This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!
It is much lighter, has more features and uses less CPU time!
Library for multifunctional button press processing
- Operation with normally closed and normally open pushbuttons
- Working with connection PULL_UP and PULL_DOWN
- Polling a button with software anti-bounce contacts (adjustable time)
- Working out pressing, holding, releasing, clicking on the button (+ setting timeouts)
- Working out single, double and triple pressing (made separately)
- Working off any number of button presses (the function returns the number of clicks)
- The function of changing the value of a variable with a given step and a given time interval
- Ability to work with "virtual" buttons (all library features are used for matrix and resistive keyboards)
Compatible with all Arduino platforms (using Arduino functions)
The library has extended documentation
- The library can be found by the name GyverButton and installed through the menuzher libraries in:
- Arduino IDE
- Arduino IDE v2
- PlatformIO
- Download Library .zip archive for manual installation:
- Unzip and put in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries (Windows x64)
- Unzip and put in C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries (Windows x32)
- Unpack and put in Documents/Arduino/libraries/
- (Arduino IDE) automatic installation from .zip: Sketch/Include library/Add .ZIP library… and specify the downloaded archive
- Read more detailed instructions for installing libraries [here] ( D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA)
GButton btn; // without binding to a pin (virtual button) and without specifying the type (by default HIGH_PULL and NORM_OPEN)
GButton btn(pin); // with pin binding and without type specification (by default HIGH_PULL and NORM_OPEN)
GButton btn(pin, connection type); // with pin binding and connection type indication (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and without button type indication (NORM_OPEN by default)
GButton btn(pin, connection type, button type); // with pin binding and connection type (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and button type (NORM_OPEN / NORM_CLOSE)
GButton btn(BTN_NO_PIN, connection type, button type); // without binding to a pin and specifying the connection type (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and button type (NORM_OPEN / NORM_CLOSE)
void setDebounce(uint16_t debounce); // set debounce time (default 80ms)
void setTimeout(uint16_ttimeout); // set hold timeout (default 300ms)
void setClickTimeout(uint16_t timeout); // set timeout between clicks (default 500ms)
void setStepTimeout(uint16_t step_timeout); // set timeout between increments (default400ms)
void setType(uint8_ttype); // setting the button type (HIGH_PULL - pulled up to power, LOW_PULL - to gnd)
void setDirection(uint8_t dir); // set direction (open/closed by default - NORM_OPEN, NORM_CLOSE)
void setTickMode(uint8_t tickMode); // (MANUAL / AUTO) manual or automatic polling of the button with the tick() function
// MANUAL - you need to call the tick() function manually
// AUTO - tick() is included in all other functions and polled itself
void tick(); // button poll
void tick(boolean state); // polling external value (0 pressed, 1 not pressed) (for matrix, resistive keyboards and joysticks)
boolean isPress(); // returns true when the button is clicked. Reset after call
boolean isRelease(); // returns true when the button is released. Reset after call
boolean isClick(); // returns true on click. Reset after call
boolean isHolded(); // returns true if held longer than timeout. Reset after call
boolean isHold(); // returns true when the button is pressed, does not reset
boolean state(); // returns the state of the button
boolean isSingle(); // returns true on single click. Reset after call
boolean isDouble(); // returns true on double click. Reset after call
boolean isTriple(); // returns true on triple click. Reset after call
boolean hasClick(); // check for clicks. Reset after call
uint8_t getClicks(); // return the number of clicks
uint8_t getHoldClicks();// return the number of clicks before holding
boolean isStep(); // returns true on timer setStepTimeout, see example
void resetStates(); // resets all is-flags and counters
See examples for other examples!
// An example of using the GyverButton library, all features in one sketch.
#define BTN_PIN 3 // button connected here (BTN_PIN --- BUTTON --- GND)
#include "GyverButton.h"
GButton butt1(BTN_PIN);
// Initialization options:
// GButton btn; // without binding to a pin (virtual button) and without specifying the type (by default HIGH_PULL and NORM_OPEN)
// GButton btn(pin); // with pin binding and without type specification (by default HIGH_PULL and NORM_OPEN)
// GButton btn(pin, connection type); // with pin binding and connection type indication (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and without button type indication (NORM_OPEN by default)
// GButton btn(pin, connection type, button type); // with pin binding and connection type (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and button type (NORM_OPEN / NORM_CLOSE)
// GButton btn(BTN_NO_BTN_PIN, connection type, button type); // without binding to a pin and specifying the connection type (HIGH_PULL / LOW_PULL) and button type (NORM_OPEN / NORM_CLOSE)
int value = 0;
void setup() {
butt1.setDebounce(50); // debounce setting (default 80ms)
butt1.setTimeout(300); // set hold timeout (default 500ms)
butt1.setClickTimeout(600); // set timeout between clicks (default 300ms)
// HIGH_PULL - button is connected to GND, pin is pulled up to VCC (BTN_PIN --- BUTTON --- GND)
// LOW_PULL - button is connected to VCC, pin is pulled to GND
// default is HIGH_PULL
// NORM_OPEN - normally open button
// NORM_CLOSE - normally closed button
// default is NORM_OPEN
void loop() {
butt1.tick(); // mandatory processing function. Must be constantly asked
if (butt1.isClick()) Serial.println("Click"); // check for one click
if (butt1.isSingle()) Serial.println("Single"); // check for one click
if (butt1.isDouble()) Serial.println("Double"); // check for double click
if (butt1.isTriple()) Serial.println("Triple"); // check for triple click
if (butt1.hasClicks())// check for clicks
Serial.println(butt1.getClicks()); // get (and display) the number of clicks
if (butt1.isPress()) Serial.println("Press"); // button click (+ debounce)
if (butt1.isRelease()) Serial.println("Release"); // button release (+ debounce)
if (butt1.isHold()) { // if the button is held down
Serial print("Holding"); // output while held
Serial.println(butt1.getHoldClicks()); // you can display the number of clicks before holding!
if (butt1.isHold()) Serial.println("Holding"); // check for hold
//if (butt1.state()) Serial.println("Hold"); // returns the state of the button
if (butt1.isStep()) { // if the button was held down (this is for incrementing)
value++; // increase/decrease value variable with step and interval
Serial println(value); // for example, output to the port
- v2.15: Added the ability to declare a button without linking to a pin
- v3.0: Accelerated and optimized code, redone initialization, added examples
- v3.1: isStep can take the number of clicks made before it (see clicks_step example)
- v3.2: Added getHoldClicks() method - return number of clicks prior to holding
- v3.3: Minor fixes
- v3.4: Added resetStates() method to reset states and counters
- v3.5: increased performance for AVR Arduino
- v3.6: added separate class for working with analog keyboards, see example analogKeyboardG
- v3.7: Dryundel fixes:
- Any hold timeout
- Single, Double and Triple now don't interfere with hasClicks and getClicks and work together
- isStep() also now does not interfere with anything and it works more correctly
- v3.8: Dryundel fixes
Create I when finding bugsssue, or better yet, write to [email protected] The library is open for revision and your Pull Request's!