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Jun Mencius JMencius
Department of computational biology at Fudan University

Fudan University Shanghai

Tu Bo vesperlight2
Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Bioinformatics
Bioinformatician at the Genomics & Massive Sequencing service at Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO)


Bernt Popp berntpopp

Berlin Institute of Health @Charité Berlin

Johannes Helmuth your-highness
Bioinformatician in Clinical Diagnostics @LaborBerlin | PhD in Computational Epigenomics | Free Software Enthusiast for Audio Production

@LaborBerlin Berlin

Ryan D. Najac rdnajac

Columbia University New York City

Mesut Unal mesut-unal
Postdoctoral Fellow at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Genomic Medicine Department. Previously a member of UT Austin ATLAS experiment team at CERN.

INRAE Clermont-Ferrand


Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica Barcelona

Yang Liu liuyang2006
Research Scientist Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Keck School of Medicine of USC University of Southern California

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

Greg Farnum gregfar

University of Michigan

atongsa atongsa
languages shape the way we think
Flavia Araujo frba

Concordia University Montreal, Canada

Alex AlexanderHMM

Innsbruck, Austria

Marlene_Gallet marlenegallet
phD working as a cytogeneticist (diagnosis) since 11 years, Starting bio-informatic training to find a new job in Europe


Ji-Dung Luo adamjdluo
Postdoctoral Fellow of The Jun-An Chen Lab, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Academia Sinica Taiwan

Zhang Yuanfeng YuanfengZhang
Do everything just for inner peace and happiness.

CAMS Beijing, Mainland China

Delmotte_Jean propan2one
Hi, I'm a scientist interested in host and pathogen coevolution 🔬, genetic and genomic diversity 📈

@Ifremer @umontpellier france


Student / Self-employed France