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Mildly Offensive Defense gmmOs
| notes to remember && take inspiration | my keys here are only illustrations of ideas | verify links and scripts before run | take nothing for granted |
Pradeepch99 pradeepch99
Penetration Tester, Bug bounty hunter.
Jrb Outs1d3r-Net
Just a technician...
DiabloNova DiabloNova
AKA EP_X0FF Developer of: CsrWalker Process Walker Rootkit Unhooker RkU (MBR check at SCSI level for Mebroot) and etc ... !
Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Robert Thomas rothoma2
Cyber Security Architect in the Netherlands brewing code and drawing outside the lines.


STeve@VInay STeveVInay
i'm a computer guy, interested in computer programming and computer security
Jumbo Jumbo-WJB
