Vasilis Matsoukas
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Aristotle University οf Thessaloniki
UBITECH LTD Agrinion, Greece
Massimiliano Donati
Researcher @ Department of Information Engineering - University of Pisa
University of Pisa Pisa, Italy
Foivos Zakkak
Hi! I am Foivos (pronounced [‘fivos]) Zakkak and I am a Software Engineer in Red Hat’s Java platform team working on GraalVM and Mandrel.
Red Hat
Christos Kotselidis
Christos Kotselidis is an Associate Professor at the University of Manchester working on hardware/software co-designed Virtual Machines.
The University of Manchester @beehive-lab UK/Austria/Greece
Juan Fumero
Research Fellow at The University of Manchester (@beehive-lab group). TornadoVM software architect and code contributor.
The University of Manchester