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VBA JSON parser v1.6
  • Loading branch information
omegastripes authored Mar 31, 2017
1 parent 81bf1f9 commit 0c61df1
Showing 1 changed file with 382 additions and 0 deletions.
382 changes: 382 additions & 0 deletions JSON.bas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
Attribute VB_Name = "JSON"

' VBA JSON parser, Backus–Naur form JSON parser based on RegEx v1.6
' Copyright (C) 2015-2017 omegastripes
' [email protected]
' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
' (at your option) any later version.
' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' GNU General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
' along with this program. If not, see <>.

Option Explicit

Private sBuffer As String
Private oTokens As Object
Private oRegEx As Object
Private bMatch As Boolean
Private oChunks As Object
Private oHeader As Object
Private aData() As Variant
Private i As Long
Private sDelim As String

Sub Parse(ByVal sSample As String, vJSON As Variant, sState As String)

' Input:
' sSample - source JSON string
' Output:
' vJson - created object or array to be returned as result
' sState - string Object|Array|Error depending on result

sBuffer = sSample
Set oTokens = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With oRegEx ' Patterns based on specification
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = True ' Unspecified True, False, Null accepted
.Pattern = "(?:'[^']*'|""(?:\\""|[^""])*"")(?=\s*[,\:\]\}])" ' Double-quoted string, unspecified quoted string
Tokenize "s"
.Pattern = "[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?(?=\s*[,\]\}])" ' Number, E notation number
Tokenize "d"
.Pattern = "\b(?:true|false|null)(?=\s*[,\]\}])" ' Constants true, false, null
Tokenize "c"
.Pattern = "\b[A-Za-z_]\w*(?=\s*\:)" ' Unspecified non-double-quoted property name accepted
Tokenize "n"
.Pattern = "\s+"
sBuffer = .Replace(sBuffer, "") ' Remove unnecessary spaces
.MultiLine = False
bMatch = False
.Pattern = "<\d+(?:[sn])>\:<\d+[codas]>" ' Object property structure
Tokenize "p"
.Pattern = "\{(?:<\d+p>(?:,<\d+p>)*)?\}" ' Object structure
Tokenize "o"
.Pattern = "\[(?:<\d+[codas]>(?:,<\d+[codas]>)*)?\]" ' Array structure
Tokenize "a"
Loop While bMatch
.Pattern = "^<\d+[oa]>$" ' Top level object structure, unspecified array accepted
If .Test(sBuffer) And oTokens.Exists(sBuffer) Then
sDelim = Mid(1 / 2, 2, 1)
Retrieve sBuffer, vJSON
sState = IIf(IsObject(vJSON), "Object", "Array")
vJSON = Null
sState = "Error"
End If
End With
Set oTokens = Nothing
Set oRegEx = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Tokenize(sType)

Dim aContent() As String
Dim lCopyIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sKey As String

With oRegEx.Execute(sBuffer)
If .Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim aContent(0 To .Count - 1)
lCopyIndex = 1
For i = 0 To .Count - 1
With .Item(i)
sKey = "<" & oTokens.Count & sType & ">"
oTokens(sKey) = .Value
aContent(i) = Mid(sBuffer, lCopyIndex, .FirstIndex - lCopyIndex + 1) & sKey
lCopyIndex = .FirstIndex + .Length + 1
End With
End With
sBuffer = Join(aContent, "") & Mid(sBuffer, lCopyIndex, Len(sBuffer) - lCopyIndex + 1)
bMatch = True

End Sub

Private Sub Retrieve(sTokenKey, vTransfer)

Dim sTokenValue As String
Dim sName As String
Dim vValue As Variant
Dim aTokens() As String
Dim i As Long

sTokenValue = oTokens(sTokenKey)
With oRegEx
.Global = True
Select Case Left(Right(sTokenKey, 2), 1)
Case "o"
Set vTransfer = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<")
For i = 1 To UBound(aTokens)
Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(i), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vTransfer
Case "p"
aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<", 4)
Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(1), ">", 2)(0) & ">", sName
Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(2), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vValue
If IsObject(vValue) Then
Set vTransfer(sName) = vValue
vTransfer(sName) = vValue
End If
Case "a"
aTokens = Split(sTokenValue, "<")
If UBound(aTokens) = 0 Then
vTransfer = Array()
ReDim vTransfer(0 To UBound(aTokens) - 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(aTokens)
Retrieve "<" & Split(aTokens(i), ">", 2)(0) & ">", vValue
If IsObject(vValue) Then
Set vTransfer(i - 1) = vValue
vTransfer(i - 1) = vValue
End If
End If
Case "n"
vTransfer = sTokenValue
Case "s"
vTransfer = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace( _
Mid(sTokenValue, 2, Len(sTokenValue) - 2), _
"\""", """"), _
"\\", "\"), _
"\/", "/"), _
"\b", Chr(8)), _
"\f", Chr(12)), _
"\n", vbLf), _
"\r", vbCr), _
"\t", vbTab)
.Global = False
.Pattern = "\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}"
Do While .Test(vTransfer)
vTransfer = .Replace(vTransfer, ChrW(("&H" & Right(.Execute(vTransfer)(0).Value, 4)) * 1))
Case "d"
vTransfer = CDbl(Replace(sTokenValue, ".", sDelim))
Case "c"
Select Case LCase(sTokenValue)
Case "true"
vTransfer = True
Case "false"
vTransfer = False
Case "null"
vTransfer = Null
End Select
End Select
End With

End Sub

Function Serialize(vJSON As Variant) As String

Set oChunks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
SerializeElement vJSON, ""
Serialize = Join(oChunks.Items(), "")
Set oChunks = Nothing

End Function

Private Sub SerializeElement(vElement As Variant, ByVal sIndent As String)

Dim aKeys() As Variant
Dim i As Long

With oChunks
Select Case VarType(vElement)
Case vbObject
If vElement.Count = 0 Then
.Item(.Count) = "{}"
.Item(.Count) = "{" & vbCrLf
aKeys = vElement.Keys
For i = 0 To UBound(aKeys)
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & vbTab & """" & aKeys(i) & """" & ": "
SerializeElement vElement(aKeys(i)), sIndent & vbTab
If Not (i = UBound(aKeys)) Then .Item(.Count) = ","
.Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & "}"
End If
Case Is >= vbArray
If UBound(vElement) = -1 Then
.Item(.Count) = "[]"
.Item(.Count) = "[" & vbCrLf
For i = 0 To UBound(vElement)
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & vbTab
SerializeElement vElement(i), sIndent & vbTab
If Not (i = UBound(vElement)) Then .Item(.Count) = "," 'sResult = sResult & ","
.Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & "]"
End If
Case vbInteger, vbLong
.Item(.Count) = vElement
Case vbSingle, vbDouble
.Item(.Count) = Replace(vElement, ",", ".")
Case vbNull
.Item(.Count) = "null"
Case vbBoolean
.Item(.Count) = IIf(vElement, "true", "false")
Case Else
.Item(.Count) = """" & _
Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(vElement, _
"\", "\\"), _
"""", "\"""), _
"/", "\/"), _
Chr(8), "\b"), _
Chr(12), "\f"), _
vbLf, "\n"), _
vbCr, "\r"), _
vbTab, "\t") & _
End Select
End With

End Sub

Function ToString(vJSON As Variant) As String

Select Case VarType(vJSON)
Case vbObject, Is >= vbArray
Set oChunks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
ToStringElement vJSON, ""
oChunks.Remove 0
ToString = Join(oChunks.Items(), "")
Set oChunks = Nothing
Case vbNull
ToString = "Null"
Case vbBoolean
ToString = IIf(vJSON, "True", "False")
Case Else
ToString = CStr(vJSON)
End Select

End Function

Private Sub ToStringElement(vElement As Variant, ByVal sIndent As String)

Dim aKeys() As Variant
Dim i As Long

With oChunks
Select Case VarType(vElement)
Case vbObject
If vElement.Count = 0 Then
.Item(.Count) = "''"
.Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
aKeys = vElement.Keys
For i = 0 To UBound(aKeys)
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & aKeys(i) & ": "
ToStringElement vElement(aKeys(i)), sIndent & vbTab
If Not (i = UBound(aKeys)) Then .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
End If
Case Is >= vbArray
If UBound(vElement) = -1 Then
.Item(.Count) = "''"
.Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
For i = 0 To UBound(vElement)
.Item(.Count) = sIndent & i & ": "
ToStringElement vElement(i), sIndent & vbTab
If Not (i = UBound(vElement)) Then .Item(.Count) = vbCrLf
End If
Case vbNull
.Item(.Count) = "Null"
Case vbBoolean
.Item(.Count) = IIf(vElement, "True", "False")
Case Else
.Item(.Count) = CStr(vElement)
End Select
End With

End Sub

Sub ToArray(vJSON As Variant, aRows() As Variant, aHeader() As Variant)

' Input:
' vJSON - Array or Object which contains rows data
' Output:
' aData - 2d array representing JSON data
' aHeader - 1d array of property names

Dim sName As Variant

Set oHeader = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Select Case VarType(vJSON)
Case vbObject
If vJSON.Count > 0 Then
ReDim aData(0 To vJSON.Count - 1, 0 To 0)
oHeader("#") = 0
i = 0
For Each sName In vJSON
aData(i, 0) = "#" & sName
ToArrayElement vJSON(sName), ""
i = i + 1
ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0)
End If
Case Is >= vbArray
If UBound(vJSON) >= 0 Then
ReDim aData(0 To UBound(vJSON), 0 To 0)
For i = 0 To UBound(vJSON)
ToArrayElement vJSON(i), ""
ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0)
End If
Case Else
ReDim aData(0 To 0, 0 To 0)
aData(0, 0) = ToString(vJSON)
End Select
aHeader = oHeader.Keys()
Set oHeader = Nothing
aRows = aData
Erase aData

End Sub

Private Sub ToArrayElement(vElement As Variant, sFieldName As String)

Dim sName As Variant
Dim j As Long

Select Case VarType(vElement)
Case vbObject ' Collection of objects
For Each sName In vElement
ToArrayElement vElement(sName), sFieldName & IIf(sFieldName = "", "", "_") & sName
Case Is >= vbArray ' Collection of arrays
For j = 0 To UBound(vElement)
ToArrayElement vElement(j), sFieldName & IIf(sFieldName = "", "", "_") & "#" & j
Case Else
If Not oHeader.Exists(sFieldName) Then
oHeader(sFieldName) = oHeader.Count
If UBound(aData, 2) < oHeader.Count - 1 Then ReDim Preserve aData(0 To UBound(aData, 1), 0 To oHeader.Count - 1)
End If
j = oHeader(sFieldName)
aData(i, j) = ToString(vElement)
End Select

End Sub

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