates are 5466..15199:+,31..5537:+, and in the second the coordinates are 5466..15003:+,93..5537:+. These coordinates are showing the reference coordinates of the two hits that overlap, whereas the alert detail shows the actual region of overlap. So for this alert, in order to group together similar situations we use awk to select different fields than in the above cdsstopn alert. Here we are more interested in the 23rd field (e.g. [5466..5537:+), then the 12th.

Let's again use grep, awk, sort and uniq to group the instances of these alerts together:

$ grep dupregin va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $23); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    167 NC_001781 - [5410..5469:+
    159 NC_038235 - [5466..5537:+
      4 NC_001781 - [5411..5469:+
      3 NC_001781 - [5409..5468:+
      2 NC_038235 - [5466..5536:+
      2 NC_038235 - [5465..5536:+
      2 NC_001781 - [5412..5469:+
      1 NC_038235 - [5478..5518:+
      1 NC_038235 - [5468..5538:+
      1 NC_038235 - [5468..5537:+
      1 NC_038235 - [5467..5537:+
      1 NC_001781 - [5414..5469:+

About 56% (159/286) or RSV A and 80% (167/214) of RSV B sequences have one of two duplicated regions. To gain a better understanding of this duplicated region, we can select an example of one RSV A sequence and one RSV B sequence that contain this alert and run those through again. To select two sequences we'll use the esl-sfetch program that is installed with VADR in the directory pointed to by your $VADREASELDIR environment variable:

# prepare the sequence file for the esl-sfetch program 
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch --index rsv.r500.fa

# pick a sequence with a dupregin alert that contains the strings we are interested it
$ grep dupregin va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep 5410..5469 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex1.list
$ grep dupregin va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep 5466..5537 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex2.list
$ cat ex1.list 
$ cat ex2.list

# fetch the sequences:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex1.list > ex1.fa
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex2.list > ex2.fa

# run on these sequences with the --out_stk option to save the output alignments
$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv ex1.fa va-ex1
$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv ex2.fa va-ex2

Let's look at the RSV B sequence first. The va-ex1/va-ex1.vadr.NC_001781.align.stk file contains the MZ516003.1 sequence aligned to the NC_001781 model in Stockholm alignment file format, with reference positions numbered using rows with the header #=GC RFCOL. Below is an excerpt of that alignment file with the duplicated region annotated in an extra line that I've added labelled dupregin. The positions marked with 1 show the first instance of the repeated region, and those marked with 2 show the second instance. Note that these positions correspond to positions 5410..5469 of the reference model:

#=GR MZ516003.1 PP ******************************************************************************************************************************************
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    222222222222222222222222222222222222233333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334
#=GC RFCOL...X.    666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990
#=GC RFCOL....X    345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

dupregin                    111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
#=GR MZ516003.1 PP ****************99999999999888888888888888888887777777666511111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000045566777888999******
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............................................................::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000............................................................00000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555............................................................55555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444............................................................44444444444444444444
#=GC RFCOL...X.    0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555............................................................56666666666777777777
#=GC RFCOL....X    1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678............................................................90123456789012345678

(The lines that include PP in the header indicate the alignment confidence at each position as explained more here).

This region falls within the attachment glycoprotein CDS. To learn more about this duplication we might search PubMed with the query "RSV attachment glycoprotein duplicated region", which returns several articles related to this region, including a paper entitled "Functional Analysis of the 60-Nucleotide Duplication in the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Buenos Aires Strain Attachment Glycoprotein" by Hotard et al.

A similar situation exists for the ex2 sequence ON237248.1. Here is an excerpt of the alignment va-ex2/va-ex2.vadr.NC_038235.align.stk:

ON237248.1         AGAACACACAAGTCAAGAGAAAACCCTCCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGGCtatctaagcccatcccaagtctatacaacatccggtcaagaggaaaccctccactcaaccacctccgaaggcTATCTAAGCTCATCACAAGTCTA
#=GR ON237248.1 PP ************999887777777776666666666655555555555500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000055555666666667778888888
#=GC SS_cons       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::........................................................................:::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RF            AGAACTCACAAGTCAAATGGAAACCTTCCACTCAACTTCCTCCGAAGGC........................................................................AATCCAAGCCCTTCTCAAGTCTC
#=GC RFCOLX....    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000........................................................................00000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555........................................................................55555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444445555........................................................................55555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL...X.    5555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000........................................................................00000011111111112222222
#=GC RFCOL....X    5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123........................................................................45678901234567890123456

#=GR ON237248.1 PP 99999999****************************************************************************************************************************************
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555566666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
#=GC RFCOL...X.    222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667
#=GC RFCOL....X    789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

Based on the counts of these two specific instances of the dupregin alert above, we know that many sequences have these exact, or highly similar, duplications, and that they are not present in the NC_001781 and NC_038235 reference sequences. This is another indication that we should change our reference sequences to sequences that include the more common stop position of the attachment glycoprotein, and that also include this duplicated region.

There may still be more characteristics that we want to include, so we should continue to investigate the other common alerts from above.

Investigate common indf3lcn alerts

The third most common alert was indf3lcn:

32    indf3lcn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature   1057   320  alignment to homology model has low confidence at 3' boundary for feature that does not match a CDS

This alert occurs because the alignment confidence at the end coordinate/position of a feature is relatively low, indicating that it may be incorrect, based on the parameters of the model.

We can use grep and awk again to group together the indf3lcn alerts and see which features they correspond to, this time outputting the model name, feature type (e.g. CDS or gene) and product name (fields 3, 4 and 5 in the .alt file):

$ grep indf3lcn va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $4, $5); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    265 NC_038235 gene F
    263 NC_038235 gene P
    234 NC_038235 gene N
    226 NC_038235 gene M
     18 NC_001781 gene P
     11 NC_001781 gene L
      8 NC_038235 gene SH
      8 NC_038235 gene G
      7 NC_038235 gene L
      3 NC_038235 gene NS2
      3 NC_038235 gene M2
      3 NC_001781 gene SH
      2 NC_038235 gene NS1
      2 NC_001781 gene F
      1 NC_001781 gene NS2
      1 NC_001781 gene N
      1 NC_001781 gene M2
      1 NC_001781 gene M

The vast majority of these alerts correspond to the NC_038235 model and all of them are for gene features. We can inspect the gene features for that model in the .minfo file:

$ grep NC_038235 rsv-models1/rsv.minfo
MODEL NC_038235 blastdb:"NC_038235.vadr.protein.fa" cmfile:"" group:"RSV" length:"15222" subgroup:"A"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"45..576:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"NS1"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"99..518:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"NS1" product:"nonstructural protein 1"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"596..1098:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"NS2"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"628..1002:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"NS2" product:"nonstructural protein 2"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"1125..2327:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"N"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"1140..2315:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"N" product:"nucleoprotein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"2329..3242:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"P"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"2346..3071:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"P" product:"phosphoprotein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"3252..4209:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"3261..4031:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M" product:"matrix protein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"4219..4628:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"SH"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"4303..4497:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"SH" product:"small hydrophobic protein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"4673..5595:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5584:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"5648..7550:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"F"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"5661..7385:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"F" product:"fusion glycoprotein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"7597..8557:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"7606..8190:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2" product:"M2-1 protein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"8159..8431:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2" product:"M2-2 protein"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"gene" coords:"8489..15067:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"L"
FEATURE NC_038235 type:"CDS" coords:"8498..14995:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"L" product:"polymerase protein"

Note that the coordinates of the gene and CDS are different for the same gene. For example for F the gene coordinates are 5648..7550:+, while the fusion glycoprotein CDS has coordinates 5661..7385:+. In this case, if we look at the GenBank record we can see that the gene coordinates correspond to the mRNA coordinates for this gene. This is potentially useful information that could be annotated on subsequent sequences, but the high number of indf3lcn alerts indicates that VADR is not confident about the annotations of many of these gene boundaries. Because I don't want VADR to get these annotations wrong, or fail these sequences only because of that low confidence in the boundaries, I decided to forego the distinct gene boundaries and instead use the CDS boundaries as the gene boundaries. This is consistent with the norovirus, dengue, and SARS-CoV-2 VADR models used by GenBank, which all have identical start and end points for corresponding CDS and gene features. If for your own models you desire the distinct boundaries then you can, of course, keep them. In that case you may want to possibly define indf3lcn alerts as non-fatal using the --alt_pass indf3lcn option to

When we choose our new reference sequences in the next section we will revisit this issue of differing gene and CDS boundaries.

Investigate common mutstart alerts

Moving on to the fourth most common fatal alert:

18    mutstart  yes      MUTATION_AT_START               feature    261   260  expected start codon could not be identified

Which model and features does this pertain to?

$ grep mutstart va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    259 NC_038235 M2-2_protein 8159..8161:+
      1 NC_038235 phosphoprotein 2365..2367:+
      1 NC_001781 matrix_protein 3263..3265:+

All but two of the 261 mutstart alert instances pertain to the M2-2_protein in NC_038235. There are only 286 total RSV A sequences, so this means that more than 90% of them do not have the start codon at positions 8159..8161. To investigate this further, let's take a random sample of 10 of these 259 sequences, rerun on them and look at their alignment to the NC_038235 model.

# pick 10 random sequences with the mutstart alert
$ grep mutstart va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep 8159..8161 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 10 - > ex3.list
$ cat ex3.list

# fetch the sequences:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex3.list > ex3.fa

# run on these sequences with 
# the --out_stk option to save the output alignments
$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv ex3.fa va-ex3

Below is an excerpt of the resulting alignment in va-ex3/va-ex3.vadr_NC_038235.align.stk

                                                   111   222 
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
#=GC RFCOL..X..    11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222222222222
#=GC RFCOL...X.    22233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000111111111
#=GC RFCOL....X    78901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
                                                   111   222 

The 111 at the top indicates the position of the ATG for the M2-2 protein in the NC_038325 model (the RF line in the alignment). Note that all 10 sequences have ACG aligned at these positions. The three nucleotides labelled with 222 that occur six nucleotides downstream at positions 8165..8167 are ATG, and are in-frame with the reference with positions 8159..8161. Because the majority of RSV A sequences in our training set have the second ATG but not the first, we may want our model to use that as the start position. If we do that however, then the annotated start for the NC_038325 model will be annotated differently. There is a way to deal with this and allow to pick either start position. We'll revisit this below.

Investigate common insertnp alerts

The next most common alert in our training set is:

34    insertnp  yes      INSERTION_OF_NT                 feature    205   205  too large of an insertion in protein-based alignment

We can determine which model and features these pertain to with:

$ grep insertnp va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    147 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5442..5442:+
     14 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5509..5509:+
      9 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5460..5460:+
      7 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5439..5439:+
      5 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5445..5445:+
      4 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5494..5494:+
      3 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5482..5482:+
      2 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5524..5524:+
      2 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5515..5515:+
      2 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5473..5473:+
      2 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5448..5448:+
      1 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5503..5503:+
      1 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein 5497..5497:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5472..5472:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5469..5469:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5463..5463:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5457..5457:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5451..5451:+
      1 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein 5433..5433:+

About 75% of these alerts are for large insertions in the blastx protein alignment in RSV B (NC_001781) sequences at position 5442. This position is within the attachment glycoprotein region for which dupregin alerts were also reported: 5410..5469. It makes sense that a large duplication could result in a large insertion. In fact, it is somewhat surprising that there aren't similar alerts for the NC_038235 model, although we will find out why soon enough. Dealing with the NC_001781 duplication in the next round of model building will likely eliminate these alerts.

It is possible to look at these insertions in the actual blastx output alignments, but you'll need to rerun using the --keep option, which makes it save all intermediate files that are usually deleted. To do that we would sample one sequences and rerun it (you can sample more than one, but often it is easier to find the relevant part of the blastx output if you have restricted your input to a single sequence):

# pick a sequence with the insertnp alert:
$ grep insertnp va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep 5442 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex4.list
$ cat ex4.list

# fetch the sequence
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex4.list > ex4.fa

# run on these sequences with the --keep option to save all output files
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv ex4.fa va-ex4

The relevant blastx output will be in the file va-ex4/va-ex4.vadr.NC_001781.blastx.out. The section of the file you are looking for is the results for when the predicted attachment glycoprotein CDS is used as a query sequence. To find this we need to know what the coordinates are for that prediction. We can find these in the .ftr output file (format described here or in the .tbl file va-ex4/

4590	5543	misc_feature
			note	similar to attachment glycoprotein

If we search for 4590..5543 in the blastx output file, we will find the results and alignments:

Query= MH760706.1/CDS.7/4590..5543:+

                                                                      Score     E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                          (Bits)  Value

NC_001781.1/4690..5589:+                                              363     6e-130
NC_001781.1/3263..4033:+                                              21.2    0.51  
NC_001781.1/8509..15009:+                                             20.4    0.97  
NC_001781.1/5666..7390:+                                              20.0    1.1   
NC_001781.1/99..518:+                                                 16.9    8.9   


 Score = 363 bits (932),  Expect = 6e-130, Method: Compositional matrix adjust.
 Identities = 265/319 (83%), Positives = 273/319 (86%), Gaps = 22/319 (7%)
 Frame = +1





            ERDTST QSTV                    LDTTT +HT QQQSL+STTPENTPNSTQT

            PTASEPSTSNST   QS+A

Note the large insertion in the query around position 748 of the CDS.

Investigate common indf3pst alerts

The sixth and final common alert that we will look at is:

33    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature    217   202  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint

To learn more about the model and features for this alert:

$ grep indf3pst va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s\n", $3, $5); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
    182 NC_038235 attachment_glycoprotein
     12 NC_001781 attachment_glycoprotein
      9 NC_038235 polymerase_protein
      7 NC_001781 polymerase_protein
      2 NC_038235 fusion_glycoprotein
      2 NC_038235 M2-2_protein
      1 NC_038235 phosphoprotein
      1 NC_038235 M2-1_protein
      1 NC_001781 small_hydrophobic_protein
      1 NC_001781 nucleoprotein

The indf3pst alert occurs when the blastx alignment in the protein validation stage does not extend close enough to the 3' end. As this is again in the attachment glycoprotein CDS it may be related to the duplicated region. Note that the vast majority of instances are for RSV A (NC_038235) sequences. A possible explanation is that these are predominantly made up of sequences that also have a dupregin alert and blastx does not create an alignment that spans the duplicated region as it did for the example RSV B sequence MH760706.1 with the insertnp alert above. The duplicated region was typically the same size in both RSV A and RSV B sequences, so the difference between VADR reporting an insertnp or indf3pst alert is probably due to the similarity in the 3' ends of the protein between the training sequences and the references: for RSV B, the 3' ends are similar enough that the best scoring blastx alignment extends across the duplication, whereas for RSV A, the 3' end is not similar enough and the blastx alignment stops before the duplication. To check if this is indeed what's happening we can again look at the blastx output after rerunning an example sequence:

# pick a sequence with the indf3pst alert:
$ grep indf3pst va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep attachment | grep NC_038235 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex5.list
$ cat ex5.list

# fetch the sequence
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex5.list > ex5.fa

# run on these sequences with the --keep option to save all output files
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv ex5.fa va-ex5

Again, consult the .tbl file to determine attachment glycoprotein coordinates:

4637	5605	misc_feature
			note	similar to attachment glycoprotein

And in the va-ex5/va-ex5.vadr.NC_038235.blastx.out file:

Query= MH181932.1/CDS.7/4637..5605:+

                                                                      Score     E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                          (Bits)  Value

NC_038235.1/4688..5584:+                                              362     2e-129
NC_038235.1/1140..2315:+                                              24.6    0.045 
NC_038235.1/7606..8190:+                                              20.4    0.72  
NC_038235.1/8498..14995:+                                             20.0    1.3   
NC_038235.1/2346..3071:+                                              19.6    1.4   


 Score = 362 bits (929),  Expect = 2e-129, Method: Compositional matrix adjust.
 Identities = 251/283 (89%), Positives = 257/283 (91%), Gaps = 0/283 (0%)
 Frame = +1






Note that there is no insertion in this alignment. The alignment ends just after the first occurence of the duplicated region in MH181932.1. If it extended all the way to the stop codon of the prediction region 4688..5584 the end Query position would be 969 because 5584-4688+1=969. This is why the length of the relevant sequence region reported in the alert detail in the alt file is 120 (969-849=120):

$ grep indf3pst va-ex5.vadr.alt
1.5.3  MH181932.1  NC_038235  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  indf3pst  yes   INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END             5486..5605:+    120              5584..5584:+      1  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint [120>8, valid stop codon in nucleotide-based prediction]

Lessons from investigating common alerts

We've learned that both NC_038235 and NC_001781 are lacking several important characteristics that are present in the majority of RSV A and RSV B sequences. These include:

  • attachment glycoprotein stop codon at reference coordinates 5579..5581 in RSV A and 5566..5568 in RSV B.

  • duplicated region in attachment glycoprotein near reference positions 5466..5537 in RSV A and 5410..5469 in RSV B.

  • M2-2 protein start codon at reference positions 8165..8167 in RSV A.

And further we've observed that:

  • NC_038235 and NC_001781 both have gene positional boundaries that differ from the corresponding CDS boundaries. commonly reports low alignment confidence related alerts (e.g. indf3lcn) for the gene boundaries. Typically for viral GenBank submissions based on VADR, the gene and CDS boundaries are kept consistent.

At this point, because we've found, for both models, at least one characteristic that causes fatal alert(s) and is present in the majority of the sequences but lacking in the reference sequence, we will identify new, more representative sequences from which to build a new set of models.

Step 5. (Potentially) choose new representative sequences and build new models

It is not always necessary to build new models at this point. If all of the failure modes above had been in a minority of sequences, then it may have made more sense to stick with our RefSeq-based models and simply modified them (as described below) to address the failure modes we wanted to eliminate. But in this case, as explained above, we want to choose new representatives and build new models.

Identifying new representative sequences

We will choose a new representative from our random set of 500 training sequences. Of course, it is possible, and probably even likely, that there exists a 'better' representative sequence that is not in our training set, but using the most representative sequence from our training set of 500 is probably good enough. First we need to identify the subset of our 500 sequences that contain the three major characteristics we've already identified, summarized above. We'll do this separately for RSV A and RSV B:

# fetch out the sequences with the early stop codon (cdsstopn) at 5579..5581:
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep cdsstopn | grep 5579..5581 | awk '{ print $2 }' | wc -l
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep cdsstopn | grep 5579..5581 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort > 213.list 

# fetch out the sequences with the dupregin at 5466..5537:
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep dupregin | grep 5466..5537 | awk '{ print $2 }' | wc -l
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep dupregin | grep 5466..5537 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort > 159.list

# use the unix 'comm' command to get the subset of seqs common to both lists
$ comm -1 -2 213.list 159.list | wc -l
$ comm -1 -2 213.list 159.list > 143.list

# fetch out the sequences with the M2-2 protein start codon at reference positions `8165..8167
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep M2-2 | grep mutstart | grep 8159..8161 | awk '{ print $2 }' | wc -l
$ grep NC_038235 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep M2-2 | grep mutstart | grep 8159..8161 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort > 259.list

# use the unix 'comm' command to get the subset of seqs common to both lists
$ comm -1 -2 143.list 259.list | wc -l
$ comm -1 -2 143.list 259.list > 140.list

# fetch the 140 sequences into a new fasta file:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa 140.list > rsvA.140.fa

And then repeat the same for RSV B, skipping the M2-2 start codon step which doesn't apply to RSV B:

# fetch out the sequences with the early stop codon (cdsstopn) at 5566..5568:
$ grep NC_001781 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep cdsstopn | grep 5566..5568 | awk '{ print $2 }' | wc -l
$ grep NC_001781 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep cdsstopn | grep 5566..5568 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort > 154.list

# fetch out the sequences with the dupregin at 5410..5469
$ grep NC_001781 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep dupregin | grep 5410..5469 | awk '{ print $2 }' | wc -l
$ grep NC_001781 va-rsv.r500/va-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep dupregin | grep 5410..5469 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort > 167.list

# use the unix 'comm' command to get the subset of seqs common to both lists
$ comm -1 -2 154.list 167.list | wc -l
$ comm -1 -2 154.list 167.list > 129.list

# fetch the 129 sequences into a new fasta file:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa 129.list > rsvB.129.fa

It is important that the reference sequences we choose do not have too many ambiguous nucleotides because they make the models less specific. (Indeed we may want our models to be less specific and more general in some areas of the genome that are less highly conserved, but including ambiguous nucleotides from a single reference sequence is not the best way to do this. We'll revisit this topic briefly at the end of the tutorial.)

Because we have many candidates, we may be able to afford to removing all sequences with 1 or more ambiguous nucleotides. We can determine how many ambiguous characters are in each sequence using the miniscript included with VADR:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvA.140.fa | head
KJ672441.1     0 15173 0.0000
KJ672451.1     0 15173 0.0000
KJ672457.1     0 15172 0.0000
KU839631.1     0 15172 0.0000
KU950492.1     0 15233 0.0000
KU950506.1     0 15202 0.0000
KU950524.1     0 15233 0.0000
KU950596.1     0 15228 0.0000
KU950627.1     0 15228 0.0000
KU950639.1     0 15232 0.0000

The second field is the number of ambiguous nucleotides in each sequence. We can fetch out all lines that have 1 or more in this field with:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvA.140.fa | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep -v " 0" | head 
LC530050.1 1
MG813982.1 46
MN078121.1 7
MN535098.1 217
MN536995.1 1238
MN536996.1 65
MN536997.1 103
MN536999.1 150
MZ515551.1 98
MZ515654.1 2780

And so to only save the sequences with 0 ambiguous nucleotides:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvA.140.fa | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | wc -l 
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvA.140.fa | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" > rsvA.90.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa rsvA.90.list > rsvA.90.fa

Repeating for RSV B:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvB.129.fa | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | wc -l
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvB.129.fa | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" > rsvB.113.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa rsvB.113.list > rsvB.113.fa

We will choose our reference sequences from these candidate sets using two criteria:

  • similarity to other candidate sequences
  • length

One way to pick a representative is to pick the sequence with a high average percent identity to all other candidates based on an alignment. We can use to generate multiple alignments of all candidates:

$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv rsvA.89.fa va-rsvA.89
$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models1 --mkey rsv rsvB.112.fa va-rsvB.112

When these commands are completed the alignment will be in va-rsvA.89/va-rsv.89.vadr.NC_038235.align.stk and va-rsvB.112/va-rsv.112.vadr.NC_001781.align.stk.

We can use the esl-alipid program that is installed with VADR to determine the alignment percent identity between all pairs of sequences. The script can then be used to output the average pairwise identities for each sequence, which we can use to select a new representative:

# compute the pairwise ids with esl-alipid:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid va-rsvA.90/va-rsvA.90.vadr.NC_038235.align.stk > rsvA.90.alipid
$ head rsvA.90.alipid 
# seqname1 seqname2 %id nid denomid %match nmatch denommatch
KJ672441.1 KJ672451.1  99.29  15066  15173  99.03  15099  15247
KJ672441.1 KJ672457.1  99.12  15038  15172  99.04  15099  15246
KJ672441.1 KU839631.1  99.19  15049  15172  99.05  15100  15245
KJ672441.1 KU950492.1  99.27  15062  15173  98.65  15100  15306
KJ672441.1 KU950506.1  99.03  15026  15173  98.74  15091  15284
KJ672441.1 KU950524.1  99.28  15064  15173  98.64  15099  15307
KJ672441.1 KU950596.1  99.22  15055  15173  98.66  15098  15303
KJ672441.1 KU950627.1  99.24  15057  15173  98.67  15099  15302
KJ672441.1 KU950639.1  99.19  15050  15173  98.66  15100  15305

# compute the per-seq average percent id 
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvA.90.alipid > rsvA.90.alipid.perseq
$ head rsvA.90.alipid.perseq 
#seq        avgpid  minpidseq   minpid  maxpidseq   maxpid
KJ672441.1  98.818  OQ941773.1  95.040  KJ672451.1  99.290
KJ672451.1  98.860  OQ941773.1  94.920  KU950680.1  99.840
KJ672457.1  98.794  OQ941773.1  95.380  OR466347.1  99.680
KU839631.1  98.824  OQ941773.1  95.420  KU950639.1  99.950
KU950492.1  98.853  OQ941773.1  94.950  KY982516.1  99.700
KU950506.1  98.771  OQ941773.1  95.370  KY654518.1  99.630
KU950524.1  98.890  OQ941773.1  94.910  KU950627.1  99.660
KU950596.1  98.823  OQ941773.1  94.860  KU950627.1  99.990
KU950627.1  98.827  OQ941773.1  94.860  KU950596.1  99.990

# sort by average percent id:
$ grep -v ^\# rsvA.90.alipid.perseq | sort -rnk 2 | head > rsvA.top10.alipid.perseq
$ cat rsvA.top10.alipid.perseq 
KY654518.1  98.950  OQ941773.1  95.480  KU950639.1  99.670
KY982516.1  98.922  OQ941773.1  95.000  KU950492.1  99.700
KU950524.1  98.890  OQ941773.1  94.910  KU950627.1  99.660
KX655644.1  98.871  OQ941773.1  94.930  MH181953.1  99.780
KU950680.1  98.869  OQ941773.1  94.910  KJ672451.1  99.840
KJ672451.1  98.860  OQ941773.1  94.920  KU950680.1  99.840
KU950639.1  98.856  OQ941773.1  95.430  KU839631.1  99.950
KU950492.1  98.853  OQ941773.1  94.950  KY982516.1  99.700
KU950627.1  98.827  OQ941773.1  94.860  KU950596.1  99.990
KU839631.1  98.824  OQ941773.1  95.420  KU950639.1  99.950

And for RSV B:

# compute the pairwise ids with esl-alipid:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid va-rsvB.113/va-rsvB.113.vadr.NC_001781.align.stk > rsvB.113.alipid

# compute the per-seq average percent id 
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ rsvB.113.alipid > rsvB.113.alipid.perseq

# sort by average percent id:
$ grep -v ^\# rsvB.113.alipid.perseq | sort -rnk 2 | head > rsvB.top10.alipid.perseq
$ cat rsvB.top10.alipid.perseq
ON237084.1  98.927  ON237101.1  97.950  MH760654.1  99.800
ON237174.1  98.902  ON237101.1  97.870  ON237173.1  99.930
MH760699.1  98.887  ON237101.1  97.860  ON237174.1  99.680
MH760654.1  98.875  ON237101.1  97.900  ON237084.1  99.800
ON237177.1  98.873  ON237101.1  97.850  ON237174.1  99.930
ON237173.1  98.873  ON237101.1  97.840  ON237174.1  99.930
OR496332.1  98.857  ON237101.1  97.770  MZ516105.1  99.760
MZ516105.1  98.851  ON237101.1  97.760  OR496332.1  99.760
MW160818.1  98.849  ON237101.1  97.740  OR496332.1  99.660
MH760707.1  98.837  ON237101.1  97.860  MH760706.1  99.850

The sequences with the highest average percent identities are good candidates. The final criterion is the length - we don't want the representative sequence to be too short. In this case, we know that the NC_038235 and NC_001781 models are considered "full length" as indicated in their GenBank annotation:


COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The
            reference sequence is identical to M74568.
            COMPLETENESS: full length.


COMMENT     REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The
            reference sequence is identical to AF013254.
            COMPLETENESS: full length.

So our new representatives should align end to end with their respective model RefSeqs. We can determine those that do by inspecting the alignments. To make viewing the alignments easier, we can pull out only the top 10 candidates for each subtype using the esl-alimanip program that is installed with VADR:

$ cat rsvA.top10.alipid.perseq | awk '{ print $1 }' > rsvA.top10.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k rsvA.top10.list va-rsvA.90/va-rsvA.90.vadr.NC_038235.align.stk > rsvA.top10.stk

$ cat rsvB.top10.alipid.perseq | awk '{ print $1 }' > rsvB.top10.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k rsvB.top10.list va-rsvB.113/va-rsvB.113.vadr.NC_001781.align.stk > rsvB.top10.stk

Sequences that align to the full length of the reference model will have zero terminal gaps at reference (nongap positions in the #=GC RF lines). Taking a look at the 5' end of the rsvA.top10.stk alignment:

KJ672451.1         ----------------------------------------------------------------------CACTTAAATTTAACTCCT
#=GR KJ672451.1 PP ......................................................................******************
KU839631.1         ----------------------------------------------------------------------CACTTAAATTTAACTCCT
#=GR KU839631.1 PP ......................................................................******************
#=GR KU950492.1 PP .....................*******************************************************************
#=GR KU950524.1 PP .....................*******************************************************************
#=GR KU950627.1 PP ..........................**************************************************************
#=GR KU950639.1 PP .....................*******************************************************************
#=GR KU950680.1 PP .............................***********************************************************
#=GR KX655644.1 PP ...................................*****************************************************
#=GR KY654518.1 PP ****************************************************************************************
#=GR KY982516.1 PP ...................................*****************************************************
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Only one sequence KY654518.1 extends to the 5' end of the reference model. Fortunately, it also extends to the 3' end as well:

KJ672451.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATT-----------------------------------
#=GR KJ672451.1 PP **********************...................................
KU839631.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATT-----------------------------------
#=GR KU839631.1 PP **********************...................................
KU950492.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KU950492.1 PP *********************************........................
KU950524.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KU950524.1 PP *********************************........................
KU950627.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KU950627.1 PP *********************************........................
KU950639.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KU950639.1 PP *********************************........................
KU950680.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KU950680.1 PP *********************************........................
KX655644.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KX655644.1 PP *********************************........................
#=GR KY654518.1 PP ************************************************.********
KY982516.1         TTATATGTATATTAACTAAATTACGAGATATTA------------------------
#=GR KY982516.1 PP *********************************........................
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::

So KY654518.1 will be our new RSV A reference sequence. We can repeat the drill for the rsvB.top10.stk alignment:

MH760654.1         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760654.1 PP ........................................................................................
MH760699.1         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760699.1 PP ........................................................................................
MH760707.1         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760707.1 PP ........................................................................................
#=GR MW160818.1 PP .........................***************.***********************************************
#=GR MZ516105.1 PP ****************************************.***********************************************
ON237084.1         ---------------------------------------------GGGGCAAATAAGAATTTGATAAGTGCTATTTAAGTCTAACCTT
#=GR ON237084.1 PP .............................................*******************************************
ON237173.1         --------------------------------------------TGGGGCAAATAAGAATTTGATAAGTGCTATTTAAGTCTAACCTT
#=GR ON237173.1 PP ............................................********************************************
ON237174.1         --------------------------------------------TGGGGCAAATAAGAATTTGATAAGTGCTATTTAAGTCTAACCTT
#=GR ON237174.1 PP ............................................********************************************
ON237177.1         ------------------------------------------AATGGGGCAAATAAGAATTTGATAAGTGCTATTTAAGTCTAACCTT
#=GR ON237177.1 PP ..........................................**********************************************
OR496332.1         ----------------------------------------------GGGCAAATAAGAATTTGATGAGTGCTATTTAAGTCTAACCTT
#=GR OR496332.1 PP ..............................................******************************************
#=GC SS_cons       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Again, only 1 candidate MZ516105.1, which fortunately also extends to the 3' end position as well. (Note that there is one gap at the end of MZ516105.1 but this is to a gap in the RF annotation. The sequence does extend to the final nongap position of the RF annotation.)

MH760654.1         -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760654.1 PP .............................................................................
MH760699.1         -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760699.1 PP .............................................................................
MH760707.1         -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#=GR MH760707.1 PP .............................................................................
MW160818.1         GTCTAAAACTAACAATCACACATGTGCATTTGCAACACA--------------------------------------
#=GR MW160818.1 PP ***************************************......................................
#=GR MZ516105.1 PP *****************************************************************.****..****.
#=GR ON237084.1 PP **************************************************...........................
#=GR ON237173.1 PP **************************************************...........................
#=GR ON237174.1 PP **************************************************...........................
#=GR ON237177.1 PP **************************************************...........................
OR496332.1         GTCTAAAACTAACAATCACACATGTGCATTTAC--------------------------------------------
#=GR OR496332.1 PP *********************************............................................
#=GC SS_cons       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::..::::.

The final step is to see if KY654518 and MZ516105 satisfy the criteria that the corresponding gene and CDS coordinates are identical, unlike in the RefSeqs. Inspecting the GenBank record pages for KY654518 and [MZ516105](( allows us to confirm that they do. (If they did not, we could manually modify the gene feature boundaries in the model info file after running so that they did.)

Building new models from our new representative sequences

To build our new models, we run

$ --group RSV --subgroup A KY654518 KY654518
$ --group RSV --subgroup B MZ516105 MZ516105 

These models will take up to an hour to build. When they're finished, we can combine them as before:

# create a new directory
$ mkdir rsv-models2

# concatenate .minfo, .cm .fa and .hmm files:
$ cat KY654518/*.vadr.minfo > rsv-models2/rsv.minfo
$ cat KY654518/* > rsv-models2/
$ cat KY654518/*.vadr.fa > rsv-models2/rsv.fa
$ cat KY654518/*.vadr.protein.hmm > rsv-models2/rsv.hmm
$ cat MZ516105/*.vadr.minfo >> rsv-models2/rsv.minfo
$ cat MZ516105/* >> rsv-models2/
$ cat MZ516105/*.vadr.fa >> rsv-models2/rsv.fa
$ cat MZ516105/*.vadr.protein.hmm >> rsv-models2/rsv.hmm

# copy the blastdb files:
$ cp KY654518/*.vadr.protein.fa* rsv-models2/
$ cp MZ516105/*.vadr.protein.fa* rsv-models2/

# prepare the library files:
$ $VADRINFERNALDIR/esl-sfetch --index rsv-models2/rsv.fa
$ $VADRINFERNALDIR/cmpress rsv-models2/
$ $VADRHMMERDIR/hmmpress rsv-models2/rsv.hmm
$ $VADRBLASTDIR/makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in rsv-models2/rsv.fa

As in step 1, it's a good idea to run with the new models against the two model sequences as a sanity check. For these two RSV models, both sequences should pass:

$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv rsv-models2/rsv.fa va-rsv2
# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     KY654518  RSV    A            1     1     0
2     MZ516105  RSV    B            1     1     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -            2     2     0
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
# Zero alerts were reported.

Rerun on our existing training set using new models

Next we want to evaluate the performance of our new models. We can repeat the command from step 2 using our new models, but this time we will use the --out_stk option to save multiple alignments for reasons that will become clear below:

$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv rsv.r500fa va2-r500

Step 6: Analyze the results and update the models accordingly

This time, from the output we can tell that many more sequences passed than with the original models, when only 6 out of 500 passed:

# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     KY654518  RSV    A          286   135   151
2     MZ516105  RSV    B          214   132    82
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -          500   267   233
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----

But there are still 233 sequences that do not pass. As we did previously, we can walk through the most common types of alerts to investigate the reasons for the failures. But this time, we will modify our models so that they do not report alerts due to valid biological diversity that we want to allow. It makes sense to start modifying the model at this stage (as opposed to building yet another model) because we know we are using good representative sequences for our models, based on the work we did analyzing the results of the initial RefSeq models.

Strategies for modifying models

There are several ways we can modify or update our models to avoid reporting alerts for expected biological characteristics, including:

  1. Add a new protein to the blastx protein library for a model to account for protein sequence variability. This can help remove unnecessary alerts related to the protein validation stage, most commonly: indfpst5, indfpst3, insertnp and deletinp. [There are two examples of this strategy detailed below: 1 and 2.

  2. Add alternative features to the model info file, along with corresponding proteins to the blastx protein library. Some CDS may have multiple start and stop positions, with respect to the reference model. We can deal with this by adding all of the acceptable alternatives as separate features to the model info file. will attempt to annotate each of the alternatives and report annotation for the single alternative that yields the fewest fatal alerts. There is an example of this strategy detailed below.

  3. Add an alert exception to the model info file. For some alert types, exceptions can be added that prevent the reporting of alerts in specific model regions. For example, an exception can be added to prevent the reporting of a dupregin alert due to an expected repetitive region.

  4. Rebuild the covariance model from a new input alignment. We can still use the same reference sequence and positions, but by buildng a new model from an alignment with multiple sequences, certain alert instances caused by sequence differences with the reference sequence can be prevented.

  5. Specify features as non-essential. By adding a a misc_not_failure flag to a feature in the model info file, we can specify that many types of fatal alerts not cause a sequence to fail, but instead cause the associated feature to be annotated as a misc_feature in the output.

  6. Specify command-line options when running to make some alerts fatal or non-fatal. For some viruses, certain fatal alerts may be so common that they are expected for many sequences, yet we don't want them to cause a sequence to fail. We can make those alerts non-fatal using the command-line option alt_pass. (Technically, this isn't a modification to the models, but rather a change in how is run.)

We will now walk through examples for the first four strategies, and elaborate on five and six below.

First, we need to identify the characteristics that we would like to address through model modification. Once again we can start by looking at the most common types of reported alerts:

Here are the counts for all of the fatal alerts, from the va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alc file:

#     alert     causes   short                               per    num   num  long       
#idx  code      failure  description                        type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  -----------------------------  --------  -----  ----  -----------
16    lowcovrg  yes      LOW_COVERAGE                   sequence     13    13  low sequence fraction with significant similarity to homology model
17    lowsimis  yes      LOW_SIMILARITY                 sequence      3     3  internal region without significant similarity
18    mutstart  yes      MUTATION_AT_START               feature      6     6  expected start codon could not be identified
19    mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature    114   110  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
20    mutendns  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      2     2  expected stop codon could not be identified, no in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted start codon
21    mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature    110   109  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
22    unexleng  yes      UNEXPECTED_LENGTH               feature     16    15  length of complete coding (CDS or mat_peptide) feature is not a multiple of 3
23    cdsstopn  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature     36    35  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference
24    cdsstopp  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature      3     3  stop codon in protein-based alignment
25    fsthicft  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature     12    12  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame not restored before end)
26    fsthicfi  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature      1     1  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame restored before end)
27    indfantn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION           feature      5     3  nucleotide-based search identifies CDS not identified in protein-based search
28    indf5gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature      4     2  alignment to homology model is a gap at 5' boundary
29    indf5pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     25    22  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 5' endpoint
30    indf3gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature      6     3  alignment to homology model is a gap at 3' boundary
31    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature    132   124  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
32    deletinp  yes      DELETION_OF_NT                  feature    138   138  too large of a deletion in protein-based alignment

Sorting by number of sequences, there are 9 alerts that occur in more than 10 sequences (more than 2% of the sequences):

32    deletinp  yes      DELETION_OF_NT                  feature    138   138  too large of a deletion in protein-based alignment
31    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature    132   124  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
19    mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature    114   110  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
21    mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature    110   109  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
23    cdsstopn  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature     36    35  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference
29    indf5pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     25    22  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 5' endpoint
22    unexleng  yes      UNEXPECTED_LENGTH               feature     16    15  length of complete coding (CDS or mat_peptide) feature is not a multiple of 3
16    lowcovrg  yes      LOW_COVERAGE                   sequence     13    13  low sequence fraction with significant similarity to homology model
25    fsthicft  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature     12    12  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame not restored before end)

Adding a protein to model blastx library

Let's examine the deletinp alerts. As above, we can sort all the occurences of this alert in the .alt file and group them:

$ grep deletinp va3-rsv.r500/va3-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
     69 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5461..5532:+
     23 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5509..5574:+
     20 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5435..5494:+
     15 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5399..5458:+
      7 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5515..5580:+
      1 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5444..5503:+
      1 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5390..5440:+
      1 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5494..5547:+
      1 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5458..5529:+

The deletions are occuring in the attachment glycoprotein CDS in a region that is close to the duplicate region we observed in our RefSeq model results. We attempted to address those dupregin alerts by rebuilding our models with new sequences that included the duplicated region, but now it seems that we are observing that sequences that do not have the duplication are failing with a deletinp alert. These are a minority of the sequences but still a significant number in each model.

The deletinp alert occurs when there is a region in the best blastx alignment that includes a deletion that is longer than 9 amino acids (27 nucleotides). Let's take a look at one example of the most common deletion span: 5461..5532:+ to the KY654518 (RSV A) model, by randoming selecting one sequence and rerunning on it with the --keep option as we did earlier:

# pick a sequence with the deletinp alert:
$ grep deletinp va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep 5461..5532 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex6.list
$ cat ex6.list

# fetch the sequence
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex6.list > ex6.fa

# run on these sequences with --keep option to save all output files
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex6.fa va-ex6
# Summary of reported alerts:
#     alert     causes   short               per    num   num  long
#idx  code      failure  description        type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  --------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
1     deletinn  no       DELETION_OF_NT  feature      1     1  too large of a deletion in nucleotide-based alignment of CDS feature
#---  --------  -------  --------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
2     deletinp  yes      DELETION_OF_NT  feature      1     1  too large of a deletion in protein-based alignment
#---  --------  -------  --------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------

The relevant file is the blastx output file va-ex6/va-ex6.vadr.KY654518.blastx.out, and we are interested in the blastx alignment for the attachment glycoprotein, which is positions 4681..5646:+ as found in the .minfo file:

$ grep attachment rsv-models2/rsv.minfo | grep KY654518
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"4681..5646:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"

Here is the relevant alignment from va-ex6/va-ex6.vadr.KY654518.blastx.out:


 Score = 545 bits (1404),  Expect = 6e-180, Method: Compositional matrix adjust.
 Identities = 287/321 (89%), Positives = 291/321 (91%), Gaps = 24/321 (7%)
 Frame = +1





Query  5329  TNIRTTPLTSNTTGNPEHTS------------------------QEETLHSTTSEGNLSP  5436
             TNIRTT LTSNT GNPEHTS                        QEETLHSTTSEG LSP


Note the 24 amino acid deletion in the query with respect to the subject. This indicates that sequence KX655676.1 has a 72nt deletion relative to the reference sequence KY654318.1. The blastx library created by only has a single protein sequence for the attachment glycoprotein, the translation of the KY654318.1 CDS from positions 4681..5646:+. But we can add additional proteins that will then be used as additional subjects in the blastx-based protein validation stage.

One option for such a sequence would be to use the attachment glycoprotein from KX655676.1, which would certainly fix the issue for at least itself. A more well-principled way to find a better sequence would be to identify a more representative sequence out of those that include this deletion in our training set. (A yet more well-principled way would be to inspect all existing RSV A sequences instead of just those in our training set, but this would require significantly more effort for a presumably small improvement over the alternative of restricting possibilities to only our training set.)

We can extract the candidate sequences from the alignment that was output from (which was only output because we used the --out_stk option). We are interested in a representative example of the CDS with the deletinp alert for the KY654318 model, so it makes sense to use a sequence with the most common deletion of reference positions 5461..5532:+. To get a list of qualifying sequences and extract the relevant alignment subset:

# get a list of the 69 candidates
$ cat va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep deletinp | grep KY654518 | grep attachment_glycoprotein | grep 5461..5532 | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $2); }' > ex7.list

# extract the 69 aligned sequences from the alignment:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex7.list va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.KY654518.align.stk > ex7.stk 

Now, since we are only interested in finding a representative attachment glycoprotein CDS sequence (as opposed to the full sequence), we can restrict the sequences to only that CDS using the esl-alimask program that is installed with VADR:

# extract the attachment glycoprotein region:
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf ex7.stk 4681..5646 >

Next, as we did when looking for new reference sequences above, we can take the following steps to identify a good representative attachment glycoprotein CDS sequence:

  1. Remove all sequences with any ambiguous nucleotides using the script.

  2. use esl-alipid and the script to find the candidate sequence that has the highest average percent identity to all other candidate sequences.

# convert to fasta 
# $ $VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat fasta >

# remove any sequences with ambiguous nucleotides
# $ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' | wc -l
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' > ex7.60.list
# $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex7.60.list >

# determine pairwise percent identity
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid >

# calculate average percent identity
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ >

# list top candidates
$ grep -v ^\# | sort -rnk 2 | head
KX510193.1  96.631  KF826854.1  91.390  KJ627315.1  99.890
KJ627315.1  96.593  KF826854.1  91.500  KX510193.1  99.890
KX510189.1  96.541  KF826854.1  91.280  KX510193.1  99.890
KJ627320.1  96.521  KF826854.1  91.280  KX510193.1  99.890
OK649655.1  96.400  KF826854.1  91.280  KX510193.1  99.660
KX510264.1  96.357  KF826854.1  91.050  KX510250.1  100.000
KX510250.1  96.357  KF826854.1  91.050  KX510264.1  100.000
KX510230.1  96.357  KF826854.1  91.050  KX510250.1  100.000
KX510195.1  96.357  KF826854.1  91.050  KX510250.1  100.000
KX510148.1  96.357  KF826854.1  91.050  KX510250.1  100.000

We will use the KX510193.1 attachment glycoprotein CDS sequence, which has the highest average nucleotide percent identity with all other candidates. (We could have used a protein alignment as the basis for selecting a representative in this step, especially since we are trying to optimize blastx alignments, but the nucleotide-based approach we've taken here should be a good enough proxy for the protein-based approach.)

To actually add the new sequence to our blastx library, we will use the script. To determine how to use that script, execute it with the -h option and no other command-line arguments:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ -h
# :: add a single protein to a VADR blastx protein database
# VADR 1.6 (Nov 2023)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# date:    Wed Nov  8 11:30:19 2023
Usage: [-options]
	<path to .minfo file>
	<path to blast db dir>
	<model name>
	<name for output directory>

basic options:
  -f         : force; if dir <output directory> exists, overwrite it
  -v         : be verbose; output commands to stdout as they're run
  --ttbl <n> : use NCBI translation table <n> to translate CDS [1]
  --keep     : do not remove intermediate files, keep them all on disk

This script takes seven command-line arguments, we already know all of them except for one: <nt-coords-to-add>. These are the nucleotide coordinates of the attachment glycoprotein CDS in the KY510193.1 sequence. We can find these in the .ftr or .tbl output files from

$ head -n 2 va2-rsv.r500/ 
#      seq           seq                  ftr   ftr                         ftr  ftr  par                                                                                                 seq          model  ftr   
#idx   name          len  p/f   model     type  name                        len  idx  idx  str  n_from   n_to  n_instp  trc  5'N  3'N  p_from   p_to  p_instp   p_sc  nsa  nsn         coords         coords  alerts
$ grep KX510193 va2-rsv.r500/ | grep attachment
286.14  KX510193.1  14701  FAIL  KY654518  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein     894   14   -1    +    4409   5302        -  no     0    0    4409   5299        -   1420    1    0   4409..5302:+   4681..5646:+  DELETION_OF_NT(deletinn),DELETION_OF_NT(deletinp)

The relevant field is the seq coords field, so the relevant value is 4409..5302:+.

So all of the relevant values for the script are:

command-line argument value
<path to .minfo file> rsv-models2/rsv.minfo
<path to blast db dir> rsv-models2/
<model name> KY654518
<nt-accn-to-add> KX510193
nt-coords-to-add> 4409..5302:+
<model-CDS-feature-coords> 4681..5646:+
<name for output directory> vb-ex7

To add the protein to the blastx library:

$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ \
rsv-models2/rsv.minfo \
rsv-models2 \
KY654518 \
KX510193 \
4409..5302:+ \
4681..5646:+ \

The script will output the steps it takes:

# input model info file:                      rsv-models2/rsv.minfo
# input blast db path:                        rsv-models2
# input model name:                           KY654518
# nucleotide accession to add:                KX510193
# nt coords of CDS to add:                    4409..5302:+
# CDS feature coords this CDS should map to:  4681..5646:+
# output directory:                           vb-ex7
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Parsing input model info file                      ... done. [    0.0 seconds]
# Fetching the CDS source sequence                   ... done. [    4.2 seconds]
# Translating CDS                                    ... done. [    0.0 seconds]
# Adding to BLAST DB                                 ... done. [    0.2 seconds]
# Output printed to screen saved in:                           vb-ex7.vadr.log
# List of executed commands saved in:                          vb-ex7.vadr.cmd
# List and description of all output files saved in:           vb-ex7.vadr.filelist
# fasta file with source sequence (KX510193) saved in:         vb-ex7.vadr.source.fa
# fasta file with CDS from KX510193 saved in:                  vb-ex7.vadr.cds.fa
# fasta file with translated protein from KX510193 saved in:   vb-ex7.vadr.prot.fa
# All output files created in the current working directory
# Elapsed time:  00:00:04.53
#                hh:mm:ss

We can verify the new protein was added by examining the protein database fasta file using the esl-seqstat program with the -a option which lists each sequence and its length:

$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-seqstat -a rsv-models2/KY654518.vadr.protein.fa
= KY654518.1/1140..2315:+        391 
= KY654518.1/2347..3072:+        241 
= KY654518.1/3255..4025:+        256 
= KY654518.1/4295..4489:+         64 
= KY654518.1/4681..5646:+        321 
= KY654518.1/5726..7450:+        574 
= KY654518.1/628..1002:+         124 
= KY654518.1/7669..8253:+        194 
= KY654518.1/8228..8494:+         88 
= KY654518.1/8561..15058:+      2165 
= KY654518.1/99..518:+           139 
= KX510193.1:4409..5302:+/4681..5646:+      297 
Format:              FASTA
Alphabet type:       amino
Number of sequences: 12
Total # residues:    4854
Smallest:            64
Largest:             2165
Average length:      404.5

This file includes all the protein sequences for the model. uses the coordinates at the end of each name to determine which sequence pertains to which protein, by matching those coordinates up with the coordinates read for each CDS feature in the model info file. Note that now there are two sequences that end with 4681..5646:+: the sequence KY654518.1/4681..5646:+, which is the original translated CDS from KY654518.1 and KX510193.1:4409..5302:+/4681..5646:+ which is the sequence we just added. Both of these sequences are now possible blastx subject sequences for the attachment glycoprotein CDS.

We can then perform a sanity check to make sure that this added sequence has the intended effect. Let's run on our ex6.fa sequence. It should now pass.

$ -f --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex6.fa va-ex6
# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     KY654518  RSV    A            1     1     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -            1     1     0
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
# Summary of reported alerts:
#     alert     causes   short               per    num   num  long
#idx  code      failure  description        type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  --------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
1     deletinn  no       DELETION_OF_NT  feature      1     1  too large of a deletion in nucleotide-based alignment of CDS feature
#---  --------  -------  --------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------

The sequence now passes. We still have a deletinn alert letting us know that there is still a long deletion in the nucleotide-based alignment, but this is a non-fatal alert. The deletinp alert is now gone.

At this point, we could continue to address the deletinp instances, probably next for the 35 MZ516105 alerts. To do that, we would repeat the above procedure to find and add a suitable representative sequence to add to the protein blast library. After that, we might want to to rerun all of the sequences that failed due to deletinp alerts with the updated models. If a significant number of sequences still fail due to deletinp alerts at that stage, then we could repeat the process again. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will move on to the next most common alert indf3pst to provide a different example of updating a model.

Adding an alternative CDS feature with different stop coordinate

Let's take a look at one example of the indf3pst alert:

$ cat va2-rsv.r500/*alt | head -n 3
#        seq                   ftr   ftr                      ftr  alert           alert                                     seq   seq             mdl   mdl  alert 
#idx     name        model     type  name                     idx  code      fail  description                            coords   len          coords   len  detail
#------  ----------  --------  ----  -----------------------  ---  --------  ----  -----------------------------  --------------  ----  --------------  ----  ------
$ cat va2-rsv.r500/*alt | grep indf3pst | head -n 1
3.1.4    KY674983.1  MZ516105  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  indf3pst  yes   INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END        5513..5518:+     6    5620..5620:+     1  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint [6>5, no valid stop codon in nucleotide-based prediction]

This alert occurs if the "protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint". A relevant field is space-delimited field 26, which is part of the alert detail column. Field 26 for indf3pst alerts lists how far the protein-based endpoint and nucleotide based endpoint is. In this case it is 6 nucleotides which exceeds the maximum allowed without an alert: 6>5.

When grouping instances of this alert we should output this field 26 value as well because any instances of this alert for the same feature and the same distance may be able to be addressed with the same model modification:

$ grep indf3pst va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | awk '{ printf ("%s %s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12, $26); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1 | head
     49 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5620..5620:+ [6>5,
     25 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5646..5646:+ [6>5,
     15 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5646..5646:+ [9>8,
     10 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5646..5646:+ [45>5,
      7 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5646..5646:+ [45>8,
      1 MZ516105 small_hydrophobic_protein 4498..4498:+ [132>120,
      1 MZ516105 polymerase 15060..15060:+ [25>5]
      1 MZ516105 polymerase 15060..15060:+ [24>5,
      1 MZ516105 polymerase 15060..15060:+ [2316>5,
      1 MZ516105 polymerase 15060..15060:+ [22>5]

It turns out that the example we looked at above in attachment glycoprotein for model MZ516105 with a difference of 6 nucleotides is the most common one. Let's investigate one of the sequences with that particular alert further:

$ grep indf3pst va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep MZ516105 | grep 5620 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex8.list
$ cat ex8.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex8.list > ex8.fa

# re-run on:
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex8.fa va-ex8
# Summary of reported alerts:
#     alert     causes   short                          per    num   num  long
#idx  code      failure  description                   type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
1     mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END            feature      1     1  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
2     mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END            feature      1     1  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
3     indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END  feature      1     1  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
#---  --------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------

In this case, we find that this sequence not only has the common indf3pst alert, but also mutendcd and mutendex alerts that occur when the expected stop codon is missing, and the closest stop codon occurs downstream of the expected position. This suggests that perhaps many of those 49 sequences with this same alert also have these alerts. To test that we can run on all 49 of them, or to save some time, on a random subset of 10:

$ grep indf3pst va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep MZ516105 | grep 5620 | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 10 - > ex8.10.list
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex8.10.fa va-ex8.10

After this finishes, we can see that these three alerts do tend to co-occur by looking at the .alc file:

$ cat *alc
#     alert     causes   short                          per    num   num  long       
#idx  code      failure  description                   type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
1     deletinn  no       DELETION_OF_NT             feature      3     3  too large of a deletion in nucleotide-based alignment of CDS feature
#---  --------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------
2     mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END            feature     10    10  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
3     mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END            feature     10    10  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
4     indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END  feature     10    10  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
5     deletinp  yes      DELETION_OF_NT             feature      3     3  too large of a deletion in protein-based alignment
#---  --------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----  ----  -----------

Let's go back to our single example OR326763.1, and look at details on the alerts in the .alt file:

$ cat va-ex8/va-ex8.vadr.alt
#      seq                   ftr   ftr                      ftr  alert           alert                               seq  seq           mdl  mdl  alert 
#idx   name        model     type  name                     idx  code      fail  description                      coords  len        coords  len  detail
#----  ----------  --------  ----  -----------------------  ---  --------  ----  -------------------------  ------------  ---  ------------  ---  ------
1.1.1  OR326763.1  MZ516105  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  mutendcd  yes   MUTATION_AT_END            5569..5571:+    3  5618..5620:+    3  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid [CAA]
1.1.2  OR326763.1  MZ516105  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  mutendex  yes   MUTATION_AT_END            5590..5592:+    3  5639..5641:+    3  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position [TAG]
1.1.3  OR326763.1  MZ516105  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein   14  indf3pst  yes   INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END  5566..5571:+    6  5620..5620:+    1  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint [6>5, no valid stop codon in nucleotide-based prediction]

For mutendcd and mutendex the alert detail field explains that in this sequence there is a CAG at the expected stop codon position of 5618..5620, and the first in-frame stop codon TAG occurs 21 nucleotides downstream at reference positions 5639..5641. We can see this in the va-ex8/va-ex8.vadr.MZ516105.align.stk alignment:

                                    vvv                  vvv    
#=GR OR326763.1 PP ***********************************************************
#=GC SS_cons       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
#=GC RFCOL...X.    00000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555
#=GC RFCOL....X    12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
                   *** ********* * * ***** ***********************************

I've added vvv characters indicating the expected stop codon position and also the existing stop codon 21 nucleotides downstream. I've also added * characters at the bottom of the alignment at positions where the sequence and reference model are identical. Note that the final few codons of the CDS before the expected stop have the highest number of mismatches, which explains the indf3pst alert for this CDS - the blastx alignment stopped prior to the final few codons.

Because this is such a common characteristic of RSV B sequences, we'd like our model to allow for it and not report any fatal alerts when it occurs. To do this, we can modify our model by adding an alternative feature for the attachment glycoprotein CDS.

Adding an alternative feature for a CDS requires two steps:

  1. Manually edit the model info file rsv-models2/rsv.minfo in a text editor.

  2. Add one (or more) protein sequences to the blastx protein library that correspond to the alternative CDS feature, like we did to address the common deletinp alerts above.

In step 1, we want to make an alternative stop position for the attachment glycoprotein CDS. To do this we will add an additional CDS feature to the model info file. Currently the two lines pertaining to the CDS and associated gene feature are:

FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"

To create an alternative CDS feature that starts at the same position 4688 but ends at position 5641 we will add the line:

FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"

Note the different stop position and the new key/value pair: alternative_ftr_set="attachment(cds)". We also need to update the first line above to include this new key/value pair. This will inform that these two CDS are members of the same alternative feature set, and that only one of them should be annotated in the output .tbl file. will select the CDS feature that has fewer fatal alerts and annotate only that one. If they have the same number of fatal alerts, the one that occurs first in the model info file will be annotated.

We also want to add a new gene feature line that will be coupled with the new CDS feature line (same coordinates) so that the correct gene coordinates will be annotated based on which CDS is annotated. (Importantly: we only need to do this because we want the annotated gene feature to have the same coordinates as the annotated CDS feature. If this wasn't the case and the gene boundaries completely spanned the CDS boundaries (potentially with extra nucleotides for the gene), then we would not need to add a new gene feature line.)

FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set="attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).1"

This new gene feature line includes alternative_ftr_set="attachment(gene)" (it is important that the value in quotes ("attachment(gene)") is different from the CDS feature set name), and an additional key/value pair: alternative_ftr_set_subn="attachment(CDS).2". This means that this gene should only be annotated if the second feature in the alternative_ftr_set="attachment(CDS)" group is annotated.

Additionally, we need to update the two original lines for the features at positions 4688..5620:+ by adding alternative_ftr_set key/values to them as well. The four new lines should be:

FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).1"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).2"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"

Note that the order is important because the index in the alternative_ftr_set values attachment(cds).1 and attachment(cds).2 for the two gene features correspond specifically to the first and second CDS features that have the alternative_ftr_set value attachment(cds).

Now we can move onto step 2, adding a protein to the blastx protein library. As we did above when addressing the common deletinp alert, we want to find a representative sequence out of all the CDS sequences that stop at position 5641. I repeated the steps detailed above using the set of 41 sequences that end at this position as candidates and ended up choosing OK654726.1 as the representative. I then added it to the blastx library using the script. The steps are shown below (and discussed in more detail for the deletinp alert example above). One difference here is that we need to make sure that we include the stop position in OK654726.1 that aligns to the new stop position at reference position 5641 which differs from what is reported in the .ftr file. We may need to consult the alignment of OK654726.1 to determine this (after maybe rerunning

# determine number of sequences that have attachment glycoprotein ended at 5641 
$ grep 5641 va2-rsv.r500/*alt | grep MZ516105 | grep mutendex | wc -l
$ grep 5641 va2-rsv.r500/*alt | grep MZ516105 | grep mutendex | awk '{ print $2 }' > ex8.41.list

# fetch out 41 sequences and extract only the attachment glycoprotein alignment
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex8.41.list va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.MZ516105.align.stk > ex8.41.stk 
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf ex8.41.stk 4688..5641 >

# convert to fasta and remove any seqs with ambiguous nts
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat fasta >
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' | wc -l
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' > ex8.40.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex8.40.list > ex8.40.stk

# determine average percent id and choose representative
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid ex8.40.stk > ex8.40.alipid
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ ex8.40.alipid > ex8.40.alipid.perseq
$ grep -v ^\# ex8.40.alipid.perseq | sort -rnk 2 | head -n 1
OK649726.1  97.727  MG642027.1  92.780  OK649687.1  99.480

# add representative to blastx db
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/  \
rsv-models2/rsv.minfo \
rsv-models2 \
MZ516105 \
OK649726 \
4680..5633:+ \
4688..5641:+ \

As a sanity check, we can rerun on our ex8 sequence OR326763.1, it should now pass:

$ --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex8.fa va-ex8.2
# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     MZ516105  RSV    B            1     1     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -            1     1     0
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
# Zero alerts were reported.

And we can verify that the attachment glycoprotein CDS was annotated using the alternative stop ending at 5641 in the .ftr file, by looking in the model coords column:

$ head -n 3 va-ex8.2/
#     seq           seq                  ftr   ftr                         ftr  ftr  par                                                                                                seq          model  ftr   
#idx  name          len  p/f   model     type  name                        len  idx  idx  str  n_from   n_to  n_instp  trc  5'N  3'N  p_from  p_to  p_instp   p_sc  nsa  nsn         coords         coords  alerts
#---  ----------  -----  ----  --------  ----  -------------------------  ----  ---  ---  ---  ------  -----  -------  ---  ---  ---  ------  ----  -------  -----  ---  ---  -------------  -------------  ------
$ grep 5641 va-ex8.2/
1.13  OR326763.1  15191  PASS  MZ516105  gene  G                           954   14   -1    +    4639   5592        -  no     0    0       -     -        -      -    1    0   4639..5592:+   4688..5641:+  -     
1.14  OR326763.1  15191  PASS  MZ516105  CDS   attachment_glycoprotein     954   16   -1    +    4639   5592        -  no     0    0    4639  5589        -   1537    1    0   4639..5592:+   4688..5641:+  -     

The 5641 stop codon was the most common alternative to the 5620 stop codon in MZ516105, but it wasn't the only alternative. Looking again at the list of remaining examples of other mutendex failures (by removing any that include 5641 with grep -v:

$ cat va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep mutendex | grep -v 5641 | awk '{ printf("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
     49 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5647..5649:+
     15 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5627..5629:+
      3 KY654518 large_polymerase 15059..15061:+
      1 KY654518 nonstructural_protein_2 1048..1050:+
      1 KY654518 M2-1_protein 8492..8494:+

The most common alternative now is for the KY654518 model ending at position 5649, which is 3 nucleotide downstream of the expected stop at 5646:

$ grep attachment rsv-models2/rsv.minfo | grep KY654518
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"4681..5646:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein"

To address this we can repeat the drill we just did for the 5641 endpoint for the MZ516105 model, and add an alternative feature by adding to and modifying existing lines in the model info file, and then adding a representative protein for the coordinates 4681..5649:+ to the KY654518 model blastx library.

Click to expand commands used to address `KY654518` attachment glycoprotein ending at `5649`
# manually edit the rsv.minfo file to include the alternative feature
# by replacing the two lines corresponding to the `KY654518` attachment 
# glycoprotein with these four lines:
FEATURE KY654518 type:"gene" coords:"4681..5646:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).1"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"gene" coords:"4681..5649:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).2"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"4681..5646:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"4681..5649:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"
# find representative protein sequence for the blastx protein library
# fetch out all sequence names with this stop codon
$ grep 5647..5649 va2-rsv.r500/*alt | grep KY654518 | grep mutendex | awk '{ print $2 }' > ex9.49.list
# extract the attachment glycoprotein alignment
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex9.49.list va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.KY654518.align.stk > ex9.49.stk 
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf ex9.49.stk 4681..5649 >

# convert to fasta and remove any seqs with ambiguous nts
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat fasta >
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' > ex9.47.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex9.47.list > ex9.47.stk

# determine average percent id and choose representative
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid ex9.47.stk > ex9.47.alipid
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ ex9.47.alipid > ex9.47.alipid.perseq
$ grep -v ^\# ex9.47.alipid.perseq | sort -rnk 2 | head -n 1
KJ643564.1  95.374  KU316171.1  89.410  KJ643503.1  100.000

# add representative to blastx db
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/  \
rsv-models2/rsv.minfo \
rsv-models2 \
KY654518 \
KJ643564 \
4672..5568:+ \
4681..5649:+ \

After that, we want to address the MZ516105 stop codon ending at 5629 that occurs in 15 of our training sequences, following the same steps.

Click to expand commands used to address `MZ516105` attachment glycoprotein ending at `5629`
# manually edit the rsv.minfo file to include the alternative feature
# by adding two lines corresponding to the `MZ516105` attachment 
# glycoprotein to the existing four, resulting in these six:
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).1"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).2"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"gene" coords:"4688..5629:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"attachment(cds).3"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5629:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)"

# find representative protein sequence for the blastx protein library
# fetch out all sequence names with this stop codon
$ grep MZ516105 va2-rsv.r500/*alt | grep mutendex | grep attachment | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $2, $12); }' | grep 5627..5629 | awk '{ print $1 }' > ex10.15.list
# extract the attachment glycoprotein alignment
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex10.15.list va2-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.MZ516105.align.stk > ex10.15.stk 
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf ex10.15.stk 4688..5629 >

# convert to fasta and remove any seqs with ambiguous nts
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat fasta >
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ | awk '{ printf("%s %s\n", $1, $2); }' | grep " 0" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", $1); }' > ex10.14.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimanip --seq-k ex10.14.list > ex10.14.stk

# determine average percent id and choose representative
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alipid ex10.14.stk > ex10.14.alipid
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ ex10.14.alipid > ex10.14.alipid.perseq
$ grep -v ^\# ex10.14.alipid.perseq | sort -rnk 2 | head -n 1
JX576758.1  96.315  KU316128.1  94.480  KP258713.1  98.200

# add representative to blastx db
$ perl $VADRSCRIPTSDIR/miniscripts/ \
rsv-models2/rsv.minfo \
rsv-models2 \
MZ516105 \
JX576758 \
4690..5637:+ \
4688..5629:+ \

Modeling NC_038235's M2-2 CDS alternative start position with an alternative feature.

Above, when investigating mutstart alerts returned using the RefSeq models, we determined that NC_038235 had a start position for M2-2 that was six nucleotides upstream from the majority of our RSV A training sequences. When we switched to using a model based on KY654518 we began annotating the more common start position at position 8228. But what if we wanted to annotate the earlier start position for those sequences that had it? We could do that by adding an alternative feature for the M2-2 protein CDS that started six nucleotides upstream at position 8222. The two existing lines beginning with FEATURE KY654518 in the rsv-models2/rsv.minfo file that include M2-2 would be replaced with these four lines:

FEATURE KY654518 type:"gene" coords:"8222..8494:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2-2" alternative_ftr_set:"M2-2(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"M2-2(cds).1"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"gene" coords:"8228..8494:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2-2" alternative_ftr_set:"M2-2(gene)" alternative_ftr_set_subn:"M2-2(cds).2"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"8222..8494:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2-2" product:"M2-2 protein" alternative_ftr_set:"M2-2(cds)"
FEATURE KY654518 type:"CDS" coords:"8228..8494:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"M2-2" product:"M2-2 protein" alternative_ftr_set:"M2-2(cds)"

Importantly, the new alternative starting at 8222 needs to go first, because will choose to annotate the alternative which has the fewest fatal alerts, and in the case of ties it will choose the alternative that comes first in the model info file. Because NC_038235 includes a valid start codon beginning at reference positions 8222 and 8228 (using KY654518 as a reference coordinate system) as shown in the RF line in the alignment above, it's important the 8222 feature comes before the 8228 feature in the model info file, so that the 8222 start is chosen when both are valid (e.g. for NC_038235).

We'd also need to add a new protein to the blastx database that includes the two additional amino acids at the beginning of the longer protein. We could add NC_038235's M2-2 protein. After doing that, if we ran on NC_038235 it should be annotated using the earlier start at reference position 8222.

Allowing an alert exception for specific reference positions

After addressing the attachment glycoprotein mutendex alerts above, the next most common mutendex alert is for the large polymerase at positions 15059..15061:+ for 3 sequences. At this stage I would stop and move on to other types of alerts, because with only 3 sequences it is not as obvious that this is a legitimate type of variability that we want our models to allow. There is probably lower hanging fruit that we can address. It makes sense to rerun all 500 of the training sequences using the updated models at this point, to make sure that we base the decision on which alert instances to investigate next based on performance using the current (updated) models.

To rerun the training set: --out_stk --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv rsv.r500fa va3-r500

Our new results:

# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     KY654518  RSV    A          286   223    63
2     MZ516105  RSV    B          214   167    47
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -          500   390   110
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----

Previously 233 sequences failed, so we've cut the number of failing sequences in half with our recent modifications.

What are the most common alerts remaining? Ranking the lines with fatal alerts in the va3-rsv.r500/va2-rsv.r500.vadr.alc file by number of sequences:

#     alert     causes   short                               per    num   num  long       
#idx  code      failure  description                        type  cases  seqs  description
#---  --------  -------  -----------------------------  --------  -----  ----  -----------
32    indf3pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature     58    56  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 3' endpoint
33    deletinp  yes      DELETION_OF_NT                  feature     46    46  too large of a deletion in protein-based alignment
24    cdsstopn  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature     36    35  in-frame stop codon exists 5' of stop position predicted by homology to reference
30    indf5pst  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature     25    22  protein-based alignment does not extend close enough to nucleotide-based alignment 5' endpoint
23    unexleng  yes      UNEXPECTED_LENGTH               feature     16    15  length of complete coding (CDS or mat_peptide) feature is not a multiple of 3
16    lowcovrg  yes      LOW_COVERAGE                   sequence     13    13  low sequence fraction with significant similarity to homology model
26    fsthicft  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature     12    12  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame not restored before end)
20    mutendcd  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      8     8  expected stop codon could not be identified, predicted CDS stop by homology is invalid
19    mutstart  yes      MUTATION_AT_START               feature      6     6  expected start codon could not be identified
22    mutendex  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      5     5  expected stop codon could not be identified, first in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted stop position
25    cdsstopp  yes      CDS_HAS_STOP_CODON              feature      4     4  stop codon in protein-based alignment
17    lowsimis  yes      LOW_SIMILARITY                 sequence      3     3  internal region without significant similarity
28    indfantn  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION           feature      5     3  nucleotide-based search identifies CDS not identified in protein-based search
31    indf3gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_END       feature      6     3  alignment to homology model is a gap at 3' boundary
18    ftskipfl  yes      UNREPORTED_FEATURE_PROBLEM     sequence      2     2  only fatal alerts are for feature(s) not output to feature table
21    mutendns  yes      MUTATION_AT_END                 feature      2     2  expected stop codon could not be identified, no in-frame stop codon exists 3' of predicted start codon
29    indf5gap  yes      INDEFINITE_ANNOTATION_START     feature      4     2  alignment to homology model is a gap at 5' boundary
27    fsthicfi  yes      POSSIBLE_FRAMESHIFT_HIGH_CONF   feature      1     1  high confidence possible frameshift in CDS (frame restored before end)

The most common alert remaining is indf3pst with instances in 56 sequences followed by deletinp in 46 sequences. We've seen examples above on how to address each of these alerts: by adding sequences to the blastx protein library. That strategy is the only method for addressing indf3pst alerts, but there is an additional way to address deletinp alerts, by adding an alert exception to the model info file for specific reference model regions. Instead of including another example of adding a protein to the blastx library here, let's try specifying an alert exception.

Looking further at the 46 remaining deletinp alerts, we can use the .ftr file to determine which regions are commonly deleted.

$ cat va3-rsv.r500/va3-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep attachment | grep deletinp | awk '{ printf("%s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $12); }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rnk 1
     12 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5435..5494:+
      7 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5461..5532:+
      6 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5399..5458:+
      5 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5447..5506:+
      4 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5471..5530:+
      4 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5405..5464:+
      3 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5372..5407:+
      2 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5378..5422:+
      2 KY654518 attachment_glycoprotein 5515..5580:+
      1 MZ516105 attachment_glycoprotein 5444..5503:+

Most of the alerts (37/46) are for RSV B sequences (MZ516105) and they relate to deletions at the reference positions 5372..5530. We can specify a deletinp alert exception for a specific model coordinate range for the start position of the deletion and the maximum length we want to allow an exception for. To do that we need to know the range of start positions for the deletion exception, and the length we want to allow for the deletion (any deletions above this length starting within the range of start positions will trigger a deletinp alert). For MZ516105 an exception ranging from positions 5372..5471 with maximum length of 60 would span all of the 37 instances in our training dataset.

To add the exception we need to manually modify the rsv-models2/rsv.minfo file in a text editor by adding the key:value pair deletin_exc:5435..5471:+:60 to the FEATURE lines for the attachment glycoprotein CDS for the MZ516105 model. Remember there are currently three FEATURE lines because we have alternative features for the attachment glycoprotein and we should add the exception to all three. The deletin_exc alert pertains to both deletinp and deletinn alerts, so deletin non-fatal alerts will also be excepted in this region.

Alert exceptions are only possible for a subset of alerts, for the list of possible exceptions and more information on how to use them, see here.

The 3 relevant lines in the model info file should now be:

FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5620:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)" deletin_exc:"5372..5471:+:60"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5641:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)" deletin_exc:"5372..5471:+:60"
FEATURE MZ516105 type:"CDS" coords:"4688..5629:+" parent_idx_str:"GBNULL" gene:"G" product:"attachment glycoprotein" alternative_ftr_set:"attachment(cds)" deletin_exc:"5372..5471:+:60"

If we now rerun these 37 sequences the deletinp and deletinn alerts should now be absent. Let's randomly sample one to check:

$ grep deletinp va3-rsv.r500/va3-rsv.r500.vadr.alt | grep MZ516105 | grep attachment | awk '{ print $2 }' | $VADREASELDIR/esl-selectn 1 - > ex11.list
$ cat ex11.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex11.list > ex11.fa
$ --keep --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex11.fa va-ex11
# Summary of classified sequences:
#                                 num   num   num
#idx  model     group  subgroup  seqs  pass  fail
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
1     MZ516105  RSV    B            1     1     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
-     *all*     -      -            1     1     0
-     *none*    -      -            0     0     0
#---  --------  -----  --------  ----  ----  ----
# Zero alerts were reported.

This sequence now passes, because the deletinp alert was its only fatal one. Other sequences may still have other alerts, including indf3pst alerts, which could be addressed using the other strategies above.

Rebuilding the CM with additional information

Another way to update a model is to rebuild the underlying CM using a different input alignment. The script will by default build a CM from a single-sequence 'alignment', but can also take a multiple alignment as input and build a profile model from it. That profile will have position specific parameters, meaning that each position will have a different probability distribution for each of the four nucleotides, and a different probability of insertion and deletion. Those parameters are learned from the input alignment. Input of a single sequence alignment is a special case where all positions have the same probability distributions. Additionally, the input alignment can have secondary structure annotation, and the resulting CM will model the expected secondary structure and use it when aligning input sequences. In summary, some reasons to provide an alignment to are:

  1. to increase the sequence diversity the model can handle
  2. to allow the model to put insertions and deletions in 'expected' places (example below)
  3. to add secondary structure to the model so sequences will be aligned based on sequence and structure (example here)

As an example, we can build a new CM for one of our RSV models that does a more consistent job of modelling the deletion in the attachment glycoprotein CDS. (I'm including this example not because it will address any common fatal alert instances, but just to provide an example of rebuilding the CM.) Below is a doctored version of the alignment in va3-r500/va3-r500.align.KY654518.align.stk created in one of the steps above, with some sequences removed and truncated to the reference positions 5450..5600 (with the command $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf va3-rsv.r500/va3-rsv.r500.align.KY654518.align.stk 5450..5600). This alignment demonstrates the variability in the placement of the deletion that occurs in some sequences that do not include the duplicated region that caused the dupregin alerts when we were testing the original RefSeq-based models:

#=GR OR143220.1 PP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
KX655635.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTTCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGGC------------------------------------------------------------------------AATCCAAGCCCATCACAATTCTATACAACATC
#=GR KX655635.1 PP ************99999999988888887777777766666666555........................................................................555566666777777778888889999999**
KJ627366.1         AAAACACAAGTCAAAAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACTACTCCCGAAG------------------------------------------------------------------------GCAATCCAAGCCCTTCACAAGTCTATGCAACATC
#=GR KJ627366.1 PP ************999999998888888887777776666655555........................................................................5555666666777777788888888899999999
MK109787.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGGCA------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCCAAGCCCATCACAAGTCTATACAACATC
#=GR MK109787.1 PP *************99999999988888888877777777666666655........................................................................555566777777788888888899999999*
KJ627665.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCATTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGGCAA------------------------------------------------------------------------TACAAGCCCTTCACAAATCTATACAACATC
#=GR KJ627665.1 PP *************999999999988888888777777766666666555........................................................................555666777777888888899999999***
MK810782.1         AACTCACAAGTCAAATGGAAACCTTCCACTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGGCAAT------------------------------------------------------------------------CTAAGCCCTTCTCAAGTCTCCACAACATC
#=GR MK810782.1 PP ************99999988888888877777777666666666665555........................................................................5555566666667777777788999999*
KJ627688.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCATTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGGCAA------------------------------------------------------------------------TACAAGCCCTTCACAAATCTATACAACATC
#=GR KJ627688.1 PP *************999999999988888888777777766666666555........................................................................555666777777888888899999999***
ON237257.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGGC------------------------------------------------------------------------TATCTAAGCCCATCACAAGTCTATACAACATC
#=GR ON237257.1 PP ************99999999888888887777777666666665555........................................................................55555666666677777777888888899999
MG813989.1         AACTCACAAGTCAAATGGAAACCTTCCACTCAACTTCCTCCGAAGGTAATC------------------------------------------------------------------------CAAGCCCTTCTCAAGTCTCCATAACATC
#=GR MG813989.1 PP ************999999998888888888877777766666666655555........................................................................55556666666777777778889999**
#=GC SS_cons       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444455555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556
#=GC RFCOL...X.    5555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990
#=GC RFCOL....X    0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

The cmalign program's alignment algorithm optimizes the expected accuracy of the alignment. The expected accuracy of each aligned nucleotide is shown in the PP lines of the alignment with * indicating the highest level of expected accuracy, with 9 the second highest level, and 8 the third and so on (as explained more here). Note that near the deletion is the lowest expected accuracy. This makes sense, because those nucleotides could reasonably be aligned at the opposite end of the deletion because this deletion is actually just a lack of a short duplicated region. The issue responsible for this alignment inconsistency is that the CM does not have any information about where the deletion should occur, because it is only based on the one KY654518 sequence which does not have the deletion at all. We can add information about where the deletion should occur (and only that information) to the CM by rebuilding it from an alignment of two sequences: the original KY654518 and a synthetic sequence that is a copy of KY654518 but with the common deletion in the specific positions we want it to be placed in output alignments.

Because our goal is to make the alignment of this region more consistent, it makes sense to find the average position span for this deletion. We may find that the region from reference positions 5496 to 5567 (72 positions) is the average. We can manually create a two sequence Stockholm alignment file with KY654518 duplicated by starting with the file va-rsv2/va-rsv2.vadr.KY654518.align.stk that was created with the command:

$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv rsv-models2/rsv.fa va-rsv2

We can reformat this to a special type of Stockholm format referred to as Pfam in the Easel and Infernal codebases/documentation that has only one line per sequence (as opposed to the standard interleaved Stockholm format). This will make it easier to duplicate the sequence.

$VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat pfam va-rsv2/va-rsv2.vadr.KY654518.align.stk > KY654518.2.pfam

Next we need to open this file in a text editor, duplicate the sequence line that begins with KY654518 and rename the second sequence something like KY654518-5496del72. Then remove the sequence in reference positions 5496 to 5567 in this second sequence, replacing those nucleotides with - characters. After that you can and remove the line that starts with #=GR KY654518 PP as that is irrelevant for the cmbuild step. When you are finished, save the file, and then reformat it back to interleaved Stockholm format with:

$VADREASELDIR/esl-reformat stockholm KY654518.2.pfam > KY654518.2.stk

A copy of the KY654518.2.stk alignment file can be found in vadr/documentation/build-files/KY654518.2.stk

The next step is to use this alignment to build a new CM file. We can do this using the cmbuild program which was called by when we built the initial model. We'll want to use similar command-line options to what used, which we can find in the .cmd output file from

$ grep cmbuild KY654518/KY654518.vadr.cmd
/usr/local/vadr-install/infernal/binaries/cmbuild -n KY654518 --verbose --noss --noh3pri --Egcmult 1.63645 KY654518/ KY654518/KY654518.vadr.stk > KY654518/KY654518.vadr.cmbuild

So we'll use the -n KY654518 --verbose --noss --noh3pri --Egcmult 1.63645 options and we'll add one more important one: --hand which informs cmbuild to maintain the existing reference positions in the alignment, which correspond to the KY654518 sequence, instead of inferring new ones. This is extremely important whenever rebuilding a CM for a VADR model because the coordinates of all of the features in the existing model info file are with respect to the KY654518 sequence. If the reference positions change, then the model info file coordinates would need to be updated accordingly.

So the cmbuild command is:

$VADRINFERNALDIR/cmbuild -n KY654518 --verbose --noss --noh3pri --Egcmult 1.63645 --hand KY654518.2.stk

This may take up to an hour to complete.

The final step is to remake the model file by combining our new model with the existing MZ516105 model. We can use the cmfetch program to help with this:

# create a temporary CM file ``
$ $VADRINFERNALDIR/cmfetch rsv-models2/ MZ516105 >
$ cat >>

# copy it over our previous model (after saving a copy just in case):
$ cp rsv-models2/ ./
$ cp rsv-models2/

# and remember to re-press this new file:
$ rm rsv-models2/*
$ $VADRINFERNALDIR/cmpress rsv-models2/

We can test out our new model on the set of sequences that had the jagged alignment above:

$ cat ex13.list
$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-sfetch -f rsv.r500.fa ex13.list > ex13.fa
$ --out_stk --mdir rsv-models2 --mkey rsv ex13.fa va-ex13

Then if we look at the relevant region of the alignment:

$ $VADREASELDIR/esl-alimask -t --t-rf va-ex13/va-ex13.vadr.KY654518.align.stk 5450..5600
#=GR OR143220.1 PP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
KX655635.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTTCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAATCCAAGCCCATCACAATTCTATACAACATC
#=GR KX655635.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................899******************************
KJ627366.1         AAAACACAAGTCAAAAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACTACTCCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAATCCAAGCCCTTCACAAGTCTATGCAACATC
#=GR KJ627366.1 PP *********************************************9........................................................................899******************************
MK109787.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAACCCAAGCCCATCACAAGTCTATACAACATC
#=GR MK109787.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................889999***************************
KJ627665.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCATTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAATACAAGCCCTTCACAAATCTATACAACATC
#=GR KJ627665.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................889999***************************
MK810782.1         AACTCACAAGTCAAATGGAAACCTTCCACTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAATCTAAGCCCTTCTCAAGTCTCCACAACATC
#=GR MK810782.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................899******************************
KJ627688.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCATTCAACCTCCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CAATACAAGCCCTTCACAAATCTATACAACATC
#=GR KJ627688.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................889999***************************
ON237257.1         AACACACAAGTCAAGAGGAAACCCTCCACTCAACCACCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------CTATCTAAGCCCATCACAAGTCTATACAACATC
#=GR ON237257.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................9********************************
MG813989.1         AACTCACAAGTCAAATGGAAACCTTCCACTCAACTTCCTCCGAAGG------------------------------------------------------------------------TAATCCAAGCCCTTCTCAAGTCTCCATAACATC
#=GR MG813989.1 PP **********************************************........................................................................77999****************************
#=GC SS_cons       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#=GC RFCOLX....    0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
#=GC RFCOL.X...    5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
#=GC RFCOL..X..    4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444455555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556
#=GC RFCOL...X.    5555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999900000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990
#=GC RFCOL....X    0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

The updated model now aligns all the deletions in the same place, and with higher expected accuracy values.

This is just an example of how updating the training alignment and rebuilding the model can effect the output alignment. In this case, it actually does not change any annotations or pass/fail outcomes for these 9 sequences, but there are other situations for other viruses where updating the model could have a more significant impact.

Treating a feature as non-essential by allowing it to be a misc_feature

For some viruses, some features may be non-essential and so can tolerate mutations that disrupt or modify the function, such as early stop codons, or frameshifts. For these features, we may want to allow alerts to be reported but not be fatal. VADR allows you to specify features as non-essential by adding a misc_not_failure:"1" key/value pair to the relevant FEATURE lines in the model info file as explained more here. Such features will be annotated as misc_feature if they include a normally fatal alert, but the sequence will not fail because of such alerts.

When building RSV models, we could have defined the attachment glycoprotein CDS, which is responsible for many of the fatal alerts, as non-essential. However, this would have meant that it would often be annotated as a misc_feature. By modifying the model through adding proteins to the blastx library as well as the other strategies above, we have specified the range of possible variability we want to allow in the attachment glycoprotein CDS without reporting an alert for it, while still validating and annotating it at as a CDS. For other viruses, treating some features as non-essential can be a useful strategy. Since August 2021, at least up until the time of writing (October 2023), VADR-based annotation of SARS-CoV-2 sequences submitted to GenBank treats ORF3a, ORF6, ORF7a, ORF7b, ORF8, and ORF10 CDS as well as the Coronavirus 3' stem-loop II-like motif (s2m) as non-essential using this misc_not_failure strategy.

Making an alert non-fatal using the --alt_pass option

For some viruses, specific fatal alerts are so common that we may want to make them non-fatal. For example, the Mpox genome has several repetitive regions that cause dupregin and discontn alerts for nearly all mpox sequences. We could try to define alert exceptions to allow the dupregin alerts, but there are no exceptions supported for discontn. An alternative strategy is to specify that these two alerts be considered non-fatal using the option: --alt_pass dupregin,discontn. An example of using this option can be found here.

Final summary of RSV model modifications

I followed the six step procedure above when creating the VADR RSV models, which can be used with to validate and annotate RSV sequences as described here. Those RSV models are based on the KY654518 and MZ516105 reference sequences, but the exact steps I took when creating them are not identical to those listed above (I created this tutorial several months after I had finished building the RSV models). For example, I added proteins to the blastx databases and alternative features to the model info files that are not listed above. The table below summarizes most of the additions I made to the original KY654518 and MZ516105 models that are built by

model type of modification feature detail
KY654518 added proteins to blastx library (13) attachment glycoprotein (CDS) proteins added (name format: source accession:source coordinates/model coordinates): OM857255.1:4629..5591:+/4681..5643:+, KU316164.1:4611..5504:+/4681..5646:+, AF065254.1:16..909:+/4681..5646:+, OK649616.1:4670..5563:+/4681..5646:+, hybrid:KY654518.1:4681..4695:+:AF065410.1:1..879:+/4681..5646:+, KF826850.1:4675..5568:+/4681..5646:+, KU316092.1:4620..5516:+/4681..5646:+, NC_038235.1:4688..5584:+/4681..5649:+, MZ515659.1:4681..5649:+/4681..5649:+, HQ699266.1:1..897:+/4681..5649:+, KJ641590.1:4630..5526:+/4681..5649:+, OK649616.1:4670..5566:+/4681..5649:+, M17212.1:16..912:+/4681..5649:+
KY654518 added protein to blastx library (1) M2-1(CDS) protein added: OM857351.1:7614..8180:+/7669..8235:+
KY654518 added alternative features (2) attachment glycoprotein (CDS + gene) alternative feature coordinates: 4681..5643:+, 4681..5649:+
KY654518 added alert exception (1) attachment glycoprotein (CDS) key/value pair added to model info file: deletin_exc:5457..5508:+:72
KY654518 rebuilt CM full model added duplicate KY654518 sequence with 72nt deletion after position 5496
MZ516105 added proteins to blastx library (21) attachment glycoprotein (CDS) proteins added: MG642047.1:4666..5565:+/4688..5620:+, MG431253.1:4674..5567:+/4688..5620:+, LC474547.1:4663..5595:+/4688..5620:+, MZ962122.1:1..933:+/4688..5620:+, KC297442.1:1..933:+/4688..5620:+, LC311384.1:1..933:+/4688..5620:+, MZ515748.1:4689..5621:+/4688..5620:+, MT040088.1:4679..5572:+/4688..5620:+, KJ627364.1:4618..5550:+/4688..5620:+, MH760718.1:4597..5529:+/4688..5620:+, KP856962.1:4618..5505:+/4688..5629:+, KU950619.1:4663..5604:+/4688..5629:+, KP258745.1:4620..5507:+/4688..5629:+, KU316181.1:4618..5505:+/4688..5629:+, MF185751.1:4640..5527:+/4688..5629:+, KC297470.1:1..882:+/4688..5629:+, KJ627249.1:4618..5565:+/4688..5635:+, KU316144.1:4618..5517:+/4688..5641:+, MN365572.1:4676..5629:+/4688..5641:+, OK649740.1:4675..5574:+/4688..5641:+, NC_001781.1:4690..5589:+/4688..5641:+
MZ516105 added protein to blastx library (1) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (CDS) proteins added: LC474543.1:8538..15017:+/8560..15039:+
MZ516105 added alternative features (2) attachment glycoprotein (CDS + gene) alternative feature coordinates: 4688..5629:+, 4688..5635:+
MZ516105 added alternative feature (1) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (CDS + gene) alternative feature coordinates: 8560..15039:+
MZ516105 added alert exceptions (2) attachment glycoprotein (CDS) key/value pair added to model info file: deletin_exc:5441..5441:+:60, insertn_exc:5392..5467:+:60
MZ516105 rebuilt CM full model added duplicate MZ516105 sequence with 60nt deletion after position 5441

Limitations of and alternatives to this approach

The above procedure is one possible strategy for building VADR models for RSV. While the strategy is somewhat general, different approaches may work better for other viruses. Below I discuss some of the limitations of this strategy and ideas for others.

Reference sequence selection

Above we started with the RefSeq sequences as the basis for the original models, then determined that they were not very representative of RSV sequences in the database. Alternatively, if we had expert knowledge of good representative sequences, we could have started with those. Or we could have tried to find 'centroid' sequences that were maximally similar to all RSV sequences to begin with. Or, if we had a favorite sequence that was extremely well studied and annotated, we might want to start with that. The approach above is one that is reasonable if very little is known beforehand about the virus being modelled and its sequence diversity, but it makes sense to take advantage of any expert knowledge you have when picking the initial representative sequences.

Training sequence selection

The steps above explain how to select a random subset of 500 from all existing INSDC full length RSV sequences to use as a training set. Alternatively, we could have removed redundancy from the set of candidate sequences first, so that our set of 500 was not biased towards those sequences that are overrepresented in the database. For example, if there was a major RSV sequencing project in 2019 then there may tend to be more sequences in the database from the particular virus population that circulated in 2019 than of sequences from other years. We could filter our candidate sequences by sequence identity, or by year, or by something else, to try and deal with this redundancy, and then choose a training set by taking a randomly subset of that filtered set of candidate sequences.

We could also not restrict our model training to only full length sequences, and instead use all sequences. Or we could have two training sets: one full length and the other partial length sequences. We could follow the procedure above based on full length sequences, and then check how the models worked on partial length sequences too. This is also briefly discussed above.

Replacing one model with multiple models

In the steps outlined above, there are examples of modifying single-sequence based models to be more general. An alternative strategy would be to add one or more new models built from new sequences that would allow sequences with divergent features to pass. This can work especially well if you are using one model for a set of sequences that can be easily separated into two distinct clusters based on sequence identity (or on an inferred evolutionary tree). In that situation, one model per cluster may be the best approach. Be careful though, when you expand the number of models you may increase the number of common alerts due to acceptable sequence diversity that are returned by, each of which you will have to deal with through some kind of model modification. In other words, adding models can lead to more work manually tweaking those models.

Alignment-based models

If you're familiar with Infernal, the software package that VADR uses to build a statistical model of a virus, you may be confused as to why this advanced tutorial on model building focuses on building single-sequence models, because Infernal is typically used to build profile models from multiple sequence alignments. Profiles have advantages over single-sequence-based methods because they include position-specific information about the expected nucleotide distribution and probability of insertions and deletions at each position, whereas single sequence based models treat all positions identically. I provided one example above of rebuilding a CM from multiple sequences, but even that example is only to deal with a single deletion, and doesn't introduce any other sequence variability into the alignment.

If you do build a multiple sequence alignment, you'll still want to select one of the sequences to be the "reference sequence" to use for the reference coordinate system. The coordinates/positions in the model info file will correspond to positions in that reference sequence. This means a reasonable approach is to first use using the accession you've selected as the reference sequence. Then construct your alignment, possibly by running using your initial model and the --out_stk option. Then rebuild the CM using cmbuild with the --hand option and your multiple alignment as input as explained in the example above and finally overwrite the created single sequence CM with your newly created one.

The performance difference between using multiple sequence alignment-based models versus versus single sequence-based models will largely depend on on how similar all of the sequences being annotated are to the single-sequence model. If they are highly similar, it won't make a huge difference; if there is a lot of sequence variability it will make more of a difference. In my experience, building CMs from multiple alignments for well conserved viruses like RSV, does not significantly improve the performance of This is likely because all the sequences are so similar that the position specific parameters are not necessary to get the correct alignment. Because single sequence models perform acceptably well for norovirus, dengue virus and SARS-CoV-2, the VADR models used to screen incoming GenBank submissions of those virus sequences are all based on single sequences.

Multiple sequence alignment-based VADR models are used for one type of sequences at GenBank - the Cytochrome C Oxidase 1 (COX1) mitochondrial protein coding gene, which exhibits significantly more sequence variability than any of the viruses VADR is used for. The VADR library of COX1 models includes 78 profile models built from multiple alignments, 20 of which include more than 100 aligned sequences.

Incorporating secondary structure

If you're familiar with Infernal, you may be confused again as to why there is no step at the beginning of the procedure above to add predicted (or known) secondary structure to the CM. The main reason CM methods exist is to take advantage of conserved RNA secondary structure for RNA sequence analysis. The conserved structure information could be taken advantage of during sequence validation and annotation. To do this, we could add a step to create an alignment file annotated with secondary structure of any hits found in our reference sequence using Infernal and the Rfam database of RNA families, which includes hundreds of viral RNA families. There is a separate documentation page on how to do that (on the VADR GitHub wiki) here.

For RSV, it turns out there are actually zero Rfam hits (as of release 14.9) in the RefSeq sequences. For other viruses though, if you have the time and interest, please do try to add secondary structure. There are at least two reasons you may want to try this: adding secondary structure could improve the alignment accuracy, and it will allow you to enrich your annotations by adding some structural RNA features that are commonly absent from GenBank annotation. The [dengue virus] and SARS-CoV-2 VADR models both include some secondary structure in their CMs and structural RNA features (e.g. stem_loop, ncRNA).

Once you've created a structure annotated stockholm alignment file, you can either use it as input to using the --stk option like in this example for dengue virus, or you can rebuild the CM later using cmbuild with the structure annotated alignment as input, similar to the example above.

Questions, comments or feature requests? Send a mail to [email protected].