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Cris R Madgeniusblink

@MadGeniusblink Earth

Masyhudi Affandi Humdiess
👋 Hi there! I'm Masyhudi Affandi I'm a passionate Web Developer from Sidoarjo, specializing in creating modern and innovative web applications.

SMK Telkom Sidoarjo Sidoarjo, Jawa TImur, Indonesia

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Nathan adams Some1real
rEaLTaLkTraDe Presents.. rEaLTaLkTraDiNg TeChNoLoGiEs and rEaLTaLkToKeN + DeFi Ecosystem coming to XRP Ledger (2025+)

rEaL TaLk TraDeRs United States


Fudan University ShangHai

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

Md. Tausif Hossain tausif1337
Technical Leader - Bridging Business Goals and Technology Excellence.

DevTechguru Narayanganj, Bangladesh

CAO Mingpei caomingpei
Student@PolyU. Studied at CSU, PKU. Interested in blockchain and security.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong SAR

Farokh Pakbaz kratos47mhs

kratos47mhs United States

ashish ashish111333
contributing to OSS.


Kaio Cunha kaiohenricunha
Platform Engineer. Software Engineering student.

Fortaleza, Brazil

Rejo RejoiceMoyo
On a mission to make the digital world cuter, one line of code at a time!
Kibogora Nsoro Kibogora
Software Engineer | Passionate about using AI/ML Interested healthcare, education, environmental protection. Let's code for a better world.

BrainInk Kigali

David Andel madsurgeon

Self employed Zurich, Switzerland

Brian Juul Andersen Brianmanden
Fullstack web developer with 5 years experience. C#/.Net/.NetCore,TypeScript/JavaScript,MSSQL/MongoDB, Angular/Blazor, Umbraco, NodeJs, KeyCloak, LINQ


Alessandro alebldn
Research Fellow in Information Security @ UniBO

Unibo Bologna

RL rlovell3
Python, C, Rust, Crypto/blockchain projects, math libraries. Mostly systems work.
Andrew Gremlich andrewgremlich
Avid software engineer and enthusiastic outdoorsman.


Louis Pahlavi lpahlavi

@dfinity Zürich, Switzerland

Sheldon Dearr oct-sheldon
technologist, humanist, dork and infrastructure/security solution engineer

Octopus Network

Matteo Delucchi matteodelucchi
I like espresso. README:

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW @hirsch-lab Switzerland