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+title: Diagnostics Guide
+layout: docs.hbs
+# Diagnostics Guide
+These guides were created in the [Diagnostics Working Group](https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics)
+with the objective to provide a guidance when diagnosing an issue
+in the user application.
+The documentation project is organized based on user journey.
+Those journeys are a coherent set of step-by-step procedures,
+that a user follows for problem determination of reported issues.
+This is the available set of diagnostics guides:
+* [Memory](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory)
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+title: Memory Diagnostics
+layout: docs.hbs
+# Memory
+In this document you can learn about how to debug memory related issues.
+* [Memory](#memory)
+ * [My process runs out of memory](#my-process-runs-out-of-memory)
+ * [Symptoms](#symptoms)
+ * [Side Effects](#side-effects)
+ * [Debugging](#debugging)
+ * [My process utilizes memory inefficiently](#my-process-utilizes-memory-inefficiently)
+ * [Symptoms](#symptoms-1)
+ * [Side Effects](#side-effects-1)
+ * [Debugging](#debugging-1)
+## My process runs out of memory
+Node.js _(JavaScript)_ is a garbage collected language, so having memory
+leaks is possible through retainers. As Node.js applications are usually
+multi-tenant, business critical, and long-running, providing an accessible and
+efficient way of finding a memory leak is essential.
+### Symptoms
+The user observes continuously increasing memory usage _(can be fast or slow,
+over days or even weeks)_ then sees the process crashing and restarting by the
+process manager. The process is maybe running slower than before and the
+restarts make certain requests to fail _(load balancer responds with 502)_.
+### Side Effects
+* Process restarts due to the memory exhaustion and request are dropped on the
+ floor
+* Increased GC activity leads to higher CPU usage and slower response time
+ * GC blocking the Event Loop causing slowness
+* Increased memory swapping slows down the process (GC activity)
+* May not have enough available memory to get a Heap Snapshot
+### Debugging
+To debug a memory issue we need to be able to see how much space our specific
+type of objects take, and what variables retain them to get garbage collected.
+For the effective debugging we also need to know the allocation pattern of our
+variables over time.
+* [Using Heap Profiler](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-profiler/)
+* [Using Heap Snapshot](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot/)
+* [GC Traces](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-gc-traces)
+## My process utilizes memory inefficiently
+### Symptoms
+The application uses an unexpected amount of memory and/or we observe elevated
+garbage collector activity.
+### Side Effects
+* An elevated number of page faults
+* Higher GC activity and CPU usage
+### Debugging
+To debug a memory issue we need to be able to see how much space our specific
+type of objects take, and what variables retain them to get garbage collected.
+For the effective debugging we also need to know the allocation pattern of our
+variables over time.
+* [Using Heap Profiler](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-profiler/)
+* [Using Heap Snapshot](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot/)
+* [GC Traces](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-gc-traces)
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+title: Memory Diagnostics - Using GC Trace
+layout: docs.hbs
+# Tracing garbage collection
+There's a lot to learn about how the garbage collector works, but if you learn
+one thing it's that when GC is running, your code is not.
+You may want to know how often and how long the garbage collection is running,
+and what is the outcome.
+## Runnig with garbage collection traces
+You can see traces for garbage collection in console output of your process
+using the `--trace_gc` flag.
+$ node --trace_gc app.js
+You might want to avoid getting traces from the entire lifetime of your
+process running on a server. In that case, set the flag from within the process,
+and switch it off once the need for tracing is over.
+Here's how to print GC events to stdout for one minute.
+const v8 = require('v8');
+setTimeout(() => { v8.setFlagsFromString('--notrace_gc'); }, 60e3);
+### Examining a trace with `--trace_gc`
+Obtained traces of garbage collection looks like the following lines.
+[19278:0x5408db0] 44 ms: Scavenge 2.3 (3.0) -> 1.9 (4.0) MB, 1.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 1.000, current mu = 1.000) allocation failure
+[23521:0x10268b000] 120 ms: Mark-sweep 100.7 (122.7) -> 100.6 (122.7) MB, 0.15 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.132, current mu = 0.137) deserialize GC in old space requested
+This is how to interpret the trace data (for the second line):
+ Token value |
+ Interpretation |
+ 23521 |
+ PID of the running process |
+ 0x10268db0 |
+ Isolate (JS heap instance) |
+ 120 |
+ Time since the process start in ms |
+ Mark-sweep |
+ Type / Phase of GC |
+ 100.7 |
+ Heap used before GC in MB |
+ 122.7 |
+ Total heap before GC in MB |
+ 100.6 |
+ Heap used after GC in MB |
+ 122.7 |
+ Total heap after GC in MB |
+ 0.15 / 0.0
+ (average mu = 0.132, current mu = 0.137) |
+ Time spent in GC in ms |
+ deserialize GC in old space requested |
+ Reason for GC |
+## Using performance hooks to trace garbage collection
+In Node.js, you can use [performance hooks][] to trace
+garbage collection.
+const { PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks');
+// Create a performance observer
+const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
+ const entry = list.getEntries()[0];
+ /*
+ The entry would be an instance of PerformanceEntry containing
+ metrics of garbage collection.
+ For example:
+ PerformanceEntry {
+ name: 'gc',
+ entryType: 'gc',
+ startTime: 2820.567669,
+ duration: 1.315709,
+ kind: 1
+ }
+ */
+// Subscribe notifications of GCs
+obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['gc'] });
+// Stop subscription
+### Examining a trace with performance hooks
+You can get GC statistics as [PerformanceEntry][] from the callback in
+For example:
+PerformanceEntry {
+ name: 'gc',
+ entryType: 'gc',
+ startTime: 2820.567669,
+ duration: 1.315709,
+ kind: 1
+ Property |
+ Interpretation |
+ name |
+ The name of the performance entry. |
+ entryType |
+ The type of the performance entry. |
+ startTime |
+ The high resolution millisecond timestamp marking the starting time of the Performance Entry. |
+ duration |
+ The total number of milliseconds elapsed for this entry. |
+ kind |
+ The type of garbage collection operation that occurred. |
+ flags |
+ Additional information about garbage collection operation. |
+For more information, you can refer to
+[the documentation about performance hooks][performance hooks].
+## Examples of diagnosing memory issues with trace option:
+A. How to get context of bad allocations
+1. Suppose we observe that the old space is continously increasing.
+2. But due to heavy gc, the heap maximum is not hit, but the process is slow.
+3. Review the trace data and figure out how much is the total heap before and
+after the gc.
+4. Reduce `--max-old-space-size` such that the total heap is closer to the
+5. Allow the program to run, hit the out of memory.
+6. The produced log shows the failing context.
+B. How to assert whether there is a memory leak when heap growth is observed
+1. Suppose we observe that the old space is continously increasing.
+2. Due to heavy gc, the heap maximum is not hit, but the process is slow.
+3. Review the trace data and figure out how much is the total heap before and
+after the gc.
+4. Reduce `--max-old-space-size` such that the total heap is closer to the
+5. Allow the program to run, see if it hits the out of memory.
+6. If it hits OOM, increment the heap size by ~10% or so and repeat few times.
+If the same pattern is observed, it is indicative of a memory leak.
+7. If there is no OOM, then freeze the heap size to that value - A packed heap
+reduces memory footprint and compaction latency.
+C. How to assert whether too many gcs are happening or too many gcs are causing
+an overhead
+1. Review the trace data, specifically around time between consecutive gcs.
+2. Review the trace data, specifically around time spent in gc.
+3. If the time between two gc is less than the time spent in gc, the
+application is severely starving.
+4. If the time between two gcs and the time spent in gc are very high, probably
+the application can use a smaller heap.
+5. If the time between two gcs are much greater than the time spent in gc,
+application is relatively healthy.
+[performance hooks]: https://nodejs.org/api/perf_hooks.html
+[PerformanceEntry]: https://nodejs.org/api/perf_hooks.html#perf_hooks_class_performanceentry
+[PerformanceObserver]: https://nodejs.org/api/perf_hooks.html#perf_hooks_class_performanceobserver
diff --git a/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-profiler.md b/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-profiler.md
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index 0000000000000..03915402fa27d
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+++ b/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-profiler.md
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+title: Memory Diagnostics - Using Heap Profiler
+layout: docs.hbs
+# Using Heap Profiler
+To debug a memory issue we need to be able to see how much space our specific
+type of objects take, and what variables retain them to get garbage collected.
+For the effective debugging we also need to know the allocation pattern of our
+variables over time.
+The heap profiler acts on top of V8 towards to bring snapshots of memory over
+time. In this document, we will cover the memory profiling using:
+1. Allocation Timeline
+2. Sampling Heap Profiler
+Unlike heap dump that was cover in the [Using Heap Snapshot][],
+the idea of using real-time profiling is to understand allocations in a given
+time frame.
+## Heap Profiler - Allocation Timeline
+Heap Profiler is similar to the Sampling Heap Profiler, except it will trace
+every allocation. It has higher overhead than the Sampling Heap Profiler so
+it’s not recommended to use in production.
+> You can use [@mmarchini/observe][] to do it programmatically.
+### How To
+Start the application:
+node --inspect index.js
+> `--inspect-brk` is an better choice for scripts.
+Connect to the dev-tools instance in chrome and then:
+* Select `memory` tab
+* Select `Allocation instrumentation timeline`
+* Start profiling
+![heap profiler tutorial step 1][heap profiler tutorial 1]
+After it, the heap profiling is running, it is strongly recommended to run
+samples in order to identify memory issues, for this example, we will use
+`Apache Benchmark` to produce load in the application.
+> In this example, we are assuming the heap profiling under web application.
+$ ab -n 1000 -c 5 http://localhost:3000
+Hence, press stop button when the load expected is complete
+![heap profiler tutorial step 2][heap profiler tutorial 2]
+Then look at the snapshot data towards to memory allocation.
+![heap profiler tutorial step 3][heap profiler tutorial 3]
+Check the [usefull links](#usefull-links) section for futher information
+about memory terminology.
+## Sampling Heap Profiler
+Sampling Heap Profiler tracks memory allocation pattern and reserved space
+over time. As it’s sampling based it has a low enough overhead to use it in
+production systems.
+> You can use the module [`heap-profiler`][] to do it programmatically.
+### How To
+Start the application:
+$ node --inspect index.js
+> `--inspect-brk` is an better choice for scripts.
+Connect to the dev-tools instance and then:
+1. Select `memory` tab
+2. Select `Allocation sampling`
+3. Start profiling
+![heap profiler tutorial 4][heap profiler tutorial 4]
+Produce some load and stop the profiler. It will generate a summary with
+allocation based in the stacktrace, you can lookup to the functions with more
+heap allocations in a timespan, see the example below:
+![heap profiler tutorial 5][heap profiler tutorial 5]
+## Useful Links
+* https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/memory-problems/memory-101/
+* https://github.com/v8/sampling-heap-profiler
+* https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/memory-problems/allocation-profiler/
+[Using Heap Snapshot]: /en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot/
+[@mmarchini/observe]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mmarchini/observe
+[`heap-profiler`]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/heap-profile
+[heap profiler tutorial 1]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/heap-profiler-tutorial-1.png
+[heap profiler tutorial 2]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/heap-profiler-tutorial-2.png
+[heap profiler tutorial 3]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/heap-profiler-tutorial-3.png
+[heap profiler tutorial 4]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/heap-profiler-tutorial-4.png
+[heap profiler tutorial 5]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/heap-profiler-tutorial-5.png
diff --git a/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot.md b/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot.md
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index 0000000000000..a4ba8cc06abc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/memory/using-heap-snapshot.md
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+title: Memory Diagnostics - Using Heap Snapshot
+layout: docs.hbs
+# Using Heap Snapshot
+You can take a Heap Snapshot from your running application and load it into
+[Chrome Developer Tools][] to inspect certain variables or check retainer size.
+You can also compare multiple snapshots to see differences over time.
+## Warning
+When creating a snapshot, all other work in your main thread is stopped.
+Depending on the heap contents it could even take more than a minute.
+The snapshot is built in memory, so it can double the heap size, resulting
+in filling up entire memory and then crashing the app.
+If you're going to take a heap snapshot in production, make sure the process
+you're taking it from can crash without impacting your application's
+## How To
+### Get the Heap Snapshot
+1. via inspector
+2. via external signal and commandline flag
+3. via writeHeapSnapshot call withing the process
+4. via inspector protocol
+#### 1. Use memory profiling in inspector
+> Works in all actively maintained versions of Node.js
+Run node with `--inspect` flag. Open inspector.
+![open inspector][open inspector image]
+The simplest way to get a Heap Snapshot is to connect a inspector to your
+process running locally and go to Memory tab, choose to take a heap snapshot.
+![take a heap snapshot][take a heap snapshot image]
+#### 2. Use `--heapsnapshot-signal` flag
+> Works in v12.0.0 or later
+You can start node with a commandline flag enabling reacting to a signal to
+create a heap snapshot.
+$ node --heapsnapshot-signal=SIGUSR2 index.js
+$ ps aux
+node 1 5.5 6.1 787252 247004 ? Ssl 16:43 0:02 node --heapsnapshot-signal=SIGUSR2 index.js
+$ kill -USR2 1
+$ ls
+For details, see the latest documentation of [heapsnapshot-signal flag][]
+#### 3. Use `writeHeapSnapshot` function
+> Works in v11.13.0 or later
+> Can work in older versions with [heapdump package][]
+If you need a snapshot from a working process, like an application running on a
+server, you can implement getting it using:
+Check [writeHeapSnapshot docs][] for file name options
+You need to have a way to invoke it without stopping the process, so calling it
+in a http handler or as a reaction to a signal from the operating system
+is advised. Be careful not to expose the http endpoint triggering a snapshot.
+It should not be possible for anybody else to access it.
+For versions of Node.js before v11.13.0 you can use the [heapdump package][]
+#### 4. Trigger Heap Snapshot using inspector protocol
+Inspector protocol can be used to trigger Heap Snapshot from outside of the
+It's not necessary to run the actual inspector from Chromium to use the API.
+Here's an example snapshot trigger in bash, using `websocat` and `jq`
+set -e
+kill -USR1 "$1"
+rm -f fifo out
+mkfifo ./fifo
+websocat -B 10000000000 "$(curl -s http://localhost:9229/json | jq -r '.[0].webSocketDebuggerUrl')" < ./fifo > ./out &
+exec 3>./fifo
+echo '{"method": "HeapProfiler.enable", "id": 1}' > ./fifo
+echo '{"method": "HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot", "id": 2}' > ./fifo
+while jq -e "[.id != 2, .result != {}] | all" < <(tail -n 1 ./out); do
+ sleep 1s
+ echo "Capturing Heap Snapshot..."
+echo -n "" > ./out.heapsnapshot
+while read -r line; do
+ f="$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.params.chunk')"
+ echo -n "$f" >> out.heapsnapshot
+ i=$((i+1))
+done < <(cat out | tail -n +2 | head -n -1)
+exec 3>&-
+Not exhaustive list of memory profiling tools usable with inspector protocol:
+* [OpenProfiling for Node.js][openprofiling]
+## How to find a memory leak with Heap Snapshots
+To find a memory leak one compares two snapshots. It's important to make sure
+the snapshots diff doesn't contain unnecessary information.
+Following steps should produce a clean diff between snapshots.
+1. Let the process load all sources and finish bootstrapping. It should take a
+few seconds at most.
+2. Start using the functionality you suspect of leaking memory. It's likely it
+makes some initial allocations that are not the leaking ones.
+3. Take one heap snapshot.
+4. Continue using the functionality for a while, preferably without running
+anything else in between.
+5. Take another heap snapshot. The difference between the two should mostly
+contain what was leaking.
+6. Open Chromium/Chrome dev tools and go to *Memory* tab
+7. Load the older snapshot file first, newer one second
+![Load button in tools][load button image]
+8. Select the newer snapshot and switch mode in a dropdown at the top from
+*Summary* to *Comparison*. ![Comparison dropdown][comparison image]
+9. Look for large positive deltas and explore the references that caused
+them in the bottom panel.
+Practice capturing heap snapshots and finding memory leaks with
+[a heap snapshot exercise][heapsnapshot exercise]
+[open inspector image]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/tools.png
+[take a heap snapshot image]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/snapshot.png
+[heapsnapshot-signal flag]: https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#--heapsnapshot-signalsignal
+[heapdump package]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/heapdump
+[writeHeapSnapshot docs]: https://nodejs.org/api/v8.html#v8_v8_writeheapsnapshot_filename
+[openprofiling]: https://github.com/vmarchaud/openprofiling-node
+[load button image]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/load-snapshot.png
+[comparison image]: /static/images/docs/guides/diagnostics/compare.png
+[heapsnapshot exercise]: https://github.com/naugtur/node-example-heapdump
+[Chrome Developer Tools]: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/
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* [Diagnostics - Flame Graphs](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics-flamegraph/)
* [Dockerizing a Node.js web app](/en/docs/guides/nodejs-docker-webapp/)
* [Migrating to safe Buffer constructors](/en/docs/guides/buffer-constructor-deprecation/)
+* [Diagnostics - User Journey](/en/docs/guides/diagnostics/)
## Node.js core concepts
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