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Edzuka t-edzuka
A little, humble learner seeking to improve. 💚 Python, Rust, Kotlin, Typescript
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Boris BorisLord
FullStack Develloper


Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
Analista de Segurança da Informação, Software Developer, Programador Software Engineer, Apple Support Professional, Ethical Hacker, CyberSecurity.

Salvador - BA


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Dawid Weglarz Radeox

@Pixel-Web-Agency & @Herolapse Italy

VARUN RAJ SINGH vrsrajawat
MERN Stack Developer |Cohort 3 Student


Kartavya Patel patelka2211
Hello, I am Kartavya Patel. I've made some amazing tools in the field of web development. You can find them in @kpverse.

@kpverse @ArchGemini @NirmaUni Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Zohir Tamda tamdaz
Student in the second year of BTS SIO.


Nishanth Gobi Nishanth-Gobi
I code in the dark. Yup, like in the movies.

PSG College of Technology India

Tạ Quang Khôi TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


Kacper Schwürtz Powerekku
I'm Kacper, 18, just starting out as programmer, interested in making apps in the future, loves metal music.
Engels Tercero like-engels
Persönliche Konto auf Github

Stdout Stdin

Daniele Scasciafratte Mte90
CTO @CodeAtCode, Mozilla Volunteer and ex-WordPress Core Contributor. Open Source Multiversal Guy with an addiction in contributing and evangelism.

Codeat SRLS Rieti, Italy

Wojciech Fiołka Kabanosk
🎓💻 CS Student and ML Engineer

GlobalLogic Wrocław, Poland

Maciej MacioSzekTV
discord: macioch
Štěpán Žák stepanzak
computer user

Czech Republic

Robert Wiley rbtylee
Bodhi Linux lead developer

Bodhi Linux

Phoenix Himself Ph0enixKM
Creator of @amber-lang 💎 Driven by a mission to make technology more human.

@amber-lang Poland, Leszno