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Subhajit Roy subhajitroy005
Electronics Engineer | Science Enthusiast | First-principles Thinker | Natural designer

Flux Auto Bengalore, India

Michael Stanczyk stanczyk4
Electrical Engineer Bradley University '17

Sub-Zero Group, Inc. Madison, WI

Abhishek Rakate abhi75120
B. tech student

kit's college of engineering kolhapur

chery yancaiy

aero acdemice of shenzhen,guangdong,china shenzhen. china

Timur murych
machines create machines

Top Systems Moscow

Syed Mahad Ul Hassan Kazmi Mahadkz
Aspiring to be better

NUST College Of Electrical And Mechanical Engineering Rawalpindi

皇甫仁和 596142041
Samir Gorai samirgorai
Python ,C

jamshepur jharkhand

Mr.incredible code-cpp

Personal Develop Beijing,China

Gediminas Simanskis rusoku
We are driven by the idea of creating innovative solutions that make the lives of engineer's easier.

Rusoku technologijos UAB Vilnius, Lithuania

Colin Chan chenzhenchuan
播种性格 收获命运


xingyunling ambitiousxing

YK new clear beijing

yaofei zheng qwerty258

DELL Technologies Shanghai

Hardware designer in R&D company.