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Brendan Smith bsmithacoustics
PhD candidate at Dalhousie University researching passive acoustic monitoring of hydrothermal vents
Reece_Lu Reece-Lu
M.Eng in Applied Data Science, U. of Victoria. Co-op at Ocean Networks Canada, focusing on software test automation.

University of Victoria Victoria, Canada

Kristen Meyer KristenMeyerONC
Full Stack Intermediate Software Developer with an applied science background
Ben Biffard bbiffard
Director, Observatory Digital Operations, @OceanNetworksCanada
Kan Fu kan-fu
Selenium tester. Math Lover. Biker.

Victoria, Canada

Spencer Plovie spencerwplovie
Scientific Data Associate with a background in combined physics and astronomy.

Ocean Networks Canada

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X