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Jakub Miazek grillazz
Bag End Developer 🦶🏼


Gokul gokulyc Python and React Enthusiast


Dmitrii Anfimov danfimov
Backend Developer

@Yandex Belgrade, Serbia

Emmanuel Evbuomwan nosahama

@aiven Berlin, Germany

nagibator_archivator mixa2130
Developer in Fintech company Linux lover ❤️‍🩹

Sber technologies Moscow

Yurii Shykanov dizballanze

Bolt Berlin

Vladislav whiord
Graduated at Moscow State University in Applied Mathematics and Informatics area. System programmer, mathematician and just a good guy.

Yandex Technologies Moscow

Mosquito mosquito

Nebius Netherlands

Emanuele Addis acwazz
Software Developer - DevOps Specialist / Currently employed 🤖

Rome, IT