Generic DataScience JupyterLab notebook image.
Here is the list of the main packages included:
Package | Version | Description |
elyra[kfp-tekton] | ~=3.14.1 | Extension for JupyterLab with functionality for KFP |
black | ~=22.12.0 | Python code formatting tool |
boto3 | ~=1.26.41 | AWS SDK for Python |
jupyter-bokeh | ~=3.0.5 | Extension for JupyterLab with Bokeh support |
jupyter-contrib-nbextensions | ~=0.7.0 | Collection of extensions for Jupyter Notebook |
jupyterlab-lsp | ~=3.10.2 | Extension for JupyterLab with language server support |
jupyterlab-tabnine | ~=0.0.24 | Extension for JupyterLab with TabNine code completion |
jupyterlab-widgets | ~=3.0.5 | Extension for JupyterLab with interactive widgets |
kafka-python | ~=2.0.2 | Kafka client for Python |
matplotlib | ~=3.6.3 | Data visualization library for Python |
numpy | ~=1.24.1 | Numerical computing library for Python |
pandas | ~=1.5.3 | Data manipulation and analysis library for Python |
plotly | ~=5.13.0 | Data visualization library for Python |
scikit-learn | ~=1.2.1 | Machine learning library for Python |
scipy | ~=1.10.0 | Scientific computing library for Python |
streamlit | ~=1.17.0 | Library for building data science applications in Python |
Package | Version | Description |
jupyter-resource-usage | ~=0.7.0 | Extension for JupyterLab to monitor resource usage |
jupyter-server-proxy | ~=3.2.2 | Extension for JupyterLab to proxy web applications |
jupyterlab-git | ~=0.41.0 | Extension for JupyterLab with Git integration |
nbdime | ~=3.1.1 | Extension for JupyterLab to compare notebooks |
nbgitpuller | ~=1.1.1 | Extension for JupyterLab to pull notebooks from Git |
NOTE: The version is specified using the ~= operator, which allows the package to be updated within the specified version range as long as the updates are compatible with the other packages in the environment.