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Ashwin Venkat researchase

Researchase Bengaluru

iooner iooner
🧙‍♂️(board)Member @LgHS 🤘Product Owner - Creative Technologist


Sándor Balázs SandorBalazsHU
I'm a Computer Science MSC Student. My main intrest is creative practical problem solving with IT tools. My favourite topics: C++ and Java programing.


Farkad Adnan FarkadAdnan
I'm Dr. a Tech passionate who is in the chase of awesome projects and interesting tech concepts. I wish to create an impact in the field of computer science.

Algorithms developer at APCO in UAE IRAQ / Basra

Steven Robinett steverobinett
Computer Science Professor

Great Falls College, Montana State University Great Falls, MT



p0lar dpackham
IT Nerd and Dad/GrandDad


Jerdik Jerdikk
Ork from Mordor interested in gamedev and network programming and NLP

hobbiest Mordor

Sandy smiffer67
30+ years in IT. Currently a system admin with the SNHS looking after the LIMS system running on IBMs AIX 7.2. Huge Acorn fan as well as DIY computer building.

SNHS Scotland

SEB seb7bo
Your Daily Coffee Partner
Burale ahmedburale
Software Dev & DA/DS/DE

Education Internet

Mohammed Rashith KP mohammedrashithkp
A passionate mechanical engineering undergraduate pursuing Junior year at prestigious National Institute of Technology

@rignitc Kerala , India

Repair tesla car and also write a little code
James The Giblet TheGiblet
* I code, therefore I am. * Currently debugging reality. * Procrastinating, but in a productive way.

giblets creations bicester

Harry Saputra Kartono hskartono
Software Architect who love to write codes

AMN Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia

Leon Berenschot LeipeLeon Deventer, The Netherlands