Bundler welcomes contributions from everyone. While contributing, please follow the project code of conduct, so that everyone can be included.
If you'd like to help make Bundler better, you totally rock! Here are some ways you can contribute:
- by using prerelease versions (run
gem install bundler --pre
) - by reporting bugs you encounter
- by suggesting new features
- by adding to or editing the Bundler documentation website and Bundler man pages
- by checking issues for completeness
- by closing issues that are not complete
- by adding a failing test for reproducible reported bugs
- by reviewing pull requests and suggesting improvements
- by improving existing code, including suggestions from PullReview or CodeClimate
- by writing code (no patch is too small! fix typos or bad whitespace)
- by backfilling unit tests for modules that lack coverage
If you need help getting started, check out the DEVELOPMENT.md file for steps that will get you up and running.
Thanks for helping us make Bundler better.
If you're interested in reading some of the potential ideas or plans for Bundler, see the official Bundler Trello Board.
If you're having a problem, please see ISSUES for troubleshooting steps and a guide for how to submit a ticket that will help us solve the problem you are having as quickly as possible.
Head on over to the Bundler features project, or any of the lists or channels listed below. Feature-wise, we consider Bundler stable, so the core team does not tend to work on feature suggestions. Pull requests are welcome though!
If you'd like to discuss features, ask questions, or just engage in general Bundler-focused discussion, please see the #bundler IRC channel on Freenode, and the Bundler mailing list on Google Groups.